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Posts posted by showline

  1. Obviously the folks don't know about the Fed-Max prison that Rudolph is going  too!!!  HELLO!


    This is the ONLY super-maxium security federal prison which is in Florence Colorado. He will have limited contact with humans - and those will be the guards. Otherwise, he's with NO other prisoners... and even any visitors he has he has to "visit" with them via video monitors only. Because of the danger prisoners present to each other, to the guards, and to the general public, inmates at Florence are kept in soundproofed solitary confinement for at least 23 hours a day. The furniture is all made out of concrete and the plumbing has been designed to be sabotage-proof. This "Super-Max" also houses the likes of such well known prisoners as:

    * Theodore Kaczynski (terrorist)

    * Terry Nichols (terrorist)

    * Richard Reid (terrorist)

    * Ramzi Yousef (terrorist)




    What about Supermax Wis?

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