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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. No, if watch the ENTIRE video at the 38:45 mark it becomes the Patti Smith show and she proceeds to make it nothing more than a vicious rant and attack against our elected officials. She is doing nothing more than self promoting both herself and her website. She is a true EMBARRASSMENT!


    Is she Paulding Patty on here?

  2. It is an important topic and there is something going on. For instance, Puckett hosted the Chamber Public Service luncheon. I had been fed some rumors several months ago regarding Clarks future and ... in regard to Clark's future in Paulding, it is relatively well known that he's become crossways with the Austin brothers (Commission Chair and Dallas Mayor.) If memory serves, Sam backed the person challenging David Austin in the 2012 primary ... and David won re-election.


    I figure the reason that Sam backed Austin's opponent is that Austin had probably told Sam that his days were numbered so Sam had little to lose.


    The county, which had gone through some tough times financially cutting budgets, etc. had a legacy deal with Clark's ambulance that provided it assistance and the long and short was the county was unhappy about that and sought to curtail the subsidy.


    To Sam's credit, the deal he did with the county was, what the Chinese would call, inscrutable and difficult to decipher. He and the county have been going round and round literally for years.


    The local politicians, because they typically provide a subsidy to the private ambulance service, like to control the money they spend and prefer to spend it with their friends as a general rule. For instance, we know that there was an effort to separate Sam from the service during the eight years of the Shearin administration. Now we're in the sixth year of an Austin administration and predictably, there is another effort to move that chunk of county business to a 'friend' as opposed to the guy who's been doing it. To start an analogy, there was a political card game then and Sam won.


    Heck, the ambulance service before Clark's was solid as could be until there was a federal case involving improper charges to medicare or medicaid that cost them the business and opened the door for Clarks.


    Bottom line ... it is difficult to fight city hall and politics has always been a case of rewarding friends and punishing 'enemies.'


    Now I've known Sam for decades and we've talked off the record ... must be eight to ten months ago and he acknowledged there was a conflict but he didn't want to talk about it publicly.


    I assured him if he wanted to go on the record he could call on me. He hasn't called so I figure he is negotiating as best he can and more conversation about it may be hurtful to his position.


    I've also heard - second hand of course - about the Metro involvement with Clarks ambulance but really can't confirm it or deny it.


    I do sense that the local powers that be are leaning toward Puckett's (as opposed to Metro) and lacking a criminal investigation - yes there was a rumor - Clarks or Clarks+Metro do have the region one assignment for Paulding. The decision of which company has the assignment is lodged in the Dept. Health region out of Rome and the commissioner and Mayor are not the direct decision makers.


    What you're hearing about are behind the scenes reports by people who may or may not have the complete story. I certainly don't have the complete story and I don't know that any one of the protagonists in this drama actually have the complete story. However, the real danger is you might confuse the real story with the story coming from one side or another and in fact, there may be three sides in play.


    It may help to think of this as a game of seven card stud. The business is the pot and all the players would like to win the pot. The last card may have been played face down and the betting is getting intense even though the cards showing don't appear to be winning hands - none of them.


    And, to top it off, none of the players are sharing their hole cards with us bystanders.


    All we know is that they would all like the opportunity to serve the people of Paulding. They've been dealt a hand; they're playing the hand dealt and one will win. That's the way I see it, anyway.





    HuH???? You write to much when you post and I am like "SQUIRREL" when I read it :blush: :blink:

    • Like 1
  3. If you must know, I do indeed know who my commissioner is, and he and Mr. Austin have heard from me on several issues. RE: my taxes - well, I'll explain it this way. My brother lives in Johnson City, TN. His house is worth three times what my house is worth. He lives in the city limits, so he pays two sets of taxes. He does not have ad valorem tax on cars (which we don't now either, but I still do till I sell my car), and he has no state income tax. His local sales tax is 9.75% (it could be 9.5%, but I think it's 9.75%); ours is 7%. He lives in a more modern/improved area than I do, and has more amenities than I do. His combined property taxes are about 2/3 what mine are. So YES, I think my property taxes are too high.



    Mr. Austin is the Chairman Commissioner. You have a Post District commissioner.



