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Everything posted by BikerDave

  1. Law enforcement officers need to show professionalism at all times and weed out the bad apples. When a police officer is courteous and conducts himself accordingly, I have a great deal of respect for them and would assist them if ever needed. However when a law enforcement officer abuses the authority they have been sworn to uphold to high standards, it fills me with disgust. The bad apples with a bad attitude that hide behind the badge and think that rules and discipline do not apply to them need to be discharged, fired, or better yet taught some manners and respect for their fellow citizens.
  2. The slippery slope.... you are ok with limiting magazine caopacity. your missing the point. If we cave on magazine capacity what will they want to take next. The second amendment is the line in the sand against a corrupt government. Any one who is willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve niether.
  3. Try ARMSLIST dot com I think you will like it.
  4. Having served in the Navy I can tell you that this is a very tough school to complete. The drop out rate is very high, above 70%, but if your son is disciplined and focused the rewards and bonuses can be very good not to mention the long term job prospects with nuclear power plants. The "Nuke" program is a minimum six year commitment not four as stated in previous post. The first two years are school heavy in math, electronics,physics,operating systems,etc, this was not my specific rating but knew people who served in the nuclear ratings.Hope this helped a bit
  5. Not my fault that you choose to be uninformed.
  6. I bet that you have an Obama sticker on your vehicle, how do you like the"change" as our country is being flushed down the toilet with liberalism and socialism and no personal accountability. I bet you think illegal immigration is ok too. You don't see Obama stickers on the cars of people who are going to WORK.
  7. Well you said it , you have not been here long, surepip posts good information and has no "agenda" he is simply fed up with dishonest officials who waste our tax money and make poor decisions for our county.
  8. You should listen to them because they are in the "know" and they back their statements with facts! Jerry and his crooks and thieves are something we have had too much of in this county. Property taxes are higher here in Paulding than they are in Cobb because of run away spending. I am very thankful for people of caliber like Todd Pownall who stood up to them and questioned their back door tactics.
  9. You obviously don't know or understand anything about Steve Golden. He claims to be a christian but I have serious reservations about that. Have you ever met someone who would sale their grandma a rocking chair? I don't want any public official using my tax dollars with credentials like his.
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