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Everything posted by britt1

  1. britt1


    There is nothing really that you can do if that person does not want to help themselves. Nobody can make that decision for them. I'd be mostly concerned for her children. Having a suicidal mother is a very dangerous environment to be in. Hopefully she will make the right decision and you will be in touch soon.
  2. The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemon Cleanse and the Maple Syrup Diet, is a dieting program created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941 and made popular by Peter Glickman through his book Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days, which promotes Burroughs' regimen to a modern audience. Burroughs states that it is a detoxification program that aids in the removal of harmful toxins from within the body, as well as a reducing diet for loss of weight,and a cure for ulcers and "every kind of disease,"resulting in "the correction of all disorders. The Master Cleanse claims to be a
  3. p.s. i gave her some twizzlers and airheads, she seemed to like them but it's probably against doctors orders
  4. I saw Miss Jessie today. It was raining quite hard and I have to walk everywhere. We had a nice chat under the shelter of the old Sonic off of 278. She was trying to keep warm. Her son has been taking her to the doctor lately. She seemed in good health and cheerful as always.
  5. Thanks for all the tips everyone! And thanks to you Thoughts though I don't think I'd ever consider it yet it would be very effective.
  6. I've treated my cats with store bought flea and tick products. I've treated them for two months now and even put flea collars on them. Nothing seems to be working. I'm a little apprehensive about putting them on medications from the vet and would like to know of something else that may work. I have heard of lemon rinds keeping fleas away in your home but not necessarily off your animals. Any suggestions?
  7. I can't find it anywhere and I need it for the Master Cleanse Diet. Thanks
  8. Classes start Wednesday the 19th. Does anyone commute from Hiram to get to Georgia Highlands College in Dallas? If so, I will cover gas if someone is willing to take me there and back this week. Message me for my class schedule. P.s. I'm new here so hello everyone!
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