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Everything posted by Momfour

  1. <br /><br /><br /> All who were left to make those difficult decisions thank you for acknowledging the vast amount of difficult decisions we had to make..we did the best we could with what we had and what "policy "says we can or cannot do.Sometimes common sense must be majority rule and above all dedication to see it through.TY
  2. I was working to get our kids home from Allgood...To the parents of those communities a HUGE thank you for helping to get the kids home safe.Thanks to the guy in Woodridge Subdivision for his four wheeler and his heart.....And to our fellow drivers for doing what had to be done to get our kids home.
  3. Hey guys drive with your flashers on especially if you see snow or what looks like "wet"roads....stay off yourbrakes instead downshift to lower gears auto and manual alike...let the engine slow you NOT YOUR BRAKES...lived up north this works
  4. Sorry I dont know a good one...looking myself Good Luck and God Bless
  5. Agreed only to the extent it isn't affordable but not impossible...THAT my friend is what this country was built on though was it not...Hard work ,ingenuity, and determination....If it was handed to them we would be here a whole lot sooner...NO???
  6. I couldn't have said it better.....He has pi$$#d off the powers that be as big(if not bigger) than us by sticking his nose in...WHY some ask....to finish what he started SINK AMERICA for good
  7. The they should sit for 20 hours a week in a college classroom and get a real job.Face it fast food was not a enterprise created with the premise"These wages will support a family" Its for high school and college kids to earn extra money NOT a life sustaining income
  8. lets rely on Snopes for our info It's leftist and oh so pleasing to the lemmings... Until HE leaves office we will have to deal with his Dictator like policies and pi$$ poor leadership....
  9. http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/312 Yeah parenting teens is not an easy job :unsure:Wishing you both the best and hope a mix of some of these suggested ideas helps you.Keep fighting the good fight one day they will come back and apologize....Mine did
  10. Oh I feel ya nothin but love here...I'm just wanting to see people question all this and be aware... I would if I HAD to but for now still have to pay... I want to bring our country back to Reagan Days Good luck and GOD BLESS not a TROLL or FEAR MONGER but I got YA TALKING HUH I love my neighbors and MY COUNTRY
  11. :rofl::rofl::rofl:yep and to all a good night PEACE
  12. Entitles do nothings ...whos giving out more food stamps than EVER in history and free phones and dont forget the housing and Automotive bailouts (not to mention the Green business{ bust} bailouts) and whos paying the tab???Every WORKING American
  13. Higher taxes , healthcare costs for those of us paying for it,and cost of living up over 30%+ and we're better off...Ummm your drinking the koolaid cause it does not compute to those of us who have worked our way out of poverty level wages.NOTHING was handed to us not even the phone....Oh and gas prices going up as we speak because our dubious leader has drawn a line for Seria...nope not better off.. If we are working to support our family
  14. reason enough for me to home school even before knowing this tid bit...I wouldn't turn your child over to anyone without YOUR express permission in writing but really background checks for visiting my own child...umm... If I am there and have proper ID and there is no court order to refrain such action( and I do know authorities are over run with these, to make it harder to enforce) yes invasion of privacy comes to mind...Are we living in Russia pre 1980s???? I would rather know "someone on staff is trained and packing...ready to protect my children before I would institute/agree to this type
  15. on a final note remember this the "fine" for opting out and lets face it making under what 40k a year many will saying $94 fine vs $$$$ a year for insurance is nothing...by 2016 the fine will have grown to a four figure cost... Hmmmm somewhere around 6k to "opt" out who will have that kind of money based on the current economic and political standards/decisions we are facing and dealing w....IE Seria Iran ect...
  16. I shared the story but thestory as it was shared to me...I do know there is alot of misinformation out there...I would like to spark interest in getting people to go find and read the affordable Healthcare act.See what they have in store for us.Don't follow blind be informed and question everything Here's the "law" as per the US government http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/law/index.html readit yourself
  17. Obama Care. Just wait to see what happen in 2013 & 2014! Age 76 Today, I went to the Dr. for my monthly B12 shot that I have been getting for a number of years. The nurse came and got me, got out the needle filled and ready to go then looked at the computer and got very quiet and asked if I was prepared to pay for it. I said no that my insurance takes care of it. She said, that Medicare had turned... it down and went to talk to my Dr. about it. 15 minutes later she came back and said, she was sorry but they had tried every-thing they could but Medicare is beginning to turn man
  18. Do they have a generator?? If so Power isnt so much an issue... We bought one for emergency but it would help in a pinch if we were camping or hiding from the ZOMBIES ..LOL Just a thought take it as you wish
  19. Wondering if anyone knew what happened at the gas station a little while ago??
  20. Deplorable...Why don't we use a worthless piece of dung like this as bear bait Just sayin what you were thinking..
  21. Sorry but I agree w you.There was a time we needed help(really needed it) and were on "aid"I still shopped like it was my own money...boxed macaroni and cheese (on sale I might add) to make what we had stretch As soon as I could I got off and paid my own way. The "entitlement Era" I call it is OUT OF CONTROL...Where do they think that money came from
  22. Does anyone know if this was "Miss Inez" that worked at Rainbow Montessori School on Legions???
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