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Posts posted by tiesinpaulding

  1. thank you RRR... like i said... i don't even want to predict what would have happened had i not remembered the post and slowed down.. could have gone either way.. but i for one am very thankful for each and every bit of information i receive of this this site... no matter how trivial... granted, somebody who lives in the city limits may have found this post as useless and jabber... but, to me it was invaluable... if any post can have a positive effect on even one person... then no posts are pointless :D

  2. i just wanted to say thank you for this thread. i just ran to the store to get milk and dog food. the weather is miserable and i went the back way since it is shorter. on the way home i was travelling down the dark road which leads to the back entrance of my community and for some reason this thread just popped into my head.. i wasn't travelling fast but slowed down even more and as i rounded the corner 3 deer and then a straggler darted right in front of me and across the dark road! i certainly can't predict whether there would have been a problem had i not slowed down and i am happy never knowing. thanks for the thread and the hightened awareness it brought me!

  3. I am embarrassed to say - I don't have any extra money right now to purchase anything - but I have a strong back and willing to help clean up or what ever is needed to help them -


    Just let me know when - where - what time and I am there. I have 3 strong boys that will be willing to help too.


    all i have to say is you sound like a wonderful person. do you remember the little drummer boy? it's not by any means always about the money.. my hat is off to you and you are setting a wonderful example for your boys i am sure.


    Dogwood and Mr. Fixit, I am truly sorry for your loss.

  4. OMG woman is that all thats wrong with your keys? I'll mail you a shift key :blink:  :blink: now quit botherin the hell outta me  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes: , kidding


    ok so call me frugal :rolleyes: but i just can't justify spending the $90+ for a whole new keyboard until i at least smudge this one :D i just don't get why they don't sell individual keys but they don't... so, i guess i will have to bug you just a while longer :p :D

  5. yes, please edit :blink: :D just want you to know i looked for my halibut picture. i found lots of great old photos but not that one yet :p with that many photos perhaps a slide show would be good :D

  6. well, i guess time will tell. i wonder if chrisinpc and lear were trying back to back posts or merely a response to their thread? i guess if its no response to their own thread chrisinpc can't even let us know. of course, as pubby stated, he could modify his original post :rolleyes:

  7. oh wow, i thought he meant you could not respond to your own post, meaning you couldn't carry on a one sided conversation. i didn't realize you couldn't respond to your own thread? it seems if you are passionate enough about a topic to start a thread, it would be frustrating to sit by and watch other responders discuss the topic back and forth, not limited to their number of responses without being able to participate... :( just my .02.

  8. Welcome home IKO! congrats on your fish.... (not 153lbs but a start :p ) sounds like you had a great time, much deserved i am sure. I am sure we would all love to hear more about your trip and see pics...

  9. This was kind of a cute idea.... the below poem showed up on my doorstep with a picture of a ghost on a separate sheet of paper and a brown bag of goodies. :D





    This phantom haunts you happily

    From now thru Halloween,

    And was delivered by a friend

    Who hopefully was not seen.


    The spirit of the neighborhood

    Has come to wish you well.

    Someone, somewhere selected

    You to receive

    This happy spell


    You must display the phantom

    On your door so all can spy

    That you’ve been haunted

    By this happy little guy.


    Then fix three sacks with goodies

    Poems and phantoms

    Like the one that you received,

    Ring someone’s bell,

    Leave the loot

    Hurry scoot.

    Before you’ve been discovered.

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