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Posts posted by CitizenCain


    Please explain how revoking Brennan's security clearance silences him.


    Brennan made a living as a political analyst without the information his job is in jeopardy. Trump would shut down newspapers and jail journalist if he thought he could get away with it. This Nixonian move has outraged so many it may will end up backfiring in his face.


    “I never, ever thought I’d see it here in the United States,” Brennan said on MSNBC. “I believe all Americans need to take stock of what is happening right now in our government — how abnormal and how irresponsible and how dangerous these actions are. If Mr. Trump believes this is going to lead me to just go away and be quiet, he is very badly mistaken.”



  2. It's really very simple and obvious. The more gun violence the more people feel a need to own a gun. The more gun sales the richer gun manufactures get. The richer they get the more they funnel money into their not so secret Washington lobbyist the NRA.


    It's a vicious cycle that gun manufactures and the NRA cherish and pray never ends.


    It's basically an arms race with innocent bystanders, children sleeping in their beds and anyone else unlucky enough to be caught in the crossfire pay the price.

  3. A federal judge has since blocked the release. The ruling will likely not stand for the same Reason the Trump administration didn't try to block them, because it's a free speech issue.


    The guns themselves have been illegal for 30 years.


    Trump got his walking papers from the NRA that is why he is not fighting it.

  4. I'm not the one griping about drudging up history. Obama was a disaster for this country and we need to remember that his policies failed so we won't be too quick to repeat them.


    Question - How does criticizing Obama equate to blind faith for Trump? Do you have any idea how completely ridiculous that makes you look?


    Trump is following in the footsteps of Herbert Hoover and you seem to be fine with that.


    " Both stock markets and economists tend to loathe tariffs, which hamper the basic efficiency of the market, rarely accomplishing more than saving a few jobs in exchange for higher prices across the entire economy. One illustration of this that’s not as widely known as it should be is the role of tariffs, specifically a set of rules known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, in triggering the Great Depression.


    The parallels to the current moment are distressing. The Trump tariffs are not in effect yet, and so far they are officially limited to steel and aluminum. But in coming days, stock traders will be acting on their beliefs about what the future will bring. There are signals, just as there were in 1929, that tariffs could expand from their modest start — U.S. trade partners have already said they will retaliate if tariffs go into effect, while President Trump posts that “trade wars are good.”



  5. Heat wave strikes the Arctic, and the climate enters the Twilight Zone

    .....above the Arctic Circle, where an unprecedented heat wave has sent temperatures in the far north of Sweden as high as 86 F.


    “It is absolutely incredible and really one of the most intense heat events I’ve ever seen for so far north,” wrote meteorologist Nick Humphrey. And after years of increasingly hot, dry summers, the great forests in the far north, all around the globe, are starting to burn.




  6. Who would have thunk it ?


    Alleged Russian Agent Maria Butina


    A federal grand jury indictment returned on Tuesday accuses Butina of partaking in a Kremlin-directed plot to ingratiate herself with U.S. political figures in order to convince them to pursue Russian interests. Part of that effort allegedly involved leveraging her ties to the National Rifle Association, which she’d cultivated as founder of the Russian gun group The Right To Bear Arms, in order to gain access to conservative political circles and Republican lawmakers.



  7. Your only point is hate and division.


    Your own hatred has you blinded to reality. You have been so conditioned to hate Donald Trump, you aren't capable of using rational thought to measure anything he says or does. You simply default to a response of anger.


    What kind of life is that?


    I would counter and say you have conditioned yourself to love him to the point you are blind to the damage he is causing the hate,anger and division he has brought upon us and the danger he presents to the security of this nation and the world. Ignorance may be bliss but ....


    What kind of life is that ?

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  8. As i mentioned earlier, Trump is a populist. So yeah, he appealed to people's emotions.


    I'm not a professional apologist for him, I am just tired of the nasty hate you and your kind spread. You are a bitter, anger filled person who is too blinded by your hate to see things rationally.


    Was it necessary for you to drag up a racial crime from 1949? No, it wasn't. You're just fostering anger and division. As for Hispanics...please link to where I've said anything bad about them. I do support closing our borders until we get things under control, but I am not a "round 'em up" advocate. In that, I disagree with Trump.


    So yet again, you're just pulling crap out of your butt because the facts don't support you.




    It was 1998 and I was making a point something you seem to be incapable of doing.

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  9. You have a lot of gall accusing anyone of instilling hate and fear. That's the Democrat's entire strategy these days.


    And you just demonstrated that again by playing the race card.


    You have a lot of gall being a professional trump apologist and trying to pretend his whole campaign was not based on fear. But lets recap if any story involves a black person then it's pulling a "race card" if it involves a hispanic then it's good honest reporting. You sound like a broken record .

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    Anyone who did Google those words and click images would immediately discover that you are full of crap...





    You are just taking a page out of Trumps playbook and trying to vilify an entire group of people to instill hate and fear. We all know the story of James Byrd who was dragged in chains down a dirt road until his head was decapitated and his arm pulled from his body. These were god fearing white people that did this. do we condemn all white people for what they did ?



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