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Posts posted by tiesinpaulding

  1. i don't know about weird but it would surely be a bit inconvenient :D


    my ex is a lefty and although all my children write right handed, each of them has left handed tendancies in different areas such as golf, pool, batting, throwing, shooting, kicking, frisbee, eating, etc. i can't even pretend to know who does what with which...

  2. What I have found is that all smart people are left-handed. There are some smart right-handers, but I haven't seen any dumb lefties.

    Now, guess which hand is dominant in my case.


    so what you are saying is that all left handed people are smart, not that all smart people are left handed because clearly you stated that some right handed people are smart which would contradict your statement of all smart people are left handed. :blink: :huh: :rolleyes: :D


    btw... i too was of the same belief... until....... yup its true... a few years ago i met an extremely ignorant and not so smart lefty..... :D

  3. if not they sell some great paint at lowes and probably home depot for painting plastic toys like little tyke and fisher price.. and a customized goal from uncle jboogie would be all the more special :D

  4. Let's see my left is right and right is left...or is my right is left and my left is right.......whatever, I write is gonna be wrong.


    i'm confused now....... :lol:



    me too... i guess i am partially at fault here.. i taught all my kids direction very early by telling them that "right" was in the direction of the hand they write with and the other was left.. :huh: thanks goodness i didn't have to teach a lefty their right and left ;)

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