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Posts posted by tiesinpaulding

  1. Well not only that, but let's remember the traditional family setting doesn't exist in every family anymore. Some children need to work ater school. Some are actually in early release programs and have to drive in order to participate. Then, let's not forget that some parents work late and rely on older siblings to help out with errands and babysitting. Finally, as mentioned before, the athletes. When I was in school we had activitiy buses that made rounds after the after school activities ended each day. Without something like that and with most children coming from homes with either both parents working or single parent homes, buses are not always an option. And back to the point I was making earlier, my son did not have his "own" vehicle, he drove the one that he needed to drive that particular day to help out. And requiring a $50 parking permit for each car when he never parked more that one each day was unfair in my opinion.

  2. not only do they charge $50 but, when my child was there it was per car not student... my son drove different vehicles according to our needs.. sometimes he would be picking up he baby brother and drive one, sometimes his, sometimes the sporty one.. and they informed me we had to pay the fee for each... not for one driver...i was totally umm )(*&& by this... okay we pay parking but per student not which car they driver... perhaps this is fixed by now... i raised quite a stink.. i would feel better actually if i knew this was not the case anymore...he graduated two years ago from HHS

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