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Posts posted by graciegirl

  1. Exactly! Dropping has its pros and cons! He has dropped so far that they say he is pushing everythng apart. It makes me hurt so bad and my bladder can't hold much of anything. Sometimes if I eat certain foods and I lay down flat (on my side) I get a little heartburn, but nothing like before!

  2. I have been told the last few weeks are the worst. I guess preparation for not sleeping and never being at ease again. But yea, I have not slept in I don't know when. My husband does not even sleep well. Have you reached that point? I think after the crazy heartburn, the sleepless nights would be the worse about pregnancy!

  3. He is measuring 38 weeks right now. His first due date was January 29th! Then after teh Dr. reviewed my sonogram again (they thought there were 2) he changed it to January 15th. Then I had a second ultrasound for the sex ofthe baby and a fetal assessment. Then they said December 29th. But by today's ultrasound (by the way a 3D is so cool!) he measures to be about 7 pounds and his bones and heart and everythng measure anywhere from 36 weeks 5 days to 38 weeks. So, they are going to test his lungs on Wednesday so we know where they stand.

  4. Well, he is causing me some discomfort now sitting so low in my hips. The Dr. said he is literally trying to push his way out without me being dialated. I have heard that the drug they use for inducing is really painful, and that you do not geta super hero award for not using the epi! So, I am going to go as long as I feel that I can without pain medicine as I have heard it slows down the laboring process. So we will soon see! They are predicting him to be around 7 pounds so a small watermelon!

  5. Well, a few of you already know that my husband and I are expecting our first baby! We went to a specialist today, because my blood pressure has been doing some tricky things! He wants to induce on Thursday morning! So, everyone keep your fingers crossed and pray that we have a healthy baby Thursday. I would love to say Thursday afternoon, save me some pain time. I hear that the pain is all worth it though! Thanks!

  6. Does anyone know why there salad bar is different? We are having our compnay Christmas get together at the Dallas location, and I was os excited to go for the salad bar! That is my favorite thing they have, but I wonder how I will like it if they are missing so many items.

  7. They ask quesitons about your dog so they send you the right treat. This may be why they are doing this...to show that if you get the right ones they are good. Hey Sooch...he is great! Waiting for Thanksgiving...all that yummy food!

  8. The cake was AMAZING! I will post pictures later. My camera crapped out too so I do not have many pictures of it. But it was so yummy and BEAUTIFUL! Sooch was right...I was exhausted and still am....I think he is trying to prepare me for no sleep as he kept my husband and I both up till about 5 this AM.

  9. Not sure of the exact procedure being done, but my Rottie is healing from a TPLO (knee surgury). The doctor told us that it would be 12 weeks before she was NEW again, but she is doing great so far. She had her surgury 4 weeks ago. The Dr. was amazing and gave us a much clearer estimate. PM me for more info! I hope your Dane does great!

  10. I can check with Chris if he is available if you send me your information, and get you in touch with him to get $ quotes. I love him dearly (as he is my dang dol brother in law) but I can't guarantee that he will sign on and read this. Or you could try sending him a PM. His screenname is cmgjeep. I think...now that is sad! I will check anyways!

  11. So now that everything os settled! I took her to East Paulding, and well...! They looked at the area and said looks like a flea allergy since it is on her bottom (but she also has a few spots on the back of her neck). Anyways, they did not clean it. They did give her a pill and some medicine to take at home. So we will see! Thanks for all the recommendations!

  12. My husky/shepherd mix has got something wrong with her. My husband and I are pretty sure we need to take her to the vet. Her skin is all scabby and irritated. Anyone every heard of this or what it might be? Also, anyone know of a GOOD and reasonable vet? Money is tight so I need someone to take care of her without taking my wallet in the process. Thanks in advance!

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