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Everything posted by MillCreek

  1. Paulding County Sentinel featured a Front Page Story on the New Website for City of Dallas, Georgia , that TheMillCreek.net did, in their January 07, 2009 edition -- needless to say, I'm excited about it!!! Link to Story
  2. Pamper Your Head This Winter at Allon Salon!! Free Scalp or Conditioning Treatment with Every Chemical Service; Offer Valid Until January 31st, 2009 FREE WI-FI Now Available for Allon Salon Customers!
  3. Good! Now, Go Shopping and Get Cooking -- Bunch of P.commers will be over for dinner!!
  4. Current Specials for West Produce and Meat Market are Now Online at their Website Here
  5. City of Dallas (GA) has a New Website! We're pleased to annouce the New Website for the City of Dallas, created by TheMillCreek.net The website will continue to grow, providing more information and additional details, as times goes on. For More Information, such as Government, City Hall, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, the Community, and more, please visit the official website at www.CityofDallasGA.com
  6. That's really awesome, what you're doing, LLF!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!!
  7. That, I don't know -- Give West Metro a call at (770)445-2928
  8. They're Open from 10-6......Phone Number is (770)445-2928
  9. Specials at West Metro Produce and Meat Market -- Just In Time for New Year's!! ---Collards greens 1.79 ---Turnip greens 1.99 ---Smoked hog jowls 1.99 lb ---Choice ribeyes steak 7.99 lb ---Whole beef tenderloin 10.99 lb ---Country style back bone 1.69 lb Above Specials are Valid through January 4th! For More Details - Information, Visit the Market Online Here
  10. AGG -- I, along with several others here on P.com, have experienced what you've experienced this week, in losing a parent. It is most certainly tough......I wish there were words to express, that would make your road, easier to travel. Do be kind to yourself.....be there for your brother, and for your dad..... My dad passed away in 1986, at the tender age of 49.......though he is still very much missed, Dad is still very much in my heart, likewise, in my brother's heart, Mom's heart, and the rest of our extended family. Time is a healer -- give yourself time......just give
  11. Keep Rockin' West Metro!! One of the things that really impressed me, while I was there over the weekend, taking pictures, was the cleanliness of the Market and the adjacent Deer Cooler. Given what the Market does -- definitely a BIG PLUS!!
  12. Love ys, AGG -- the Lord is with you and your family, and will keep you very close.
  13. Now, now, now -- only AGG would say that.......
  14. More Pics in the Commerce Members Private Forum, under this posting http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=186499&hl=
  15. Those dogs are 'bout as "foo foo" as LPPT -- Lawd have mercy........And they're full of spit and fire, just like their LPPT Person...... Good Job NC -- You should have shot LPPT!!!!
  16. To add to LPPT's posting -- opportunity "rarely knocks and annouces itself." Opportunity is usually "waiting in the wings," you just have to open your eyes to see it....
  17. Commerce - PC Biz Members Meet & Greet, this Thursday - December 4th - Get in The Spirit of the Season! Location, Time, and Other Important Details Listed in the Commerce Members Private Forum-- If needing the password, just PM me!
  18. I definitely enjoy and appreciate P.com -- on a personal and business level. Overall, P.com is informative about what's going on around the county, as well as about things that are related to Paulding, whether it be college sports; a traffic accident in a neighboring county; etc., as well as topics that may be of general interest to P.commers. Commerce Members and Advertising.......Yes, it does cost $$$ to run a website like P.com. Banner Ads and Paid Memberships help pay for a website like P.com......While I don't know Pubby's details (nor do I want to know) -- servers, software, e
  19. A PC Biz / Commerce membership is definitely worth it, especially if you're wanting to promote what you're doing here on Paulding.com --- I highly recommend it!!!
  20. Tickets to The Nutcracker can be purchased from the Dallas Theater's Box office (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 4pm to 7pm) and Online Here For More Info, Visit the Theater's website at www.DallasTheater-CivicCenter.com
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