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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. This was all pleasant until tree limbs started snapping and I hear we are in for a couple of waves of snow tonight. Now it's not so pretty !!!
  2. I'm assuming posting pictures is now reserved for paying customers ?
  3. This is a waste of time since the final bill has yet to be written.
  4. If you're going to go on a Dotard rant you should pick something that hasn't been disproven, laughable or acquitted in a court of law. If Mexicans hate us so much why are they willing to march through deserts or be locked up in the back of tractor trailers to get here. The Uranium deal is just more tin foil crap that you have fallen for and has been disproven so many times it's amazing you keep bringing it up. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/21/opinion/uranium-deal-clinton-russia.html https://www.snopes.com/hillary-clinton-uranium-russia-deal/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca
  5. There's no evidence of that just a lot of tinfoil cap conspiracy theories, yet Dotard lies, exaggerates and play's loosy goosy with the truth almost everyday and the Republican right shrugs it off as just Donald Trump being Donald Trump. My hypocrisy meter runs off the scale every time I read one of your post.
  6. If there is so much voter fraud why after almost a year of looking for it Dotard Trump's own commission can't seem to find it ?
  7. comey Follow CommentBut let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24 https://www.yahoo.com/gma/james-comey-quotes-bible-verse-justice-minutes-michael-182308707--abc-news-topstories.html
  8. Trump lit the White House Christmas tree and like his inauguration the crowds were huge. “We had a massive crowd of people. We had a crowd… I looked over that sea of people, and I said to myself, ‘wow’, and I’ve seen crowds before. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hundreds-empty-seats-spotted-donald-172150301.html
  9. Flynn set to testify that Trump told him to contact Russians during campaign http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/flynn-testify-trump-told-contact-russians-article-1.3670390
  10. Seems men and women are going to need to carry extra protection in their wallets and purses from now on.
  11. Oh please it didn't take a psychic to understand what this post is about you just had to back up a few steps when DVP pointed out the foolishness of your argument .
  12. We could go back to Thomas Jefferson or Grover Cleveland but that wouldn't change the price of tea in China either would it ? Roy Moore 'banned' from local Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls https://www.yahoo.com/news/roy-moore-apos-banned-apos-184748631.html
  13. Who in their wildest dreams could have predicted five years ago that being a Republican would mean having to defend a mentally unstable lying President and a child molesting Senatorial candidate ?
  14. Then that should make us the politest society on the planet. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
  15. I think it's people like you that refuse to look at any solution are as much responsible for these senseless killings as the ones that pull the trigger.
  16. What commercials ? I haven't seen anything offering free care, No but you can stop enabling them.
  17. I assume you're making a point though I have no idea what it is. The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA or GCA68) It primarily focuses on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers.
  18. If we had come to our senses seventeen damned years ago back in 1999 when the children of Columbine were gunned down maybe, but we just kept ignoring the problem like it would go away all by itself . If we had addressed high capacity magazines, bump stocks, the ability to mass thousands of rounds of ammunition and stiffened background checks we may have had a chance but the NRA and gun nuts would have none of it, now I'm afraid we have reached a tipping point where we may just have to bury the dead, light the candles and accept the insanity.
  19. So this week prayers will offered, Teddy Bears piled and candles lit, by the weekend it will all be forgotten and we will wait patiently for the next event. It is absolutely amazing this country has lasted as long as it has.
  20. If the prosecution truly wants to win this case and not just put on some kind of show he will move the case out of this county because he will most certainly not get a fair and impartial trial in Paulding. Meanwhile judge Beavers needs to step down from the bench.
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