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Posts posted by PCnative

  1. I like Six Flags, but both of my kids don't like it. White Water is not my thing. I called Greystone. They have tickets for $20.00 less. I think I will choose Sun Valley. It is close to the house.


    Thanks everyone


  2. Qtee71>


    Have you everbeen to St. Augustine FL?

    about 45 min up from Daytona

    We rent a house there from 800.00 a night. Private beach and all.

  3. Thank you Eddie

    I love hearing from you!

    We love you and need you to. I have heard that from somewhere.


    I know where we all can have the next meet and greet. The board meetings!

  4. This county has potential to be the best county in the state. We have great citizens, wonderful parks, and ok school systems. The county still (at this time) offers a small town charm. And there must be more, because more people are moving in.


    So what’s the problem? Now that more and more people are moving here questions are now being raised about us. (Paulding County)



    I feel that Paulding County grew to fast for every dept. The D.O.T cannot keep roads maintained. The sheriff dept. has not got enough resources to provide quality service. (Or if they do they don’t take advantage of it) The school systems are over run. They also seem to have a total system that is not working. We have beautiful parks, but has anyone notice that most of the time these parks are being unused. Why? The county has more options for eating out and shopping. But I would prefer the county to improve what they already had. (Plaza shopping center, downtown Hiram, Yorkville community, and all other area that are run down or need help from the county) Where is the money being used?


    Well the county got most of what it wanted population growth and commercial growth. Now give citizens what they want. And need!

    No matter were you come from or if you have lived here all your life. We all ask for the same thing a better life for our family.

    I know that not everyone is going to be satisfied. And not everyone will stand up for others. But if everyone wants to live and raise your family here do something about it.

    What’s the old saying? Talk is cheap!


    Oh yea one more thing. I want to ask county. Do you care for my children or any other children? If so give them the best that you can!



  5. This is your chance Mr. Ball!!

    We need you!


    I am behind everything you have said judo2719!


    Dag> I to have asked to speak with him in the past, but I got nothing.

    Good luck! If that happens I think alot of people would love it.


    But If you were him would you come forward or hide?

  6. I have no problem with the EMS, but the Sheriff departments another story.

    My problem has nothing to do with elections, but with promises that were broke.


    I have learned if you don't have certain names in this county you get nothing. Or if you got something on someone you will get out of trouble. I am ready for a change. A good one!

    No Good old boy system!

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