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Posts posted by showline

  1. Get ready folks its comin!!! :D


    The Front Porch Show

    Monday Night @ 8PM


    Call in & talk about it!




    Tonights' Special Guests --- Frank Pritchett, University of West GA Alumni Director . Frank will give us updates on UWG's future plans & what parents/new students can expect.


    Also, Judy Smith , who is Frank's sister, will be talking about their family's struggle with a father who has Alzheimers.


    Upcoming Week's Guest

    March 28th --- Ken Ball

    April 11th --- Jeff Brewer & the Tribute to Elvis Show



    The Front Porch Show is yours, but it is our rules. We will talk about nearly anything, but not quite everything. We can talk about posts on p.com. Current news items. Sports. Whatever. But there are some topics we stay away from, e.g., the "A Word" topic will be Boortzified --- so will some other topics that Satellite, GemMan & I just can't talk about without consent from the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, & the SEC. We'll let you know if we breach those boundaries.




    The Front Porch Show was the #1 Rated Paulding County Talk Show for the Last Three Weeks in a Row!



    Only 278 shopping days 'til Christmas.



    Have you looked over the Paulding Business Directory on p.com? Go to The Best of Paulding Directory& find those local folks who can get the job done.



    Quote of the Day --- A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors. ---  William Ralph Inge (1860 - 1954)



    Get Red! Members of p.com can get their name in red & have other benefits. Show your support for the best news & information site in Paulding County. Call, email, or send a private message to Webby & Get Red!



    Show sponsors. Anyone wanna be a sponsor? The Front Porch Show will give you plenty of air time if you want to sponsor!



    Alexa Toolbar. Get the p.com version of the Alexa toolbar. It is mega kewl.

    Get Alexa here.



    Topics for Tonight


    Everyone is asked to call in tonight & let the p.com family know about your church's Easter schedule!


    Frank Pritchett, Alumni Director for the University of West GA


    Links for the University of West GA


    Official Name Change for the University of West GA


    West GA Braves Athletic Department


    Student Newspaper of West GA


    Advanced Academy for Highly Gifted & Motivated High School Juniors


    Office of Public Relations


    Board of Regents Page for Univ of West GA


    Dept of Geosciences (Federal Tunnel Project)


    Dr Dodge's Homepage, Geoscientist with the Tunnel Project


    Dr Dodge's Homepage, Geoscientist with the Tunnel Project



    A Family Affected with Alzheimers --- If it has not already impacted your family, chances are that it will. According to a study by the Alzeimer's Association, at the current rates of Alzheimers occurance, the US will see a 44% increase in the number of Alzeimers incidents by 2025. For the state of GA, there will be a 45% increase. The increase in incidence is due to an aging population.


    In other words, Alzheimers is not something someone else gets anymore. It is going to hit 50% of all familes in 20 years.


    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia (a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities) among older people. It involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language. Every day scientists learn more, but right now the causes of AD are still unknown, and there is no cure.


    Scientists think that up to 4 million Americans suffer from AD. The disease usually begins after age 60, and risk goes up with age. While younger people also may get AD, it is much less common. About 3 percent of men and women ages 65 to 74 have AD, and nearly half of those age 85 and older may have the disease. It is important to note, however, that AD is not a normal part of aging.


    AD is a slow disease, starting with mild memory problems and ending with severe brain damage. The course the disease takes and how fast changes occur vary from person to person. On average, AD patients live from 8 to 10 years after they are diagnosed, though the disease can last for as many as 20 years.


    Here are some links:


    About Alzheimers


    Resources, Fact Sheets, Brochures from the Alzheimers Association




    Signs of Caregiver Stress (pdf)


    Avoiding Alzheimers --- What's the Secret?


    Shame May Not Be So Bad After All --- So Congress has decided there are not enough problems in the world so they have to go looking for more. Yes sireee. We're in Iraq & sending more troops. Still haven't found Osama. There is plenty of oil in Alaska, if they would let someone drill up there. Taxes. Changes in future supplemental pension arrangements are being argued.


