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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Still newer than a 67 Pinto.






    I understand what you are saying.




    But what happens when you stumble on the women with unruly teens? Do you run like hell then?


    It's more like a 1970 Porsche 911E. Plenty of get up and go still left in it and corners like it's on rails. :lol:


    Yes, the manner of the kids would play a factor.


  2. Okay-so say that the woman is an adult (say, late 20's or 30's) and both kids have one father? Does that make it different? What about if she had both kids early-say when she was 19 but both with one dad?


    It is the "little" kid thing with me. Kids are fine, just not little ones. Teens are better.


    You asked for honesty, I'm giving you my honest answer.


  3. :grumpy:


    But most of those women with kids under the age of 14 and 15 are younger.


    Using the car analogy, we'll say the newer car tends to rev up quicker and gets better gas mileage, if ya catch my drift. :lol:


    I'll say no more to keep this out of the tonk. ^_^


    I will have to disagree with that. ;) A new car has no idea what it likes and is too afraid to tell you what it wants. :lol:


  4. A couple of previous marriges would probably turn me away, there is that one common denominator in all of those marriges, her.

    As far as kids, I would never get involved with a woman who had kids under the age of, say 14 or 15. I raised my kids and I don't want to do it again nor will I. Little kids, BIG TURN OFF!

  5. :lol:


    You'd be surprised...I have a friend that's a pediatrician. All day long he's clean cut in his white coat with a smiling face. When he goes out to concerts, out come the eyeliner, leather pants, and tattoos. B)



    I got a few friends that do that too. It does not bother me. I don't judge people by the way they look.

  6. Love ya, luv ya, luv u- all terms of affection for friends.


    I love you- that changes EVERYTHING. Should be reserved for all the very Specialist of people.


    And sometimes, if your VERY lucky, you meet someone.......and I love you just isn't enough.

    It doesn't even come close to expressing how deeply you feel.

    In these cases "I love you" just doesn't get it.


    What do you say then?


    That's all I got.


    When you find out, let me know.


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