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tranquil kangaroo

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Everything posted by tranquil kangaroo

  1. Yeah sub, I haven't been here like I used to be. I had to go to 12 step for PCom. May be another support group going on we don't know about. Take care. I'm going to gym and enjoy the techno music (not), but I am going to gym. Check back in with you all later. Peace and love to all Pcommers.
  2. Well, since it is dead around here - it was a good idea to do organ donor thread! Seems like FB and other social networks slow today and lately. We wanted to enjoy the sunshine, but "here comes the rain again...falling on my head like I knew it would...."
  3. Yes, I don't need the body parts where I'm going. I get a new body! Take it all. Hmmm..although some parts they may not want. Good topic
  4. Probably a dumb question...but --- are tix available at the door, if so is there an additional cost? Glad I logged on and caught this info. Nevermind, I followed link - available at box office ----- See you there - only you will not know me, because I don't look like a Kangaroo (except for this motherish marsupial pouch caused by birthing children).
  5. I work at home. Is this senior high school project for South Paulding or college project. If high school project, this is a great idea.
  6. I haven't been on in a while, but knew just where to come for the info. Thanks Paulding Community. See you tonight!
  7. Nemie, We enjoyed having you and all of the crafters at the Christmas Bazaar. We had a great time, though, and enjoyed meeting everyone. Nemie had awesome items for your "best friend." Scent by Angels and Marianne had candles, both of them different but "Oh, so wonderful smelling!" I had to buy Christmas gifts. We learned from our first time hosting a show and will probably do more crafters next time and less vendors. I really enjoyed the spirit and friendly atmosphere. Thank you all, and thanks to everyone who stopped by. Love your pictures Nemie. Unio
  8. So sorry for the family and friends. Will say a prayer for them.
  9. Also praying right now for family. May God's strength and comfort be their's during this time.
  10. Not only are we hyperlocal... But also, hypersensitive, hyperactive, hypersocial, hypercontentious, hypermedicated (LOL, that was a good one)... hyperhappy, hyperliberated, hypercharged... Just plain hyper... 'specially on weekends.....
  11. LOL...I couldn't help but think the forum was appropriate to some churches I've been in.....LOL.... I'm sure that is not the case at Martinville. Hope the singing goes well! God bless.
  12. It's always quick as a wink for me...For those of you on dial-up cross over, cross over, you will never go back. Thanks p.com
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