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Everything posted by mspris72

  1. Very true. The legal matters will be handled later, but they do need to return home. If they keep running it is only going to make it worse for both of them. I am sure this is just a case of teens in love who will do no matter what it takes to be together. I was young once. I remember it all just as if it were yesterday. I almost ran away with my ex when I was 16. He was only 17, but none the less I thought about it since my parents did not want me seeing him. They didn't stop to think about what they were doing, but once they took off out of state they did. I think in my opinion this is why t
  2. I think this answers the questions about an adult with a minor run away in Ga. The Georgia law that would apply in this case would be O.C.G.A. 16-5-45((1)( uder the Interference with custody statute. If the minor is taken across state lines, a felony charge would apply. 16-5-45. Interference with custody (a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Child" means any individual who is under the age of 17 years or any individual who is under the age of 18 years who is alleged to be a deprived child as such is defined in Code Section 15-11-2, relating to juvenile proceeding
  3. I have a feeling they both know this, and this is why they have yet to return. I am still looking in regards to an adult taking a minor run away across state lines. I haven't found that yet. They need to come home. The damage has been done, and by staying away they will only make matters worse for both of them. I hope she came home over night. I'd be going crazy if my Daughter did this. I'd be mad at the same time, but her safety would come 1st and fore most.
  4. I found these online: In most jurisdictions it is not a crime to runaway from home, except in 9 states ( Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming). In these jurisdictions it is considered a “status offense”, which means it is against the law only when someone under 18 years old does it. However, in jurisdictions in which it is not against the law to runaway away a youth may still end up in court. Youth that repeatedly run away may be classified as a habitual runaway in need of states if the state determines that their parents are not me
  5. I do not think age of consent laws apply when a minor crosses state lines with a legal adult. I could be wrong. I will check into it, and see what I can find. In a way it is almost as if this was planned by her and Shane. I believe she just turned 16 on Sat., so perhaps in her mind now that she's 16 he won't get into any trouble. I do not know if that Romeo and Juliet law is effective yet. The one passed after everything with the Gernarlo Wilson case in Douglasville. They just need to come home, and face the consequences(if any) at that time. I just hope they atleast have money for food and sh
  6. This is very true. She is in love. She is in the frame of mind that he's it, and there will never be another. I mean they could be together 40 yrs. from now. I am not the judge on that one. The issue is are the legal matters involved, which I just do not see him getting away with. She needs to understand that as well. Maybe she does, and this is why they have not come home yet. I think she knows he is in a world of trouble, and she doesn't want to lose him. I remember being 16 and sneaking around with my ex. I never ran away with him, but did have friends cover for me so I could sneak off some
  7. mspris72


    I saw something very strange back in late 1993 over on Bomar Rd. in Douglasville over the area of the powerlines. It was shaped like a triangle, and just hovered there. I stopped and parked at the place with all of the satellites(use to be a TBS satellite station). Suddenly the thing just zipped off. I called Charlie Brown airport to see if by chance they had any blimps up, and they said no. I called the news and they said about 6 others had called, yet they never ran a news story on it. It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Oh and it didn't have a sound either like a helicopter would ha
  8. I think he was also lying about Starrs age on his myspace page. She just turned 16 less than a week ago. He is 18 from my understanding. I was ,young once. I understand what it is like to be in "love" when you are young. I am sure he is scared to come back. He is in a world of trouble no matter if the parents want to press charges or not. I am sure the county/state will pick them up. I know the longer it takes for him to get her back home, The madder I as a Mom would get. I think it is in his best interest to drop her off somewhere in the area that is safe, and allow her parents to go pick her
  9. I posted this info on my facebook profile as well, and others on my friend list are also sharing it. Any word yet this morning?
  10. I have my high speed internet through comcast. I am not sure if where you live is comcast or charter. I went to wal mart and bought a wireless router, and hooked it up to my modem. It gives you wifi by doing that. What kind of laptop did you get? I got a new one last weekend too. I LOVE it. Windows 7, built in web cam and it is soooooooo fast compared to my other lap top.
  11. Mine do that too, and it drives me crazy. Out of the blue, and it is normally my right eye that does it.
  12. Good rainy morning indeed. I just posted on my facebook page about how we've seen enough rain around here for a lifetime. I am ready for it to go away now. I hope all of you stay safe out on these wet roads. Have a great Friday! : )
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