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About smokey

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Wow, amazing, The former mayor Carmen Rollins, who I have spoken about several times, is finally in the hot seat. Lets see the city council said she did nothing wrong when she "purchased" items from her own pawn shop with the "city" money. In a nutshell she wrote checks to herself, and then cashed them, talk about using your position. Well, now lets take a look at the vehicle she was using as a "city" vehicle, it was actually registered to Main Street Pawn, a business owned by her. The city was giving her a $500.00 a month vehicle allotment, she was submitting mileage and some other viola
  2. One of the employees was arrested for an outstanding warrant????? I thought all employees of these establishments in the City of Hiram were required to have criminal histories done on them by the City of HIram Police Department? oops, I guess checking who has been sending emails to the former mayor was more important!!!! That place has always been a hole, irregardless of what day of the week, they frown on any patrons calling the police. By the time the police are called the incident has gotten way out of hand, and it is usually a customer that calls for help. I would be amazed if at an
  3. I have some serious questions with that absentee ballot number. Is there any way that those ballots can be verified.
  4. I would not trust ANY posting site. Perps are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Please if you are out of town, do not go on a social networking to ask if your home is ok. People are not as honest as we would like to think. By putting your address, and telling people that you are out of town lets the criminal element know that here is a great place to visit. Use your head call a friend, a relative, a neighbor and ask. It would really suck if you came home from vacation to find your possessions gone not because of a natural disaster, but because you went online and posted information.
  6. FOR WHITNEY I SAY HELL NO!!!!!! As a veteran and a public servant for almost twenty years, this whole Whitney crap is ridicuous. If she would have straightened her life out years ago, I would probably have a different opinion. This felon, because to have possession of the drugs she used in itself is a felony, was not a role model, she was not a Christian, and she took advantage of her addictions to get sympathy and money. She as a parent subjected her daughter to all this crap and if you do not think that it has not had a profound impact on that child you are wrong. Whitney had a
  7. My mistake on the meeting place, it was Wallace's Barbecue in Austell. No more posts for me. The Hiram detectives are investigating all that is being posted on this board. Hiram now thinks it can take away peoples' freedom of speech. Peace Out.
  8. I have never heard a good word or comment about Mr. Stinson. He is very loud, which intimidates people. I have watched him in action and I could do a better job than he does. He is also the city attorney for Dallas isn't he? With everything that has been going on in Hiram for the past two years I wonder how much time he actually dedicates to the City of Dallas. The truth is the truth. The things that happened last week at the City council meeting were planned, they had been in the works for awhile. The ex-mayor, Carmen Rollins, after quitting, had several interviews with the Pa
  9. They probably don't want people to see the city attorney in action. Mr. Stinson is also the one who is handling, open records, which would include these DVD's. It would be interesting to know how much the City taxpayers/residents have paid Glen Stinson since March 2010. I would open records it, however since he is the one that handles open records requests I am sure I would not get an accurate number. There is also another EEOC lawsuit coming down the pipes from another employee that was terminated for BS reasons, from the police department. Two FEDERAL LAWSUITS
  10. I agree with you mysterious. What happened on that I-Team investigation, was more than a one night news story. If anybody knows anything about reading a persons body language, watch the interview with the City Attorney, his eyes are closed, he is in a defensive posture, and he stutters when answering questions. Those are all signs of deception. There were several people there. I would venture to say that the only people who truly know what happened was Carmen Rollins, Pep Rollins, and the man upstairs. I have seen all the documents, checks, purchase orders etc. I would really like to kn
  11. To whoever it was that rented the Paulding County Community Center, good choice. Many of the times the Hiram Officers, don't even stand outside the community center, they go inside and get on the computer. This is also documented. Your money was well spent.
  12. I urge all citizens in the City of HIram to demand an investigation into what is going on in your city. This is your home, your money, and your life. Let's start by asking ourselves this If a State Law states that a fine of only $10.00 can be imposed for a driving without license on person ticket, why on God's green earth does the City of Hiram feel it can charge people over $150.00? Where/how is this extra $135.00 per ticket being explained? TITLE 40. MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC <BR class=br>CHAPTER 5. DRIVERS' LICENSES <BR class=br>ARTICLE 2. ISSUANCE, EXPIRATION,
  13. Just wondering would a meeting on a Sunday about three weeks ago at Hudson's Barbeque (Powder Springs) between the ex-mayor Carmen Rollins, Prather Rollins, the city attorney Glenn Stinson, councilwoman Kathy Bookout, and the "new" HR director Cynthia Geyer be a conflict? This is not a lie, rumor or whatever else I have been accused of posting several people saw this. Funny how three weeks later all the afoermentioned people made their "move"
  14. What is going on at the Hiram Police Department? Chief Yandura has applied for the Woodstock Police Chief position as well as other agencies. Did they get caught doing something wrong? That place as a whole is corrupt. Somebody needs to contact the GBI and have the Police Department from the Chief down investigated.
  15. Heartwrenching, On 10/8/11 at 11:33 PM, AHall19 wrote: The mayor did do the right thing by resigning. I may be a bit swayed in this matter because Terri Graham is my mother, but I can tell a few facts from what my family has seen. My mother loves her job and she does it very well. When she started working for the mayor she worked extremely long hours and weekends. There were nights she would not get home until 1 am . When we tried to have ONE family vacation since she started the mayor constantly called my mother. To me it seemed she was incapable of doing anything without the help of Ter
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