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Posts posted by HILLEYFOTOS

  1. The way you chopped up what I said makes me think you don't understand it.  I was basically saying that the movies were history lessons with added drama, the drama being the fictional part.


    The way I took what you said, is that you were saying the Bible is fictional like those movies even though you believe it is historically correct. So I took that last sentence you stated and replaced 'movies' with the Bible.

    That's how I took what you said. That's why I responded the way I did.

  2. No offense but we do not in any way need to comprimise truth or Godliness, for any purpose!  The end does NOT justify the means!

    ........  However I did not like 1 thing: the cross-dressing man.  NO COMPRIMISE!


    However with that edited out I would have to say it was truly awesome! B)  B)


    ever since you posted this comment I had been confused...(because I was trying to watch that video at work, and it did not have my full attention) But I bought that video to use for my youth etc.... and if you had listened to the words you would understand why there was a belly showing man dressed like a woman in that video... he rapped something like 'I don't want no girl showing her mid-drift..', don't you think that would be even more contraversal if he showed a woman showing her mid-drift??


    -not that you will even read this... this is an old thread

  3. "God- The Father in Heaven

    Jesus- God made flesh to better understand who and how we are as humans

    Holy Spirit- God with the ablility to possess us personally."


    This defies the concept that God is omniscient.  Why would an omniscient god need to better understand the creatures that he is so personal with?


    "If the Bible is wrong, then why does science prove that it is a part of history?"


    This makes me think of movies.  To name a few, "Gladiator," "Saving Private Ryan," "Pearl Harbor," and "Titanic."  Sure, some of the events portrayed in these movies actually happened, but the movies are still fictional.


    Jesus was NOT sent so that God would 'better understand who and how we are as humans'... like you said that is contradictory. I'm not sure where you learned of this, but Jesus was sent as the 'lamb', the replacement lamb, for the sacrifice for our sins. Man could not live up to 'The Law', so God made a way of salvation.

    This is where people that DON'T know much about the Bible say that the Old Testiment contradicts the New. But it does not. God made a way of escape, through Jesus Christ and his death... so that we don't have to offer up burnt offerings for our sins, this is also why foods were not considered unclean anymore. This is explained in the dream that Peter had ( I believe it was Peter, and I'm not sure which book) The law was now covered in the blood of The Lamb: Jesus Christ.


    Also on your other thought: If the Bible is JUST a part of history and 'events that were portrayed... actually happened, but... are still fictional. - then why not pass them out with the history text books?? Why NOT have the bible displayed in our government buildings?? After all, it IS what this country was founded on, so if it's just another history book, why not treat it as one?

    Because it's the Living Word of God. main word being Living. It is like no other book. It's not just a book.

    -my words are my opinion, what I've found to be true -



    BTW - Ididn'tdoit: I LOVE WHAT YOU SAID!!!

  4. We are going to be taking a complete income cut when our baby comes. We are willing to live less 'comfortable' so that I can stay home with our kids. I can't imagine working full-time, ministry, and photography, all on top of raising kids. I'm just thankful that my husband is willing to do that. I know a lot of women that their husbands won't let them quit because they like driving fancier cars.

    If I were in your shoes I would have done the same thing... your kids can see the stress on you.

  5. What this post stirs up in my heart is the desire to listen, be compassionate and pray for this guy. Not to judge. THAT IS A CHRISTIAN!!


    I definitely was not judging.

    I am a 'Hardcore Christian', I believe 100% in the Word of GOD, the Bible. And everything he has said - is against the teachings of the BIBLE. That's obvious. The point I was trying to get across is that, as Christians we need to do as Matthew says and 'Go unto all the world and preach the gospel..' though some believers- believe this is unessesary(sp?), this post proves that it is.

    What I meant by 'not doing our job', is:

    are we funding missionaries?? When we are called to ministry of any form do we follow it?? IF we are NOT called to full time ministry, do we envolve ourselves in outreaches with our home churches... or do our home churches even have outreaches?? Do our co-workers even know that we are Christians?? Do our friends and family??

    If your answer is no... the ARE you doing your job?? That's all I was asking.

  6. ok, -_- I stopped at this summary:



    So quick summary.

    No trinity.

    Churches not necessary.


    Miracles are natural.

    Old traditions no longer necessary.

    Devil? Not important




    #1 - Because my heart now hurts for you deeply, and I will be praying that God will convict your heart, that is the only way you will understand it. It seems to me you are running from something... so maybe he HAS already convicted you.

    #2 - Because I have to leave soon, and I didn't have time to finish reading it.


    My only remark I feel necessary to say is to your 'Devil? Not important.'

