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Posts posted by wheels

  1. you might get more replies if you move this out of the religious forum....


    I clean mine with wood floor cleaner, either mop and glo or murphys.

    I know I messed up. I asked them to move it and they did. Sorry new at this. I realy need highdirt control.

  2. Granted, I have neglectied (sp) mine. but they look like..bad. What do you all use to clean them? I don't mind scooting on my butt to clean if that is what it takes. Tonight I used cleaner, Mr clean sponge and paper towels and they are still dirty. Please no judgemet just help.

  3. I sure wish I was doing that well in calculus. That subject is killing me.


    I say he will do well on some tests, maybe not so well on others. I just hope he understands how important it is to keep ALL of his grades up.


    Tell him we said Good Luck!

    I hope he does good also. I think he will.

  4. Yes ... looks like taxes are about 50% less than where I live in CT .... And I'm assuming Paulding taxes are less than Cobb County?

    Where in Ct are you coming from?? I am from fairfield. As far as taxes. the mill rate is higher then Cobb.

  5. Wait until your grandchild goes to Middle School. It is killing me!

    I can't wait till the older ones have kids. My oldest is getting married in May. But they say it will be another 5 years!! Ugh....

  6. Why isn't all the stuff parents have to buy for college tax exempt?


    now there is the dorm refrigerator, the Gatorade, bottled water, snacks for crying out loud,

    all the supplies that go into a lunch box,

    the trash can & bags, the hooks to hang items on, the extended cable cord :lol: , the multi plug extension cords, :blink: the rug for the cold floor, the razor's, bars of soap, toothbrushes & paste, towels, washcloths, sheets, etccc......


    I KNOW I'm forgetting some items. ;)

    I know what you mean I bought a dorm refrigerator today and it wasn't tax exempt. Not energy effiecient. I was pissed. It was not the $7.00 in tax that I did not save but the principal.

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