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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. If I kept with the tone, around here, G D, I'd have to act like a right-wing conservative, and be a Southern Baptist, or a Southern Redneck.
  2. Get the heck away from insurance that any employer has anything to do with.. That's what it means, Lo! .
  3. You sound offended, G D! Well, after all the topic says, I wonder how long this will last before someone gets offended! .
  4. Some Christian's are actually just God Dang Fools. I am not going to specify, because specifying is slanderous to God Dang Fools.
  5. You knew I was the man Pudding Pie, when you saw me in Home Depot. years ago.
  6. I want to rub it on your neck Lo! You won't believe how soft it is. The conditioner I use makes it feel so fluffy. But I also put coconut oil in it, and rub it in.
  7. Cops shouldn't kill anyone who runs. And, they aim for people's hearts. Here in Atlanta Georgia there was a naked man that was shot dead, for running naked. He had to be sick, or delirious. Gops should not be Judge, Jury, And Executioner, on the street.
  8. It's better than standing there while they choke you to death, or getting down on the ground while they stop you from breathing, and kicking you in the head. I rather take my chances running. I'm not talking about all cops, but listen to what some of them do to people. .
  9. T T is right. How else has the wealth gone to the top 1% over the years? http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrBT81DagdWKXcAnc1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYjByaDVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDQjA4NTRfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1443355331/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fgabriel-zucman.eu%2ffiles%2fSaezZucman2014Slides.pdf/RK=0/RS=02peZG7_9Q3DUPUc.Pv7vKYTGS4-
  10. I use Kaiser Permanente, C C! But, my doctor is withing 2 miles of me. You may have to drive a little, but they are good. I like it because I can e-mail my doctor any time I wish, and get a response on a timely bases. http://r.search.yahoo.com/cbclk2/dWU9QzQ0RUFDMTlEMUU4NDRFMiZ1dD0xNDQzMzA4MDQ4NjM5JnVvPTQ2NzEyMTU3ODQmbHQ9MiZqZT03ZWY3MzJjNC02NGExLTExZTUtYWI2ZS1hYjQwMTE1ZTg1ZjctN2YzMjg0ZWE0NzAwJnVpPTI2MDE6Y2Q6YzMwMDplNzQ3OmExN2U6NmZiZDphNDZhOjE5MTUmanQ9MTQ0MzMwODA0ODczMCZwcD1uMQ--/RV=2/RE=1443336849/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2f1209387.r.msn.com%2f%3fld%3dd3ZEeIdcLbZz7LuTmynK9w8jVUCUwuNOLR
  11. Billy Spurgeon 19 hrs · When Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago the Grand mansion and estate In Palm beach, Florida he got into a dispute with the city, who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations. Trump put up a 50 foot flag pole even though 30 foot is the maximum allowed. The city imposed a 1,000 dollar fine per day. While Trump and the city argued back and forth, finally when the fine had reached 120,000 dollars Trump proposed a solution. He would donate that amount to veterans organizations, would move the flag and pole to a different location in front of the mansion
  12. People are moving to other insurance plans anyway, here in Georgia. 5 States Where Obamacare's Platinum Plan Is the Most Popular http://www.fool.com/how-to-invest/personal-finance/2015/09/20/5-states-where-obamacares-platinum-plan-is-the-mos.aspx#ixzz3msVHa0Jq
  13. My Great Grandson is now a Young Marine. Shown in the picture below is Private Wilson, his great grandmother on his fathers side, and me his great grandfather on his mothers side. Just Private Wilson, and I!
  14. State ethics laws stopped being a problem to ALEC, Pubby, when Gov.Deal got rid of State Ethics Commissioner Stacy Kalberman last year, at a cost of $700,000 of tax payer funds. .http://www.peachpundit.com/2014/04/05/kalberman-receives-700000-verdict/
  15. If there were not so many back shooters less people would die running from the cops.
  16. I trust in God, myself, but I find it offensive when someone thinks they are a soldier, and tries to force me into sharing their belief's, E Z! Cops can trust in God all they want, but they should be careful how they use force.
  17. The reason I'm fine is that my Granddaughter built me up. Beauty is only skin deep, Katy! You have the physical part covered. But, it's what's in your heart that Paw-Paw loves about you.
  18. A farmer named Clyde had a tractor accident. In court, the trucking company's fancy hot shot lawyer, was questioning Clyde. "Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine,'?" asked the lawyer. Clyde responded, "Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite cow, Bessie, into the..." "I didn't ask for any details", the lawyer interrupted. "Just answer the question, ...please. Did you, or did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?" Clyde said, "Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer behind the tractor and I was driving down the road
  19. One cannot force men to do anything. They choose to be human beings, or swine, by their own decision. You can hold a gun on a man, and make him give you his wallet, but you have not changed his mind, but only for a short time.
  20. He doesn't take care of his teeth, momof 3! He looks like he is hiding them. He had better keep them hid though, because somebody will knock them out.
  21. God doesn't have an army. He doesn't need one. I trust in God, but I don't use a sword, or a gun, and not even a word to enforce God. He does the enforcing himself. God heals our wounds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxEdUe2jhCk
  22. I can't imagine the stupidity of the kid who was beating on the blind kid. I'm afraid I would have done the same thing the football player did, TJB. .
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