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Posts posted by mdreed

  1. Aspens at the Avenues has the best steak around!!! If you order before 6pm you get the early bird special which is a deal!!!!

    Now I'm hungry.


    Watch those S's on the ends of words where they don't belong! Some can't stand it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Don't know much about your brother, but sometimes it takes a nice little 'jolt' to get those stubborn men to see that they just might need to trust God, lean on God, have faith in God, etc. My brother took a nasty blow to the face, the outcome wasn't suppose to be good, but by the GRACE OF GOD, he recovered fully, and totally turned his life over to God, and is now a bible reading, God loving man. :wub:

    I couldn't have asked for anything more.


    GOD IS GOOD!![/b]

  3. tbird, I can understand why you said what you did in your post, but as for me (I pray NOTHING similar happens in my family)I personally don't think I'd mind for my P.com 'family' to find out this way. It is not disrespectful. From the other post, with all the prayers being said, I think that all here mean well, and have the best of intentions for this family. Not one person has had a negitive thing to say. It is horrible what happened, but because we are being givin the facts, we better understand what this family is going through. It also may eliminate the "what happened" the family may not need to hear or have to explain.

    Just my own opinion.......

  4. I don't care what 'you' say (and I'm pretty stubborn, so it'll take plenty to change my mind) I think because its the BOE, the numbers can be whatever they want them to be, and the money can go where ever they want it to go. I know the school site is huge, but WTH?!?! Have they heard of getting several bids, and mabey saving US some serious money?


    OOHHHH! I feel my temp. rising!! :angry:

  5. Thank you Gams for the update! I have been thinking of him (as well as the busdriver, witnesses, ems, PCSO, etc.) since this happened Friday morning. My prayers will continue to be with you all.



    Can you tell me a bit about him? Is he a strong willed person, a fighter? Obviously he is, and he has a tremendous 'family and friend' support system to pull through and get better for!

    God Bless you all, and let us know if there are any needs we can assist with.

  6. The kids and I took a walk down to the park, and it was wonderful. I love this fall chill in the air! That big beautiful moon was rising, and a cool breeze was blowing. Best walk I've had in a long time! Great to share that with my kiddies. (And an extra from the n'hood :) )

    Hope everyone can get outside some and enjoy the weather this weekend.

  7. Everyone, this was terrible. My daughter wound up staying in the car with me and not going to school today, we were both so upset. It was awful, just awful! There was the 1 bus and the motorcycle involved. Mr. Bigham was absolutly great about it all. They kept kids from walking past, so that they could not see anything. The MC driver was just laid out in the road until the ambl. could get there. I can only say that I sat there for about 35 min. and I prayed alot of that time for his/her/their family. I knew right away it was not good. Please pray for all involved!

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