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Everything posted by maldrew63

  1. I am truly sorry for anything I have said that has hurt you....I have gotten too involved in all this and reacted badly....I just want to talk with people and have my viewpoints at least respected even if they are disagreed with.....and I should do the same. I hope I can continue to communicate with you and I will refrain from negativity and making opinions too personal. I sincerely apologize...
  2. I appreciate the advice and I understand your feelings on how some things about Daniel came out. Perhaps it would have been better if he had set things straight earlier. It is just hard for me because I happen to know more details about that "indiscretion" and I hate hearing false rumors fly about it. But maybe that is his fault and hopefully he will make a more transparent statement about that and the other issues soon. It may not matter, but this indiscretion was not a sexual one...no incest or physical involvement. It also involved a much older woman who should have used better judgment and
  3. I joined paulding.com expecting to reach out and meet others in my community....I am now only hoping that the few people on here the most are not representative of the majority of people in my community. I am open minded enough to accept that everyone has their own opinions and views but I have been attacked and belittled for every post I have put on here. I don't know what has happened to the few of you in your lives to make you such miserable hateful people but I pity you too much to be mad with you. I can only hope and pray(forgive me for playing the "God" card) that somehow you will find h
  4. I shouldn't have used the word majority....but he did get MORE votes than the other two candidates. And I DO NOT believe that anyone will burn in hell if they do not vote for Daniel.....grow up....and quit putting words in my mouth. I was not implying that Daniel is a Noah, just using that example to show that we shouldn't always be so concerned with what people think of us....look closer I know it is difficult for you....I was comparing people laughing at our COUNTY like they laughed at Noah.....the only thing in common is that sometimes you do what is right regardless of what others think...
  5. the right to life chapter is not just a bunch of toothless hillbillies.....we happen to be educated, prominent, and successful members of this community who also have been led by our Creator to try to protect His creation....and that IS NOT the only reason we support Daniel......plus you have embarrassed yourself enough on this site with your ignorant comments....you dont need Daniel to do that for you....
  6. first of all I am not a dude and I am not a preacher.....and if you are still making noise about a situation you are ignorant about that happened over 10 years ago when someone was a teenager, then you DO NOT know the whole story.....no, this isnt church but I would still like to believe that human beings can respect and understand one another outside church.....and I don't care who you think you are or anyone else is...there is no one without a past
  7. Really? Is that why he got the majority of the Paulding County vote? I am so proud of him and regardless of the narrow minded opinions that you have, he has stood his ground at the capitol and gone against the majority when he knew what this county wanted him to do. Daniel Stout will continue to prove to you and everyone else that doubts him that he is qualified for this position of leadership and called of God to be there. By the way, the whole world laughed at a man named Noah, and we all know how that turned out for them.....
  8. I truly hope that you have the opportunity to learn the whole story and the real truth about this situation....You will be relieved and perhaps ashamed of your rush to judgment. His past is far less "bazaar" than mine and maybe yours....by the way has anyone on this site ever read the WHOLE story of the greatest ruler of Israel, King David, chosen by God....Daniel's situation so pales in comparison but maybe everyone needs to be a little less judgmental and a little more willing to learn the truth......
  9. AGAIN, if you took the time to learn the whole story and the real truth you would be so ashamed of your judgmentalism.....
  10. He missed ONE DAY of his term as the bank he was FORMERLY employed by required that he be there for an important audit. It was an absence excused by the Speaker of the House. He did vote against a huge tax increase in spite of enormous pressure from other politicians because that is what the citizens of Paulding wanted him to do. He also was a part of a new water and transportation plan. If you would like to see his entire voting record, go to electdanielstout.com. You may be pleasantly surprised.
  11. Isn't it amazing what you can find out just by taking the time to go to the source?
  12. I understand your concerns but if you would take the time to meet and talk with Daniel and to take a look at how well he has already represented our county you may be pleasantly surprised at how much he truly cares about Paulding County and its citizens. He has a lot to offer a lot of fresh new ideas. I truly hope everyone will give him a chance and at least hear what he has to say. Sometimes a fresh perspective on things is exactly what is needed instead of the "same ole, same ole". If we are going to be a progressive community and be willing to get rid of the "good old boy" system we have ha
  13. Wow! I hope you never found out what I did when I was 19!.....I may not even be worthy enough to reply to your posts....btw, Daniel's daughter attends a private school....regardless of what anyone has said he is a great father who cares very deeply for her....the children should be off limits to the judging of other. Also where God leads us to attend Church is between us and Him. That a candidate attends Church should be blessing enough. And as for his job, unless the state of GA decides to move the capital building from Fulton Co to Paulding Co, there is nothing he can do about the location o
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