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Posts posted by frontporchmom

  1. Years ago (at least 15) I knew a hairdresser in Austell that had 2 young girls who kept it constantly. I mean months on end.

    They would go to their dads and he and his new wife would have to de-lice them and treat/throw away any and every thing they brought with them. They were clean when they went back to their moms, but not for long because she wouldn't treat her own home.

    The dad tried to have something done, but no sucess. The girls are about grown now so I am sure they are able to take care of themselves. Let's hope they don't inherit their mothers bad/nasty habits.

  2. Love me some Otis Redding! I can still remember where I was when I heard on the radio that his plane had crashed.

    Every time I hear the song "Handy Man" by James Taylor it gets stuck in my head for days. Don't know why.

    I love Otis and I love, love, love "Handy Man" by James Taylor.


    I have had "Chevy Van" by Sammy Johns, in my head for more than a week. I love that song. My niece made me a cd with lots of great songs on it and this was one of them.

  3. I thought that they were allowed at a certain point on most flights anyway. I was told take-off and landing was a no-no, but otherwise, no big deal. Good thing I forgot to turn mine back on last flight I took.

    I recently flew with Delta and after takeoff, the airline attendants told everyone they could use their phones/laptops/ipods and such. They said to please turn them off right before we started to land.

  4. I don't know if that is standard or not, but in the years past some high schools don't accept pictures for the year book if the photo is not from the photographer the school hires.

    You might want to check, if these are the only pictures you are having made of your son.

  5. On our way in to lunch!


    Todays special



    The dining area was beautiful!


    The food was wonderful, just ask this p.com grandmother and grandaughters.

    I had lunch here today with my cousin. We were there when this p.com grandmother and her grandaughters were there :) I didn't know I was in the presence of a pcommer :D


    I had the half and half......Potato soup and chicken salad with fresh fruit and it was wonderful. I even ordered a piece of key lime cheesecake :wub: . We had a pot of Peach tea that was so good.


    The prices were good and the food was great and I loved the decor. The owner and her family were very nice. We will be going back!

  6. Yep. 2 weeks ago on I-20 E. around Lee rd. a mercedes driver flew up on the driver in the fast lane, which the fast lane driver was going at least 75 cause I was going around 70, and less than a mile up the road, the GSP had him pulled over in the center median giving him a ticket :D :D :D


    It made me want to honk my horn and wave as I went by.

  7. I think I am set when it comes to bread and milk following the last two. I'll believe it when I am stuck at home and REALLY can't get out. I am so tired of the snows that never happen!


    I do have one question though.

    Why the heck does every news station run hours and hours of reporting about the weather problems that COULD have happened?

    It's over. The problems DIDN'T happen. Now tell me some real news!! GRRRR!

    I agree, they say the same thing over and over and over. I have to turn the channel.

  8. Someone didn't follow the '1 -- 2 -- 3 -- ME!' Rule. At least that is what I call it. Whenever I get to a stop sign, I count the cars that get to go first. 4 cars at a stop sign when I pull up, then I go after the third car. As I taught my kids, I always said, "1--2--3--ME!" to remind them. I hear them do it sometimes. That cracks me up, but it works.


    Usually people think if they tapped their brakes, they get to go no matter who is legally allowed to go. Stop signs are not a suggestion, and the one who hits the gas first (without the right of way) is not the winner. They tend to be the crasher, and sometimes the killer.

    :D I love this. I don't count out loud 1--2--3--ME! but I do count it off in my head and pay attention to the ones that arrive before me and after me. You know, the ones after me, that try to zooooom through like it's not my turn <_<

  9. :( I am so sorry to hear this. She is my nieces favorite teacher. She and her friends love her so much and were giving her a baby shower friday night, they were hoping and praying that baby Claire would be strong enough to make it. I am so sorry :(
  10. My middle son was pulled over, yanked out of his car, and arrested for "laying drag" on Barrett Parkway. Of course my son's side of the story was one of complete innocence. The night in jail, cost of a lawyer, and then the consequences that come from a conviction of wreckless driving were enough to finally set him straight on his irresponsible driving. I owe my son's life to the Cobb County police officer that helped him see the error of his ways. If not for him, my son would have surely killed himself or another driver.

    Good post, and I love the pup in your avatar :)

  11. I know it's late, but if you haven't gotten your flu shots yet ad still want them,


    Kroger had an ad in Sunday's AJC Metro section with several locations where they are having flu shots from 10am-4pm for $15. Walk-in or by appointment (# below)


    The Ridge Road Kroger (770-949-2661) at Dallas Nebo Road is on the 15th and the one on Nathan Dean Blvd. in Dallas (770-443-8776) is on the 18th.

    Thank you for this :) I haven't got my flu shot yet and I am going by tomorrow.

    does the flu shot make you sick???? I don't need nor can I afford to get sick.

    I have had a flu shot for the last 4 years and so has my hubby and kids and it has never made us sick.

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