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Posts posted by wheels

  1. Creative one, are you thinking of Shillings? "cause it's a really good place too!

    If you sit upstairs by the window , it has a nice view. I haven't been there in a long time but it was good.Back then Dave Reardon owned it. He also owned the Italion Rest. on Whitlock that was also good.


    Many have heard, but not everyone knows around this time last year, Jan. 15th, we lost a friend, son, brother, a teenager Stan White. We are now in more rememberance of him now that it is been a year. Friends and Family are wanting to make custom t-shirts in rememberance of Stan White. We are having trouble finding then at a resonable price. If you have any recommendations, please help us.


    Thanks so much for all your help and sympathy. Wheels Daughter.

  3. You are not wrong for thinking that, but guys like to watch football when it's happening. I can't wait for Tech Monday. Hubby and I will watch the Georgia game tonight. (until he falls asleep and I will turn the channel. LOL)

    Hubby and son are watching that right now.

  4. Hubby is watching football again!!! Tomorrow night we are going to a party and I am sure football will be on. Then Monday we have another party to attend. Yes, there is more football on. When do we stop the madness?? I say tape the games. Am I wrong?

  5. I remember my daughter's day with her father. It was a girl scout affair. they both have fond memories of that. For Christmas this year she bought him a teddy bear that sings butterfly kisses. She is 17. And will always be daddy's girl.

  6. 1. Making bead jewelry.

    2. Buying beads.

    3. Reading bead magazines.

    4. Occasionally I will cycle off beading and do silk flower arrangements.

    5. P.com

    6. Research using the Internet.


    Now, all I need to do is figure out how to do one of the above and make money at it. :lol:


    Me too! I need some lessons to get better. But there are no candle making classes around here.

  7. I make candles too and scrapbook....BUT, I don't have much time to do either anymore...and when I do have time, I"m too tired :(


    What kind of candles do you make? I made a marbelized pillar and a short pillar today.

  8. I am Wheels daughter. I am looking for a program where i can take a kid shopping. i really want to be able to meet this kid and go out with them and buy them things. My mom is giving my $100 and i'll goto the bank and get some of my own money out. Is there any programs that will let me do this?

    If yaw know of any, please let me know.

    Thanks, Wheels daughter

  9. I think I remember that. Was that the newer part,like the cedar style homes? I do remember a house burning down real close to Christmas that was due to a Christmas tree catching fire.

    Who,Darrell????? He was very well known. That's all I'm saying.


    I remember now the mom's name was Ruby. A very sweet women. The fire was on the left part of the house. It was cedar in front. Fenced in yard. I just remembered the neighors name was Ruby( I think Parker was the last name. Swet people.

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