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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. With Traditionalists dying off this country is, indeed, making changes. We might even call it reverse racism, but that is not what it is. Even though apples don't fall far from the trees they do tend to bounce, and maybe even roll a good distance. Then the new trees gradually generate more bouncing, and rolling apples. In other words that is evolution just like you see in every other living thing. Some people still like tradition because they think they know what to expect. But, following tradition while ignoring the cause and effect, which historians try to warn us about, is dangero
  2. The chart below shows what is happening to our society. Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995. Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976. Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964. Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.
  3. The redder they are the better. Lycopene and carotene, are the two substances that help them turn red. Red tomatoes are better for you. Green tomatoes have the most acidic tart flavor.
  4. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201301/living-lie Yes, you are just a little bit smarter than most people. Funnier, too. And while we’re at it, more appealing. Your strengths are writ large, and your flaws are, well, minimal. Your successes are hard-earned. Failures? Most are the result of sheer bad luck. Fooling yourself can have devastating consequences, especially in the domains of money, career, sexual identity and relationships. Meet four people who fought their way to an authentic life. I CLIMBED THE STATUE OF LIBERTY * BUT NOT REALLY.
  5. Sense I'm white it might be good for me that all the snowflakes don't melt. I want to keep on evolving.
  6. You don't know the difference in EMF and voltage G D! That's because your brain isn't wired to handle that amount of drop.
  7. Yes, like you said, G D! But, coming from a very small portion of your brain.
  8. Pubby is smarter than you think G D! He uses more than his amygdala in making decisions. Of course, you have no idea what the political left thinks! The capacity to get your thought process passed your amygdala is not very well established with conservatives.
  9. Even left wing politicians, in Norway, would pass for Donald Trumps relative, COWA! Meet Carl Hagen Left wing political leader in Norway!
  10. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, G D! You are talking about the tree, and I'm talking about the apple. People have a lot of the same characteristics of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, so on and so forth.
  11. No, G D, Conservatives still use it today. Democrats left their party. If you know anything about history you know that. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant event in converting the Deep South to the Republican Party; in that year most Senatorial Republicans supported the Act (most of the opposition came from Southern Democrats). Those Democrats are now Republicans. In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.
  12. Some people are indeed privileged characters. They expect to get what they get because they know rich people empathize with their own race. They are fooled by their own expectations in a lot of cases, though! President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
  13. The same kind of bull chit that Jim Crow used to excrete. It's just Jim Crows's off springs doing the excreting. Jim Crow of springs are sneakier, and not as blunt, as the older Jim Crow was.
  14. I think race has a lot to do with that. Trump wants more Scandinavian immigrants to come here.
  15. Conservatives on this board would all look like Donald Trump, with a wussy in his hand, if they posted their real pictures.
  16. Sense a picture is worth a thousand words let me show you a picture. Some people actually don't know what work really is. Have you ever wondered how much less work someone else does as compared to the work you do? Well there just happens to be a math formula to help you figure it out. Work = Force X Distance The amount of force used times the distance something is moved is how much work you have done. If someone who has sat on their a$$ most of the day, and maybe got up to walk around a little, tells you that your work was slow, not enough, or crap
  17. Jamie, Here's a conservative squirrel. Do you have your green card, ABR?
  18. Living with conservatives, and sitting idly by while they steal from the citizenship and give it to the rich, is two different things, G D! I know you call it work for the money, but work is actually using your hands instead of your mouth. Whenever 'work' is done energy is transferred from one place to another. The amount of work done is expressed in the equation: work done = force xdistance. Power is a measure of how quickly work is being done. Power is expressed in the equation: power = work done / time taken.
  19. I like to be seen as "just that ignorant", by hard nosed conservative like yourself G D!
  20. Confederate's were the kind of conservatives you see, today. They still think the word conservative means taking advantage of others. If they could buy slaves they would. Nevertheless, they are good at getting other people to do what they want them to do! They like to be able to have someone to lay the blame on, if something goes wrong. But, the less effort they can put into a situation where manual labor is required the better. They just love loyalty to their cause. The better "yes man" you are the more they love you. They really don't like cheaper laborers, because they don't trust thei
  21. WTP, "I’m oppressed because you’re still yapping." The truth hurts some of us bout that cross dressing SOB, WhatsthePoint! He had the people here in Georgia fooled so bad that they thought the Confederates were winning, until Sherman burned hell out of a lot of Georgia reai-estate. Then they told Sherman they would forgive him for is his desolation of Georgia if he would show South Carolina more severe punishment.
  22. I know enough to know he flung tables and chairs where the money changers were sitting, after showing his disgust by riding in on a jackass. I know he wouldn't let a rich man follow him unless he left all his worldly goods behind. I've never been drunk enough to vote for a wussy grabbing rich man to represent myself and my family, in this country.
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