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Posts posted by wheels

  1. Anytime you need a substitute kid, let me know. Please. I don't mind. I'm begging. Really. It is not a problem.

    That is funny.... Ever since my son left I have been dotting on her. The problem is she is never home. But when she is it is all her favorite things and food.

  2. Yeah it was ,actually! Wasn't a lady murdered there? It sat upon that hill caddy cornered to the school. Did you live in Hollydale?


    I lived right down the street from that house. One day one of the neighbor kids strayed away and we were looking for him. The first place we went to was that vacant house. The pool was black and had no fence. We got in touch with the health dept. etc.. then finally the son. He told us his parents had built a house in North Ga. and he was suppose to be taking care of this one. We couldn't figure out why someone would just let a house go like that. Maybe he didn't want to tell us the truth.

  3. Oh yeah, I remember having tumbling classes down that back kidergarden hall. They would lay out mats all down the hall and we would roll.


    The gym was enclosed when I was in 4th grade,I think. The doors were like huge garage doors so that they could open when there was nice weather.


    Does anybody remember the house across the street on the corner where a lady was killed by her husband. That always freaked me out.


    Was that the house with the inground pool? I was always told that the parents moved to North Ga. and the son ws taking care of the house. WE called the health dept. on them.

  4. From what I have been told... Ingles is going on the southeast corner of Dallas-Nebo and Nebo. The homes(200+ of them) are backing up to Creekside. The town homes are going near the school. There was a meeting at the Chamber today to talk about the homes. I don't know the out come.

  5. The former car lot at the corner of 92 and Dallas hwy has a tree lot, and they have tons of trees, they should offer good deals on those considering how many they need to get rid of.


    My neighbor got her'e there on Sat. It is beautiful. It is full a little over 10 feet tall and she paid $175.00 for it. She said they had a lot of nice ones.

  6. Kroger rents videos???? I swear I'm not hijacking but I didn't know that they did. :unsure:


    They have a video box. Only a $1.00 a day. And yes they have all the new releases. I am sure it will give Block Buster a run for their money.

  7. I would love for all the effort that goes in to slamming smokers, were used on all the drunks and alcoholics.


    That would make such a difference.


    I would like to see the beer and Liquor taxes tripled or quadruped.

    P.S. I don't smoke and do drink slightly from time to time....


    Drunks and drinking ruins more lives than smoking


    Let’s get ride of liquor or tax the heck out of it so the drinkers pay for the damage they do.


    I agree, Last Sat. a drunk driver crashed into my daughter. Thank God she wasn't hurt to bad. I believe if you drink have a designated driver or stay home.

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