    Shaking my head at your Tennessee comparison on your taxes.... :blink:

  4. I understand what he posted, and I do understand it has to be run like a business. And I still say my taxes are too high. However, if the county government leaders had showed some restraint and honesty previously, I might be a little more inclined to listen to what they have to say. As in, oh you HAVE to vote for the SPLOST or your taxes will go up. Then the VERY NEXT DAY after the SPLOST passed, they raised taxes anyway because "oops, we found an error". Other examples too numerous to go into here as well. When they start acting like responsible leaders, I will start treating them like responsible leaders. Until such time, I will continue to say NO.



    How involved are you in speaking, emailing your commissioner? Do you even know who your commissioner is in your district? :pardon:


    How are your takes to high? What should your taxes be?

  5. Today, yes today around 2:20 PM...it was interesting in downtown Dallas...now with that said let me offer some comments on previous threads. Mr. Clark, owns ambulance service, and funeral home...conflict of interest. I thought I would keep going but my point is in this general area. Some have been right hateful, and I understand, there is just so much money that he is making, that somene else wants it. So, the others get together and want to run against him, which is OK here in the US..


    Now, you have been waiting on what happened at 2:20pm...Dallas Police stopped everyone at the red light downtown, to waive and stop traffic for funeral precession. Which I always stop anyway...the hearse from Eberhart comes through the light, and the 2nd vehicle behind is a pick up truck with political signs...Vote for Jeff Eberhart for Coroner.


    Ok, with respect to the deceased, my point being, what is the difference. Mr. Clark, owns a funeral home and so does Mr. Eberhart. Mr. Eberhart can do what he wants in his processions but I might have changed this one today, not to include political signs preceeded by my hearse. I am sure that someone will come up with some remark, that hey this is OK...trust me I was shocked. This Tues it will be over, and yep, we will wait another four years.



    Are you kidding me?

  6. ]

    When government earmarks money it can not be spent on anything else. The original idea of this was to appropriate funds for needed projects and not allow them to be diverted to pet projects as politicians came and went.

    The city of Dallas did not create that, and that money could never be used for anything else if it sat there a 100 years.


    Plus the City of Dallas has nothing to do with the Paulding County Board of Commissioners. The Commissioners have absolutley NO say so in the spending of the City of Dallas and Hiram....


    Also, the Paulding Board of Commissioners is a different governing authority that the Paulding County Board of Education. The county collects the taxes and sends the Board of Education almost 75% of your tax bill. The Commissioners have absolutley NO say so in the purchasing of books for students.


    Librarys were built with SPLOST which the taxpayers of Paulding County voted YES on.


    And you call things like this Wasteful and Extravegent spending....OMG find something more useful, senseable and pertinent to complain about.

    • Like 1
  7. all the lovely traffic (congestion) look at 278 on friday. the court house is a

    joke now they need a red light beside it, i go that way on the way home all the cars

    that leave from there will just about run over you plus the ones that go straight across.

    (congestion). i remember when paulding co was a nice quite county.( not anymore)


    Thats a state highway, Georgia DOT. He is a county commissioner. And people leaving from work is Austin's fault....find something else to complain about.

  8. Let's see if I've got this straight:


    • While Chairman of the Paulding County Board of Commissioners, Bill Carruth used his inside knowledge of plans to build the "Bill Carruth Parkway" to have his father in-law buy up property on Egg Farm Rd at a fraction of the price of what it would ultimately be worth? He basically used his position to profiteer on the county's business?
    • He defaulted on a $2.1M loan that the FDIC is now suing him in order to try to recover?
    • He tried to pull a fast one by claiming that he lives in a $100K home inside District 31 instead of his million dollar mansion which is outside Ditrict 31 and he hopes that the residences of the district won't notice or won't mind because he's a "Paulding County Boy"?
    • Pubby thinks that we should ignore all of this because he doesn't like Heath?






    Travis Tritt was a partner in that transaction as well.

  9. May I point you to a discussion on PCom almost exactly 4 years ago on this same general topic?




    David Austin promised me that he would make the Marshal's office proactive in code enforcement. There is an unsightly premises ordinance that obviously isn't being enforced anywhere along E. Paulding Dr. from 120 all the way to Mt. Tabor Church Rd.


