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Posts posted by msgastorm

  1. For a DEET spray I've always used Deep Woods Off that is 99% DEET. It is in the camping section at Wally World in a little green bottle.


    Out on the deck I use a "fogger" type of spray before going out. It keeps them away from the deck area.


    I think I will try the vodka trick. :)

  2. Yall are just sick for thinking of such a horrid thing as laundry this late at night! :mellow: :p

    I know you were just kidding, but yes, I am sick, that's why I can not sleep. Insomia is one heck of a **tch when you have it every night for years. Add chronic pain (fibromyalgia), migraine headaches, nerve pain in the hands, feet, low back and hip pain, and now diabetes, I do what I can when I can. I have tried MANY times over the years to do the getting up earlier and trying to get to sleep earlier thing, it doesn't work for me. I just become so sleep deprived that I am a depressed ball of pain and it hurts to even move, so I quit trying it. The past 3 weeks was the last time. Ironically as a kid and teenager I was in bed at 10 or 11pm, up at 6am, every day, so I have no idea what happened (and I love sunshine, go figure :pardon: ). At this point in my life without Ambien I would go over 48 hours with no sleep at all before literally falling over in a zombie like exhaustion. In that state of mind I would be dangerous to myself just by being around the house, and to others if I drove that way, which I do not. Even with Ambien, to my body it is only like taking a muscle relaxer. I usually get to sleep somewhere between 4-8am, if I can sleep. :wacko:


    Soooo, here I am with the other insomniacs. Tonight was a good night with the pain so I made dinner, put up and done a load of dishes, cleaned the kitchen, done a couple of laundry loads (washing) and folded at least 6 loads piled into my bedroom! Now I think I may be tired, but not sleepy!! Argh! I need some rest tonight, hubby's only day off is tomorrow. He is working in Alabama over the weekend, then he travels to Minnesota next week for his Dad's valve replacement surgery. Please help me pray for his Dad. I am very worried about this. He is now 77, a Korean war vet, previously has had a triple bypass, had a stroke 2 years ago, and is also a diabetic with high blood pressure. Amazingly he still gets out into the community doing things and takes a walk every day.


    I hope all of you other insomniacs made good use of your time tonight and I want to say "thank you" for posting this thread every night. It can bring a little smile to your face and some comfort knowing you are not alone in the wee hours of the morning. :) Now does someone have a good joke to share? :D

  3. I like the roller ball mouse. The mouse stays still and you just roll the ball to move the pointer. No chasing the mouse everywhere.

    I do too. Great for carpal tunnel or neuro pain in the hands, but Microsoft quit making the TrackBall Explorer a few years ago. I tried Ebay and the ones still in a package and never used are selling for $200+ !! :wacko:

  4. OH WOW! Congrats to all of you who are going back to school. I know just taking that first step is a big achievement because it can be so scary. I have been out of high school for over 20 years and only have a degree from a technical college to show for it. I have wanted SO badly to return to school that I even have dreams about it, but I have alot of medical problems now, so I know I would have to take it very slow. The very idea scares me so badly that I have put it off for two additional years now. If ever I do finally take my own big step then it will be to KSU for a Bachelors in Biology. They also now offer a certificate in forensic science I am interested in.


    I am SO VERY HAPPY for every one of you that are returning and wish you the best of luck! :yahoo: :D B)

  5. I have read all 4 of the books, and an unpublished draft of some chapters that was supposed to be book 5 but now I hear that she isn't going to write it. The first half of Twilight (first book) was basically just introducing all the characters, but I have to say books 2-4 were great! There was always something happening and the details were amazing. I do agree that the book was better than the movie and hope this improves with the release of New Moon in November.


  6. Hubby & I had some kind of flu a little over 2 months ago. We are hoping it was the swine flu so that we will have immunity now.


    Last week I went to my doctor with shoulder pain that he diagnosed as bursitis. He told me the swine flu is pretty mild but we both agreed that it is really contagious. He said any patient with flu symptoms aren't to be seen in his office (a Wellstar location) because they received orders saying to send flu patients to "urgent health clinics" or to the hospitals. Apparently the CDC has now set this up to minimize spreading of the swine flu. I am assuming it is also so they can track the confirmed cases?


    Tide Girl I hope you feel better soon! :)

  7. No job, no wories and just like to drink coffee.

    Actually i will studying and reading later,just gettin in a mood right now. :lol:



    LOL. :) Ok cool. I was curious. I guess you are just a night owl like the rest of us.

  8. I have had dreams since I was a little girl of war. Usually it is armed soldiers chasing me and family members. It is not always the same setting but it always has the same theme, there is always a war going on with an invasion of ground troops. Usually the dream ends right before I am about to die. Sometimes I have had the dreams stop for months or even years, then they will come back. I can't figure this one out.

  9. A mosquito bite will turn into a huge, silver dollar size, swollen itchy patch on me if I don't put something on it right away. I use the Benadryl stick to dab on the area, or for lots of bites a cortizone cream (Cortaid). Also, if you have a TON of them or ant bites just take a dose of Benadryl to stop the itching. Make sure to use an antiseptic if you have a lot of bites because an infentigo (sp?) infection can set up and THAT hurts! My stepsister and I had it once when we were 6 and it started from mosquito bites!

  10. Hubby had it on for a few minutes. Usually we are big sci-fi buffs, but this was just too funny tonight. Especially when the cats started noticing the Sleestak's hiss and all 4 cats were freaking out. We were dying laughing! :rofl: Our furr babies bring so much joy to us. :)

  11. I know Castrol claims that their new syn oil is better than Mobil 1 but I will continue to run Mobile 1 in my truck and motorcycle. Hasn't failed me yet. I know the Royal Purple is supposed to also be some good syn oil but I have never used it. Ido use Castrol or Penzoil in my Jeep but I rarely ever drive it and it leaks so I won't use an expensive oil in her. Mobile 1 is the best according to me :)

    Royal Purple is what the previous owner of my mustang swore by. He always used it in her when she was located in California but I can't seem to find an oil change place here in town that uses it. I still use synthetic though.

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