    Wow... he sure does have you fooled. He's obviously doing a good job. :(


    My other remark is to the Christians reading this thread:

    If this post does not stir up something in your chest; a desire to spread the gospel; you, yourself need to check up! Christians we are not doing our jobs!

  7. Well I finally went and got a bathing suit, even though I didnt want to.  I started working out but I know that it isnt going to happen over night and I know that I wont be were I want to be until after the summer.  I am really bummed.  I swear I am not like most people, I always lose my weight during the fall and start gaining it back in the summer.  Most people gain the weight during the winter and lose the weight during the summer.  I hate this time.  Going to the pool and seeing all the girls with their cute little bodies and tiny bathing suits...rrrrrrr!  :(


    I've normally been like you... I've never been fat, but I definitely never been excited about bathing suit shopping... but this year I'm pregnant, and for some reason I'm excited about showing off my fatness... and the cellulite on the back of my legs hasn't bothered me a bit... :huh: of course I haven't actually gone shopping for one yet... I'll probably cry.. :unsure: been doing that a lot... ;)

    I'm gonna get one of those 'Flarey' tankini suits, and show off my belly... so far NO STRETCH MARKS :excl:

  8. I have to disagree about past winners.  Kelly Clarkston is very successful with her TWO cd's.


    I'd have to agree with you... Kelly is an AMAZING singer, her latest album is musically great, I don't listen to it that much though, they're all very depressing songs... but she has AMAZING vocals.


    Did I say I think Kelly's AMAZING?? ^_^

  9. hahah, my husband was saying last night that they should hook up!!


    and yes, I do agree she does get off key a lot... but with work I think she could be better than BO.... (my opinion) I just like chic pop singers better...

  10. First off, If I was your daughter I'd be pretty mad if you took my yearbook back and got a new one... she's been getting friends to sign that sucker all week, and with 2 days left she can't get all of those back, besides, like another person said... they probably will not just had over a new one...

    (my mom used to go through my yearbook scribblin' out stuff, that used to make me soooo mad)


    But anyways... This kindof hits home this week, because we have this kid at church now, I believe he's only in the 8th grade. He's been coming for the last couple of weeks... last week, he got saved!!! :D PRAISE GOD!!!!!

    Anyways, he's really excited about it, and all, but he talked to my husband last night for a while. He talked about how the drinking and the drugs he could easily give up. No prob. But the thing he is most scared about is this gang he is in... and this kid is not one of those that is just a poser(like I believe most are in middle school) he's fo reel. He said he told the guys this past week that he didn't want to be a part of it anymore... and they said, 'well, there's 2 ways out, death, and um, death'

    He showed my husband a scar from the middle of his chest over to his shoulder, that he got while in Atlanta - from a member of a different gang. Now his brother is in jail for murder, for brutally killing the guy that cut him. (won't go into detail of how he killed him, but this kid said he hopes he never sees anything like that again) he's scared not only physically but mentally....


    So to the people that have commented that it's probably nothing... this just shows that gangs are in existence... even in the good 'ol PC!

    But yes I do agree that most of the people in Middle School are just posers playing a game... as I remember it was, when I was in Middle School.

    But Like I said, this kid wasn't playing. Please pray for him and the rest of the teens in our county!

  11. For all you Christians…


    When do you believe life begins??

    For all you Christians that support the “right to choose”…


    How can you justify your “choice”??


    You CANNOT be a born again, bible believing(and, um reading), spirit living inside of you - Christian, and support the 'right to choose' :excl: It cannot be justified in any way because it is sin. 100% sin. and 9 times out of 10, a person that is considering an aboortzion... is considering because she has sinned(sex out of marriage)

    Look back over the ages.... look back to when Moses was born. Pharoah had all of the babies killed... look back to when Jesus was born... King Herod had all of the males 2 yrs and younger killed. This is satan's modern day way of killing off the next generation. Young on fire Christians are a threat to satan, so the less people that are around, the less of a chance of more Christians.


    I took my kids to a youth convention in April, and the speaker said it so well. He said look around this auditorium... and he gave a number of teens(due to a certain percentage) that were not with us because they were murdered by aboortzion. It was like a stab in the chest.

  12. My opinion:

    aboortzion in any form at any stage of pregnancy is murder. Including 'The Morning After Pill'...

    Human Life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Sex is a supernatural gift from GOD that was giving to husband and wife to not only create a supernatural bond, but to create life. If you're not ready to create life, DON'T HAVE SEX. Sex is a beautiful thing that this world has corrupted.

    I am now 17 weeks pregnant, and as I'm typing this post I can feel it moving inside of me. Who in this world has the right to say that life begins at any other time, than the beginning??


    Here is a link to a heart wrenching story:


    And Click to see this 23 week form, and tell me it's not human.

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