    I'd point out that the preservation of property values by enforcing the code of ordinances is pretty well connected with the financial aspects of managing the county. Vacant, or slum-like properties don't tend to generate much in the way of tax revenue. If I recall correctly, tax assessments are based on resale prices and/or fair market appraisals. Property prices will continue downward until the price attracts those who don't mind living in slum conditions. The assessments follow in that downward trend, and therefore the County revenue drops. Or the millage rate increases to compensate, charging those of us who maintain our properties more tax dollars, effectively subsidising the suburban slums.



    Call the Marshalls office and find out what their case load is on houses with tall grass and what the penalty is for violation. Also call and make a complaint on the propertys that you are referring to. If they are in violation of the ordiance, I bet they will be issued a ciation.


    Remember Government cant make the world a better place and solve all the problems....


    And sending another $500,000+ to the lawyers to keep delaying our day in court. Shearin spent $705,000 in 4 years. Austing has spent another $500,000+ in 3 years. Don't see much difference there.

    Not to mention the oath to uphold the constitution and laws of the State of Georgia. The Judge found the Board of Commissioners and their attorneys to have violated the Georgia Anti-Slapp Statute, O.C,G.A., and ruled they had to pay our attorneys fees as a result.

    So instead, they appealed the ruling from Judge Beavers, and have spent another $100,000 plus on the appeal, still denying us our 1st Amendment RIGHT to seek redress against the government in court for doing us wrong.


    I was a big Austin supporter, as well as David Barnett, Tommie Graham, and Todd Pownall. I never asked for any "Quid pro Quo", only that they do the right thing and either settle with us or let it go on into the courtroom.


    So they spend another $500,000+ to keep delaying any Justice we might get....assuming we live long enough. I think 6+ years is a bit much, not to mention this case could have been settled for giving us back the land they let the developer steal and the buffers. Instead, they throw away $1.25+MILLION dollars, not including what they have paid the country attorney from Richardson's office, who is in on and offers his paid opinion on every move they make.


    No, I am afraid David Austin burned it with us. He and Tommie Graham also lied to us when he told us several months after taking office that they wanted to settle but the other commissioners refused to UNTIL THE JUDGE RULED.


    Well the Judge ruled July 6, 2011 and we are no closer to a settlement now than we were in the beginning.


    How do you tell if a politician is lying ? See if his lips are moving.ninja.gif



    We know...We know....you remind us ALL the time.

  10. No kidding. The last time I voted FOR a candidate was Ronald Reagan. Every other vote was trying to pick the lesser of the two evils.


    When David Austin was running last time, he and I had a long conversation about the general "trashiness" on E. Paulding Dr. from 120 to the High School. One of the things he promised me was that he was going to insist that property owners be required to clean up that entry way corridor into our county. What a great impression all those unmowed lawns, unfinished buildings, redneck pick-um-up trucks parked on what used to be a lawn etc. gives to a prospective resident. That stretch on E Paulding from the Day Care place to Hwy 92 is just plain disgusting. :wacko:


    I'm disappointed in Austin, but at that time, ANYBODY was going to be better than what we had. That same situation may be re-occurring.


    I am disappointed that you think that one man could make people clean up their own private property....REALLY? Maybe you should familarize yourself with the Paulding County Code of Ordinance.


    Mr. Austin has done a great job since he has came into office considering the County Budget was in serious distress with revenues being at their all time lowest and trying to balance the budget while keeping the level of services for the citizens where they are at.


    You REALLY want to base your opinion of a candidate on a road being trashy because the residents are to lazy to keep their yards clean and grass cut....you MUST look deeper than that when it comes to choosing who manages the business of the County.

  11. We went this week at lunch and it was really good.


    They were really busy and only had two girls one in the kitchen and one waiting on customers. The phone was ringing off the hook, I felt sorry for them. I think the owner left right before the rush....so maybe he needs to stick around for us hungry lunch hour people. :drinks:


    Other than the wait, we will consider going back. Food was good.

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