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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Ah yes, the Bible. A good book of stories, written by men, with an agenda.
  2. If people will actually listen past the first minute and a half. Because I was about to throw my iPad at him.
  3. That would be a Intel Core I7 processor operating at 3.7 jiggawatts. pothole.
  4. Dude, x wife speaks volumes. I've never had problems with Toshibas.
  5. I wish we were. My ankle isn't quite ready for that much standing and walking yet. Blondies sister Monkeytail is going. She is coming by here later to pick up her tickets from us. We got about 14 tickets for our sponsorship, most of them went to our employees.
  6. Shuttle Buses will run continuously from the designated parking areas to the Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport. Bus service begins at 9:00 AM and runs through 5:30 PM, or until all guests have been returned to the parking lots.
  7. http://www.microcenter.com/product/402580/Satellite_C855-S5214_156_Laptop_Computer_-_Satin_Black_Trax This is the one I bought Blondie today. I pick it up tomorrow.
  8. Agree. USAA saved us $250 a month over Allstate..
  9. I can tell you what tablet NOT to buy. I went to Microcenter at lunch to buy the Asus TF700T I researched most of the morning. Got it back to my office and it was dead out of the box. Would not power on for nothing. I let it charge for a couple of hours. Same thing, nothing. I took it back to Microcenter to exchange it but wanted to make sure it worked. Opened it up, plugged it in at the counter. Nothing. Dead out of the box. I told the dude at the counter that has to be a bad sign. I got my money back and bought an iPad3. It works just fine.
  10. Simple, do like we do. Avoid Hiram all together, especially during the week. There are many ways to get around Hiram.
  11. We used to pull a wagon. With a cooler. A few years in we would take the golf cart. With a cooler.
  12. Been shickled titless with my Toshiba's. Microcenter always seems to have the best deals. I've bought a few refurbs from them and never had a problem.
  13. Maybe he is waiting on everyone to leave. My ex's grandfather was that way. He didn't want anyone see him die and he made that clear his whole life. He held on for 2 weeks. Someone always in the room. One day his wife and son walked into hallway for just a few minutes. When they returned, he was gone.
  14. I just saw the follow up story. It's from a Swordfish. I would post the link but it almost impossible from my phone.
  15. Once people reach a certain age, 65, 70, 75? I don't know what that age should be but once they reach that age they should be required to take the driving test every year. At least have to go in and take the eye exam. I know younger people can and do loose their ability to drive as well as older people but we should start somewhere. My father is 76 and can still drive just fine. He would piss and moan about having to take a test every year but tough.
  16. Talk left, live right. Zoobilly Zoos mantra. Too damn late to go research my point. There is plenty of proof in this topic if you are not too stupid to see it. Bravo Guard dad.
  17. Toilet paper tube and some tin foil..........just sayin.
  18. People, people calm down. These are merely pipes for "tobacco" not any sort of illegal substance. Just ask the retailers, they will tell you the truth.
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