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Posts posted by wheels

  1. hey now...i let my girls ( one 6..one 15 ) change my oil....i stupidvise though

    im hoping they will just stay single...grrr



    I changed the oil once... I was 7+ monthes pregnant. He just got out of the hospital for back surgery and we were going on a trip(againest doctors orders) and he wanted it changed. Instead of bringing it in some place, I did it. Well, I was under the car and the baby shifted. I was stuck. My neigbor saw me and jacked up the car to get me out. Then he finished the job. Talk about embarresing.

  2. Hubby came through at 6:50 and nothing was there...He went through a little after 7 and called for me to check the "busy body" site....Thank you all for keeping him up to date.


    prayers for those involved.


    My daughter called about it. She was stuck in the traffic. She asked me to check on here for an update. She was rerouted but said it looked so bad. I tried to get on earlier but my computer was messing up. Just pray for all of them.

  3. Well, 2 blew it and are on their own. We help very little but do have hope. (which really only helps a little). Long story.... you know want to get out in the real world, ect,, but they are doing well and finishing their degrees full time at night. But it is expense of. I am not working but looking.

    Right now I have to go help the huppy in the freezer. We are defrostin it. The refrig and freezer went out tonight. Third time since last Novemder.

  4. No , All 4 of my kids said that was party central. It is a high callenge to southern. Yes, I have 3 in college and next year it will be 4. My son's really only complaint about his school is that is a tech school and it is 85% guys.

  5. My husband took our son back to college today and my son walked in and said... yep smells like a dorm. When he told me I was, you mean sweat? That is not what he was talking about. Finally I figured it out(but much later). He laughed at me. Sometimes......

    No it was not coming from my son's room.

  6. I grieve for all these families. My son on Father's day smashed his motorcycle. He was lucky , he is alive. It was touch and go for awhile but he is recovering. He left my house and we all gave him the be careful, call me when you get home, etc. then we got a call less then 20 minutes later. That week-end at Kennastone there was an unbelievable amout of patients from motorcycle accidents. Now when I see a motorcycle I cross myself for them.

    Needless to say his bike is still in my garage and I really want to take a sledge hammer to it!

  7. My kids have always trickor treated. It is part of being a kid. As a child I did too. I went to A Catholic school and we even got the next day off for all saints day,the convent and the rectory even gave out candy. Kids love to come to my house. I am known as the house that gives out full size candy bars. I hear the comments as they come closer to the house.

  8. We also didnt tell her dad about all 3 dress! lol!


    That is funny. I spent $500.00 on between my daughter's dress shoes, gloves, hair etc... Well, My daughter asked if her father was going to think it was too much money. My answer was don't say a word, just try it on for him.... she did and I swear I saw tears in my husbands eyes. He never did ask the price.

  9. I didn't smoke with my last two kids. I was told it was bad for the baby and that was enough for me. The funny thing is that I started right back up. Yes, I know it is bad for me too, but it never mattered. I even asked my docter about the shot and he does not recommend it. God if I quit I would save so much money.

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