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  • Birthday 04/20/1939

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    South Paulding

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  1. LPPT The last paragraph of your post says it all!!! We have at least five business parks around this County today, That needed to be promoted by the Chamber and the Industrial Building Authority and the Paulding County Economic Developement Hundreds acres of land in these existing parks need to be marketed to bring in jobs. Watch the IBA meetings on video and the Chamber members who are members of this Authority and you will quickly realize why these business parks are basically laying idle,, Business parks with Water ,Sewer paved Roads etc. but not being promoted
  2. lowrider we also need for the Airport Authority to pay the existing bills that they have refused / unable to pay, That the property owners are having to pay before they go in debt for any more major expansions at the airport. The Airport Authority under the airport director urging proposed this expansion. I am concerned why the Airport Authority did not include any money in the FY 2018 to repay the money for the 3.2 million bond issue that was passed by the previous Commission Which BTW Dave Carmichael was member of!!! Authorities should be made to live up to all written / agre
  3. Has the incompetent Airport Authority lost al lsense of fiscal responsibility? http://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/west_georgia/state-wanting-more-details-on-planned-paulding-terminal-expansion-project/article_add42a82-4255-11e7-baf4-f7981e76ffa1.html Yes folks you are reading that right they are planning on doing a TERMINAL AREA EXPANSION costing millions of dollars that the taxpayers of Paulding County could ultimately be responsible for. The initial grading will be perfumed by The grading Company owned by the former Airport Chairman Calvin Thompson total cost of close to
  4. Just in case you don't get the Marietta Dailey Journal http://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/west_georgia/atlanta-says-paulding-promised-no-competing-airport-faa-cites-concerns/article_94c1572e-656c-11e7-9d2f-47540ffe48a7.html
  5. Well you would think that Mr. Carmichael who is the Highest elected Board member of the Airport Authority would have notified the airport authority during the Special called airport meeting on June 29, 2017 I mean after all the Board did go into executive session for Litigation, as part of that meeting. DUH!!!! Mr. Carmichael had already been served the paper days earlier and others were aware that the Airport Authority was a Defendant in this law suit.. After all Mr.Carmichael is the CEO of Paulding County and did not even notify the Board of Commissioners or the Airport Authority
  6. The inexperience /incompetence of the Current Airport Director Mr. Tibbitts and the inexperience / incompetence of the Chairman of the of the Board of Commission Dave Carmichael Coupled with a new Chairman of the Airport Authority Boyd Austin in ability to attend all meetings of the Airport Authority then you can expect lawsuits Like the City of Atlanta has Filed against our County leaders. When some of this group can SECRETLY without the approval of the Airport Authority in open meetings, break promises and do things that harms the City of Atlanta ,then you can expect to be sued. Why wa
  7. Atlanta offered a olive branch, the Airport leaders turned up their nose at the offer, this is the consequences another year or two of legal fights and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and TAX INCREASES!!!!!!
  8. The above letter bears out the facts that the leadership of the airport authority cannot be trusted and certainty the FAA has become fed up with all the misinformation coming from this authority. The lawsuit from the City of Atlanta bears out that the leadership of this airport authority which is acting on issues that have not been brought to this Board of directors for approval. Good ole boys who hire good ole boys to run pet projects and that secretly under the cover of darkness do misdeeds is not who we need running the airport .
  9. Hey Newbie from NEW HOPE I have just been made aware that not only the City of Atlanta is concerned by the immature and inexperienced manner in which the Airport Authority is operating, It also appears that the FAA is getting fed up with the continuous misinformation that has been provided them. http://www.savepauldingco.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/FAA-Letter-6-3-2017.pdf A man's word is his bond and it teds to follow them in any endeavor they undertake. What a shame when a federal agency has to chide the leadership of this County
  10. Newbie The so called Chicken World four is not the problem as you and others allege. The leadership of the Airport Authority and the leadership of the Industrial Building Authority is the problem. The leader ship of the PCAA just awarded the Airport Director a job that pays Terry Tibbitts $65.00 per hour along with up to $500.00 per month in expenses. Here again the PCAA gave the job to a person that had no experience whatsoever with Running and managing a airport of any type, And he is being paid top dollar to perform this job I doubt very seriously that the Airport Director
  11. Brian ,Hartsfield Jackson International airport is a life line for the City of Atlanta, I don't see the City of Atlanta ceding anything to a County whose leaders have not kept their promises!!
  12. Wow, How stupid Austin and Carmichael must be thinking that they can now match attorney fees with the City of Atlanta,. They will file claims and appeal cases until the citizens of Paulding County can no longer afford to pay the taxes to battle Hartsfield Jackson air port ( the worlds busiest) and the City of Atlanta. If propeller wants Commercial service here, why don't they fight the City of Atlanta for it in court???? STUPID STUPID to think that Paulding County can compete with the big boys ,with full pockets in Atlanta. Over the next year I predict it will cost Paulding Co
  13. My My you are a little testy today.....I find it laughable that you only attempt to demean the four commissioners who are the only elected officials that have lived up to every campaign promise that they have made Just so you know the commission as a whole has passed legislation and agreed on resolutions that for almost 95 % of the time the results of these votes were 5 to 0 . These votes Include the Reservoir, new jail referendum, New State Patrol office, Brand new Drivers License building, new centrally located water Department, new 911 center fully staffed with the latest and greatest equ
  14. Just another case of the good ole boy's taking care of the other good ole boy's
  15. Close to $70,000,000 heck the Atlanta law suit could be that much. Just hired a part Director for $65.00 per hour with no experience and up to $500.00 per month car allowance. and the Airport Authority was served with the lawsuit six days prior to giving Terri Tibbitts this outrageous salary How much you folks willing to pay in additional taxes to continue this Fiasco????????. Yes taxes will be increased to support the Airport they presently owe the Commission $800,000 in back payments on a bond issue and the work is still not completed.
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