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Posts posted by Biginthebottom

  1. #2 is out out of the question! Not spayed dogs tells me a lot of different things. So I'd go with #1.


    Edited to add, neither would be the one I would choose for an average Lab. But a very laid back, well trained, housebroken, Lab could easily be an apartment dog. But a dog that is used to be an exclusively outdoor dog is not going to adjust easily to this environment. I'm not saying ever, but not easily and being so far away from here, I would not do it.



    Like what? Please enlighten me.


    I have two female Boxers that are NOT FIXED? So what does that tell you about me?

  2. OMG -- I just pulled all my pics over the journey!






    Last summer








    I need to get these printed side by side for motivation!!!


    WOW! Loosing weight made you look younger or it's the hair. :blink:


    The last Summer picture I would guess mid-thirties and the Today picture at mid-twenties to late twenties!


    Of course I have no idea how old you are. Just going by pictures.



    Cheers to you for posting pics! I don't think I could.

  3. Oh I did too but if I c an make one person think about it then I feel satisfied. There are way to many people out there that actually think people are overweight cause they eat to much.. trying to make some people think outside the box. Anyone on here that knows me knows I give a damn about my weight and am always cracking jokes about my fat ass.



    No person will think outside the box when it comes to weight till they have dealt with it personally. People will assume people are fat cause of what and how much they eat. * Which is not always the case* Just how some ignorant people will think. Cause some people think that "fat" people are in a class all to themselves.


    JUST MY opinion.

  4. How many people out there actually think all people are overweight cause the eat to much?



    I was one! Now I see where the topics started from. On the other hand my mother is overweight due to medication. Some people run at the mouth before they think it through. We all make mistakes. I learned at a very young age not to take people seriously when it comes to my weight. You learn to grow thick skin.

  5. Thats what I am trying to get a hold of what are some definition of overweight... Thanks




    At 5'6 with a BIG BONED structure (per doctor) I was told to weigh 130 to 150. If I weigh more then that I was considered overweight. So at 230 I was supposedly walking a thin line of being Obese.

  6. Good question. :wacko: but a hard one to answer. Cause everyone has there own definition of overweight. To some if your not perfectly slim (a smooth flat belly or a size 0) your fat. So if you have a pooch you are fat. If you are a size 12 and under your "normal". What is normal? I think it all begins with you. If you are happy with yourself then :drinks: to you!



    My heart doctor told me I was fat.

    My primary doctor said I need to weigh below 150.



    Till this day after loosing all this weight I still see myself overweight. So I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. :pardon: I want to loose more but some say I should not.




  7. I don't know the best I just know I hate to pay a high price for them. I am lucky and don't have to shave everyday. :)



    I use not to either. But I can't sleep at nite when my legs rub together and I feel a stubble.

  8. What is the best brand of razers to shave your legs with? I thought I could save some dough and go with the cheap razers :nea: . NOW I have to shave every morning and evening. :o



    I thought I would ask my neighbor..She informs me she does not shave during the winter :blink:

  9. THAT'S GREAT! 80 pounds should make you feel like a new person! Congratulations!


    The last time I saw you, you didn't have 80 pounds to lose! You must be tiny now!


    btw... Mother visited your grandmother! Mother thinks the world of her!




    :lol: :wub: Must have been many years since you last saw me. I still have a belly and them famous chubby cheeks. :wub: Your mother is very special woman. I'm sure they talked and talked. Mawmaw loves company.


    Congrats girlie!!! I was just thinking of you last night and wondering where you were! I need to come walking with you!



    I have been around. So, how have you been?

  10. I think I may have found some of it...how can I get in touch with you to return it???


    See even I can be nice sometimes...returning something she lost that I found... :rolleyes:



    That is very kind of you! but I have to say "no thanks"! ;)



    BTW...have to go to profile to figure out who you are.


    :clapping: CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is the way to go about it - MINUS the stress - you deserve to have that awesome sounding cake. :clapping:

    I am curious what size are you now, down from what size?



    Was in a 20


    now in a 10! :yahoo:


    :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:



    Thank you! I wish you the best! It's been hard but awarding. Since this is my second time at this in my 27 years.

  11. What kind of diet are you doing? 80 pounds is great!!!!




    Well, lets see..



    Stress, walking, drinking water, limit myself 2 Diet Cokes a day, I no longer eat passed 7:00 p.m., no sweets (till today), no fried foods, etc. No fast foods!



    NO DIET PILLS! Inner strength and determination!


  12. How long has it taken you to lose that much weight? I think it is awesome!


    I have lost 32 pounds so far......still going strong!



    Since the first of August of last year. Keep it up!


    I have been wondering where you were well what left of you LOL


    That is great..



    I'm around. How has your diet been going? How much have you lost?


    Great job! I had Irish Creme Cake last night. :D



    hmm..Never tried that one. I assume by the smile it was good?

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