    So what does Congress do? Yep. Convene a committee, call the stars of Major League Baseball to Washington, DC., & talk about steroid use.


    This is a matter for baseball, the media, the fan, & the players union. Congress has nothing to do with this. These blow-hards in DC think they have to be the saviors of the world. Not in baseball. Leave it alone. Be a purist for once & let the fans, the players, & the owners do what the market place decides.


    Granted, there is a public trust. Granted MLB & teams get tax benefits from municipalities. True. However, baseball is big business. The cities need that spending by the fans. So let the ones directly affected make the decisions. MLB will get the message from fans.


    DC, stay out of baseball.


    Recent Goofball Happenings --- police in Fontana, Calif., said passenger Michael Spearman, 31, caused his girlfriend to crash her SUV when he angrily grabbed the steering wheel (and threatened to kill the woman) because she would not turn around and go back home so he could retrieve his Bible (January).

    News of the Weird



    Upcoming Community Events --- Click here for the community calendar. P.com Calendar



    Public Service Announcements --- GA Tobacco Quit Line  877-2760-STOP 

    This is a phone based support program to help GA residents kick the tobacco habit. Free materials & local classes are available. Call the number between 8AM & midnight to get help now! You may have seen the ads on TV, magazines or even heard about them on the radio. You have nothing to lose but the habit!



    Disclaimer --- Anything said, posted, printed, sung, yelled, or even hinted at is solely the opinion of the hosts & not necessarily those of the management of p.com, the publisher, the Southern Baptist Convention, CIA, National Security Agency, or the Inter-Galactic Broadcast Alliance. Don't take anything literally or personally, unless you're upset enough to call in & tell us about it.

  2. Call this in... 770-505-8544


    I can not get my web Browser to work, so i'll repeat my comment from an earlier thread

    When I mentioned the state flag in the Racism Thread, I knew that many of the participants in this forum would have very strong opinions based on the kneejerk rhetoric that has been buzzng around the rebel flag. For me, The issue is rather simple. I used to be on the "Heritage not hate" bandwagon, mistakenly believed that we, the citizens of Georgia should have a right to vote on the flag that was going to represent my state. I am also one of the most staunch conservatives that you will ever meet. However, My conservative philosophies do not insulate my ability to objectively review the facts regarding the Rebel flag and what it stood for then and what it stands for now. One of the members on this forum alluded to her families ancesterol heritage of slave ownership in an almost positive light...."We owned slaves, But they were treated OK." I frankly believe that had she been on the receiving end of her families Benevolency, her opinions may be quite differant. Yet another cited examples of how other groups owned slaves, as though through this kinship, the horrors of slavery are somehow mitogated. 

    I cannot fathom out of what sense of blind allegiance to a heritage that had as one of its cheif tenants was the protection of the property rights of one group of people to "Own" another group of people. I realize that many of you who are proud of your Souther Origins and the gentile heritage and nobility that Being from the south evokes. however, Those sentiments, while not in and of themselves are wrong, These emotions allow someone to gloss over the barbaric practice that was the law of the land of the confederate states and was one of the pivitol reasons that the South went to war. Other posters on this thread have gone so far as to asserting white supremicist literature as a way to support their views and opinions. I would like to think that at some point that you would realize the hollowness of your position when you have to resort to finding commonality with white supemicists. Ask yourself these simple questions:


    1. In the confederacy's bid for independance, Did the government of the south hold individual freedom and liberty as the cornerstone of its foundation?

    2. Do you believe that the values mentioned above are the Core principles that have guided this nation to greatness?

    The questions that I have posed are self evident in their nature. For those you who still wish to champion your "Southern Heritage" yet pronounce loudly your love of freedom that you find a way to reconcile these two opposing positions. America is great because we are a free people. I cannot in good conscience rally behind a symbol that stood against everything that I hold sacred. If you can, It is your freedom of choice....rather ironically, It is a also one of the very freedoms that would have been denied had you been forced to suffer under that banner.

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