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Posts posted by HILLEYFOTOS

  1. The Battered Women's Shelter I know of is Shepherd's Rest... but they don't take clothes directly, but you can take the clothes to the thrift store close to the hospital, and tell them you would like to donate to Shepherd's Rest, and the thrift store contact them.


    there is also Helping Hands and Rescue Atlanta... there are plenty of ministries that need clothing... I know that Rescue Atlanta is particularly hurting for men's clothes. On a daily basis they run out. Their website is www.rescueatlanta.com these are great people!!

  2. I think this is hilarious. It's weird that grown people argue like this. :rolleyes:

    Most people just never grow up....


    But I do have a quick question... I'm still a newbie at this, but what the crap is a TROLL? :huh: What are you meaning when you call someone this?

  3. where's jboogie at? I just clicked on this thread to see his:




    but about the post - that's just wierd, what will Wal-Mart come up with next? That's really smart on their part though. I tell you, Wal-Mart is gonna take over the world :ninja:

  4. :D OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! EVERYONE WELCOME! There will be a rock concert May 21st at the Paulding County Community Center. Doors open at 6 p.m., show starts at 6:30. Concessions and merchandise will be sold. Admission is $10.


    Headlining band will be Subseven(Flicker Records)-www.subsevenmusic.com

    also playing: Atlanta's own 'Because of Tomorrow' and 'The Awkward Romance'


    If you have any questions please call (404)409-0260, leave a message-if no answer.

  5. #1 = This is a good question. In my opinion, every generation should be saught after... even the seniors - hey, they're more than likely closer to death, and there's pleny of old grumpy lost people that if they were to die they'd go to hell, they need God just as much as the youth. But the reason that I myself am in youth ministry and seeking to save the young ones, is because they #1 are the next generation, and #2- 98% of 18 year olds will turn away from God, even if they've been churched their whole life. As soon as they hit that 'college age' it's like they go crazy. Our goal should be to prevent this.


    #2 - I always saw it as: contemporary= choruses, traditional = hymns

    the labels themselves are not important. and like you said worship is not the music, but as sad as it sounds, the congregation only will worship to certain music. depending upon your congregation depends on what style this is.

    There are plenty of hymns that are awesome to worship to, but then there are others that just don't make any sense.(obviously my opinion)

    Same with choruses. There are good worship songs, and there are bad worship songs. You just have to throw them out to the congregation, and see how they respond. I've been on worship bands for 8 years, it's a stupid battle that just shouldn't be there.

  6. that waffle house is a waste of time and money. its very hard to get in there  and it is to small they have all the small tables in there  and the last time i went there  the serves was lousy at best, but that has been about 2 years ago. they need to move it to a better place  and put up a better , bigger  building.



    I've been to so many different waffle houses when my husband was in a rock band, and i've never been to a waffle house that could fit everyone in the seats and the parking lot... that's just the way they like it I guess.... well the one on 92 does have that huge half circle booth... but everytime I go someone's in it. IT's like you gotta fight for it!

  7. Just another side to look at..... 

    That FOOL was stupid and dangerous.


    This guy was way wrong so don't beat me up.




    But what about letting the school bus drive them home safely?


    This would help reduce the amount of cars on the road.


    And save a some gas and smog too.


    It's funny how traffic is so much better when school is out.

    Just a point for less cars on the road.





    Back in my day (not that long ago - graduated in 2002) There wasn't even freakin enough room for all the kids on the bus... having to sit 3 to a seat at times.


    Plus my mom was a sub and saw enough bus tapes to make that decision for her... kids on buses are just dangerous and stupid... why they act differently on busses than in the class room - I just don't know.

  8. Hey, this is Mike from Animal Control.  Like "Cladia" said, you're welcome to come get a cat trap if one is available.  When you catch one, just call us and we will have an officer come out and pick it up.  I know it's a little work on your part, but we do not have the man power to have someone catch all those wild cats.  Since you are expecting, maybe you could get someone to help you come get the trap and set it for you.  You can keep it as long as a week in most cases.  But, we understand, if there is still cats, you may keep it longer.  Hope this helps!!


    Thank you so much for your help! :)

  9. Krystal does a great job, I would highly recommend her . She recently got married her new last name is Dupree.


    Do you know how often I've done that?!? I did it just Sunday... yes it is DuPree, I can't get used to that!

  10. We had the same problem for a while.  The house next door ended up with about 15 cats at one time and they were all outside cats.  I did take a few to the shelter--they were tearing up my window screens.  I explained they were not mine and the neighbore didn't say they were their's so they were counted as strays.  Then one day we noticed that all of a sudden there seemed to be hardly any more cats around.  That is when we realized that we had hawks in our backyard and they were getting the cats.


    OMGOSH - That's kinda sad, but I wish we had some hawks ^_^

  11. I have a cat problem. There are about 10 different stray cats roaming my street. I moved here almost a year ago, and the day after we moved in, our next door neighbors (which were renters) moved out. So all of these cats (that prior to moving in, we never even noticed) migrated to my house. I noticed in the last couple of weeks that 2 of them were pregnant, and are now - no longer. We're going to have 20 freakin hungry cats running around if something is not done! I talked to my mother about this, and she said that animal control would NOT come pick them up.

    IS THIS TRUE?!?!?!?!?!?

    I haven't bothered to call, but surely they don't expect me to catch these things! Half of them were just kittens when we moved in and have had little human contact and you can't get anywhere near them. One of them - the ring leader - the one I call El Diablo, kinda freaks me out. He's nice until there's food around. Then he turns into El Diablo. I have a baby on the way and would like to rid my yard of them. I would have taken them in and have them all fixed if I was $loaded$, but I already have a cat of my own(the one in my signature) and really don't care to have 11 cats and a newborn.


    Anyone have any suggestions?

    No suggestions including shotguns or fire please. :D I've had plenty of bright ideas from people. :rolleyes:

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