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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. And on this we can agree, as I have no great love for insurance companies. Health insurance is a great way to mitigate catastrophic risk. (emergency care, surgery, hospital stay) Using insurance to pay for routine or preventative medicine is inefficient and drives up the cost of care. HSA's along with a major medical policy are the way to go, unfortunately the ACA eliminated these options by design. This law will collapse under it's own weight due to good old fashioned Irish democracy. When consumers and voters demand brand new options the marketplace will provide. This inf
  2. I posted this piece of news yesterday: Insurers, which priced their policies based on the expectation that the mandate will drive otherwise reluctant (and relatively healthy) people into their plans, are watching closely for any further erosion. Premiums could soar without healthy customers to balance the cost of covering sicker people with pre-existing conditions, now required by law. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/shrinking-obamacare-mandate-104966.html#ixzz2x0d7kpJx And this morning, the Obama administration confirms the above story by breaking yet anoth
  3. Insurers, which priced their policies based on the expectation that the mandate will drive otherwise reluctant (and relatively healthy) people into their plans, are watching closely for any further erosion. Premiums could soar without healthy customers to balance the cost of covering sicker people with pre-existing conditions, now required by law. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/shrinking-obamacare-mandate-104966.html#ixzz2x0d7kpJx
  4. Does Medicaid offer better health outcomes for poor folks ? ? ? http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/02/oregon-study-medicaid-had-no-significant-effect-on-health-outcomes-vs-being-uninsured/
  5. You have convinced me that you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. You really need to educate yourself on the staggering cost of Medicaid in state budgets, Medicaid reimbursement rates to hospitals, and a factual analysis of this healthcare law. Your position is based on nothing more than wishful thinking and ephemeral promises. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/07/17/the-state-of-medicaid-in-charts/ http://blogs.reuters.com/muniland/2013/06/07/medicaid-the-state-budget-crusher/
  6. You cannot raise $3 BILLION DOLLARS without major tax increases or major budget cuts. Obamacare does NOTHING to control the COST of healthcare... just read the CBO reports. Why do you think there is a massive insurance company BAILOUT baked into the law ? ? ?
  7. ^^^ Still no answer to this simple question from those advocating expansion.
  8. Those articles are full of facts that you refuse to recognize. I've posted links to a wide variety of sources in this thread. Links that are full of uncomfortable facts.
  9. I cannot afford to pay $12K per year in premiums with a $6,000 deductible.
  10. Come October I will be without health insurance for the first time in my life... thanks to Obamacare.
  11. How Obamacare Harms Cancer Patients : http://nypost.com/2013/11/12/death-by-obamacare-reform-reams-cancer-patients/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottlieb/2013/08/21/how-obamacare-will-harm-cancer-patients/
  12. Doctors Face 24% Pay Cut In Reimbursement For Medicare / Medicaid Services: http://www.forbes.com/sites/merrillmatthews/2013/12/02/doctors-facing-a-24-pay-cut-in-both-medicare-and-medicaid-reimbursements/
  13. The cancellation of these policies is a direct result of the ACA: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/10/29/this-is-why-obamacare-is-cancelling-some-peoples-insurance-plans/
  14. Regulated by the states and the federal government: http://www.naic.org/documents/topics_white_paper_hist_ins_reg.pdf
  15. Health insurance is one of the most heavily regulated industries... long before the ACA.
  16. This could have been much worse: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/6-shot-at-new-life-church-gunman-2-churchgoers-dead
  17. Sept. 15, 1999 7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth Larry Gene Ash­brook opens fire in­side the crowded chapel of the Wedg­wood Baptist Church. Wor­shipers, think­ing at first that it must be a prank, keep singing. But when they real­ize what is hap­pen­ing, they dive to the floor and scrunch un­der pews, ter­ri­fied and si­lent as the gun­fire con­tin­ues. Sev­en people are killed be­fore Ash­brook takes his own life. - LA Times
  18. Too bad, as my links are informative and fact based arguments against Medicaid expansion. Unlike you, I've made no mention of any partisan politics. Reason and logic guide my views. There is a reason why you cannot answer the simple question of how to pay for this expansion.
  19. "Because both Medicaid and Medicare underpay doctors and hospitals for their costs of care, providers make up the difference by charging higher rates to private insurers." http://www.galen.org/topics/why-states-should-not-expand-medicaid/
  20. So you have time to advocate for the expansion of Medicaid, yet you do not have the time to show us how this could be accomplished without harming the state budget ? ? ? mmmkay...
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