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Everything posted by sportsmom2929

  1. I have also laost my house due to the bad economy. Even took a second job and still couldn't afford it. We had to go back to renting and it was a bit scary at first. i didn't think anyone would rent to us because my credit was trashed( which was very good before). I was sick to my stomach for weeks worried about not having a place and thought we would have to live in the car until we found something. We alo had a cat and two dogs who are dear to my child and I. When we found a place in my kids school district that was reasonable and allowed pets, we snatched it up. The renter at first asked ab
  2. I have had it for over six months and it is so painful at times that I just want to cry! I have done the ice bottle, anti-inflammatories, and stretch every morning before getting out of bed. I still have severe pain. I have bought the insoles the doc told me to get and good shoes. Still in severe pain most days.
  3. Tubby"s in Michigan is the best sub place around!!!
  4. I know what you are going through. We lost everything in December and had to start renting again. It was a very scary situation . We found a place in the same school district to make it easier for my child. Thank goodness our neighbors are decent, that's the part I feared the most. Good Luck.
  5. milk Frank's hot sauce Bottled water cereal ramen noodles cheese canned green beans frozen pizza pasta non-stick cooking spray
  6. Great parenting, that is what I would of done!!! Now I have an awesome teenager who is probably the most respectful kid around.
  7. Does anyone have any suggestions on condos and hotel rentals that are priced out the roof? We are planning to take a trip in July. Thanks.
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