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Everything posted by Boomhauer

  1. JW, has anyone ever taken a Sleep Apnea test and was told "you are fine, you sleep great!". EVERYONE I know that has taken the test has walked out needing a CPAP machine. I think in most cases, it is a scam.
  2. I do not care, as long as they do what is required to adopt a highway. Right now they are getting what they wanted....attention. My guess is they were hoping that they would not want to be approved. Call their bluff, approve them.
  3. I wish as a part of a 16 year old getting their driver's license, they would sign a legal document stating they are to be considered adults while operating an auto. I hate that when a teen causes a fatal accident, they are treated as children rather than adults. The victim is just as dead.
  4. Just going from memory, but more like a big creek , used to me the industrial area long ago. Also if you like BBQ, Smoking Stokes...loved that place, it is downtown.
  5. The riverfront area is nice, lots of dining and entertainment. Downtown is very safe, at least it was five years ago.
  6. i saw her this morning at the same place. i was waiting to make a right turn on red onto 278. when i started to make my turn, she came from the left lane, and cut me off. she is really going to get someone hurt. i think she is simply a dumba&&, not agressive.
  7. i agree. and the traffic reporters always tick me off when they report a flashing signal. they almost always get it wrong when they say to treat it as a four way stop. flashing yellow always means to proceed with caution.
  8. I actually thought paying extra for wildlife tags would help the state to buy land to keep it from being developed. Imagine that! Goverment keeping a promise. Found out last year that the extra money simply went to the state treasury. I will not make that mistake again.
  9. I have noticed something that I do blame on the restaurants. Usually, if there is a wait for a table to open up, my wife and I will ask it we can just sit at the bar and eat there. Space permitting, no wait, no problem. Seems like a lot of young families have discovered this. We will be sitting there, eating our meal, drinking a cold beer, talking with the bartender, and enjoying ourselves. Then our little sanctuary will be broken by a family that sits their kids between them and us. They bang their sippy cups on the bar, talk loudly, and and are ignored by their parents that are in their
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