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Posts posted by tiesinpaulding

  1. if only it were so easy :D it's a new laptop... the key was bad when i got it and I have to replace the whole keyboard <_< . i thought i would try to atleast wear out the keys a tad before i replace the keyboard...


    hmm.. new dictaphone, new keyboard ;) am i seeing a pattern here? :D

  2. oh i hope everyone is feeling better soon. i tend to think it has to do with the extreme weather changes. my son woke up with congestion and sniffles this morning and with his breathing issues it seems to be all or nothing with him. i have my fingers crossed it was just a fluke this morning. on that note, does anyone use an air purifier? does this help colds and allergies?

  3. Amen Shedd. I hardly ever drink at home and I dont smoke dop so I come to pcom to unwind at the end of the day and I dont care how you spell something I get the jest of what a person types. Only thing that bothers the hell outta me is when someone types in all caps or all lower case letters, the lower case to me loks like a child is behind the keyboard. I myself have met some wonderful people here and made personal friends with many of them.  :D  :D  :D  :D Tootsie I sure wish you were down here with us. :D



    i usually type in all lower case :huh: but i assure you i am not a child. i am just missing a shift key still and rather than here a cap there a cap i just try to be consistant with all lower case. :rolleyes: one of these days i will find a replacement key and quit bothering the hell outta honkin :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

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