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Posts posted by av8tir

  1. Ya all need to go to msnbc.com and listen to Warren buffets take on the econ , he is one of the smartest peeps on the econ..


    Now there is a real man ,with moral and values , that this country SHOULD be listening to...not the oil barons and finance moguls and those over-rated , over-paid CEO's that are driving this country to the ground .... Warren Buffet for President !

  2. Well , 52% of the American public thought he was a freakin' genius for the last 8 years ..... lol..... the man does not know how to speak and , since this was his first televised public address in over a year .. and it only lasted a whole 14 minutes ..... how many of you already knew what he talked about already.... do you think he really cares about the state and affairs of this country .... I'm really surprised he has made it this far ....... guess we , the American public, are just easy to dupe ....the man must really take us for morons ..... his father must be so embarrassed of him ... I know I am...and NOW .. the poor 'strapped' automakers are asking to jump on the train of this $700 billion free ride ....wonder if I can get a free car out of this???/ <_<

  3. :ph34r:


    A man was in a long line

    at Wal-Mart. As he got

    to the register he realized

    he had forgotten to get

    condoms, so he asked the

    checkout girl if she could

    have some brought up to

    the register.


    She asked, 'What size condoms?'


    The customer replied that

    he didn't know. She asked

    him to drop his pants.

    He did.


    She reached over the

    counter, grabbed hold

    of him and called over

    the intercom, 'One box

    of large condoms, Register



    The next man in line

    thought this was

    interesting, and like

    most of us, was up for

    a cheap thrill.


    When he got up to the

    register, he told the

    checker that he too had

    forgotten to get condoms,

    and asked if she could

    have some brought to the

    register for him.


    She asked him what size,

    and he stated that he

    didn't know. She asked

    him to drop his pants.

    He did.


    She gave him a quick feel,

    picked up the intercom

    and said, 'One box of

    medium-sized condoms,

    Register 5.'


    A few customers back

    was this teenage boy.

    He thought what he had

    seen was way too cool.

    He had never had any

    type of sexual contact

    with a live female, so

    he thought this was his



    When he got to the

    register he told the

    checker he needed

    some condoms.


    She asked him what size

    and he said he didn't

    know.? She asked him

    to drop his pants and he

    did. She reached over the

    counter, gave him a quick

    squeeze, then picked up

    the intercom and said...



    (You'll love this one..............!)





    'Cleanup, Register 5!'


    :p peed my pants .... that was great


  4. The Nichols trial... he is charged with 54 counts... the trial has started today...


    wow that court room is full of swat, marshals, cops,


    I wonder how long this will last...


    One bullet and it would have saved the victims families 3/1/2 years of agony and millions of dollars for the taxpayers. Such a mockery of all involved in the justice system .... <_< protect the ' gui;ty' , screw the innocent......pisses me off

  5. Isn't this so f&%king hilarious ..the richest country ,( up until last week), most powerful nation.( next to China and North Korea) on this planet... and we bow to the damn Middle East countries after saving their a$$es because they are so cowardly to defend what is theirs ......... Iraq ...for what good the war is .... should become our 51st state ..... there is absolutely NO good reason for a gas shortage ....well, except greed ....... <_<

  6. ATM Card Number ****0014


    I am pleased to inform you that the committee on foreign payment have just accredited an ATM card in your favor, and it is worth $6.3 million USD, you are hereby advice to contact Mr. Kits George

    (k.george11@live.co.uk) with the following details..



    TEL NO





    Sen David Mark

    (senate president)




    Do folks still fall for this crap email?!?!


    I think the members of our banking industry fell for this .... :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. so what the heck did he mean?


    Do we have the confidence to make it through this finiacil desaster or should we bend over and kiss our butts good by?


    He says everything is OK ... he's also thinking...what the heck I only have a few months left then I don't have to worry about it ..in fact I'm not worrying about it now. I certainly hope the 52% of the morons who voted for the village idiot are satisfied ! He truly lives up to the image :lol: :lol:

  8. I know the American taxpayers are going to have to do it again, but they have had to do it before. I fear it will be much worse this time, however!


    The US taxpayer paid out $124.6 billion while the thrift industry itself paid $29 billion for the wrong doings of these men, in the 1980s and 1990s. I don't know what the latest scandles will cost, but I think they will be much more expensive.


    Nevertheless, who received "$112,000" along with free jet trips, and other gifts in political contributions, from a man who was later convicted of criminal activity for his involvement at the center of a savings and loan scandal, in the 1980s, which later cost American taxpayers $124.6 billion?


    Clue: He was a United States Senator. He met twice with federal regulators to discuss the government's investigation, and was charged by the Congress with exercising “bad judgment” in his involvement. The man who had contributed the "$112,000", and cost American taxpayers $124.6 billion, was later convicted of fraud, racketeering, and conspiracy.


    Oh no ...tell me it's not true ..not our American 'hero' ...... :lol: ..... people ought to read about Admiral Stockwell , who was Ross Perot's running mate, to find out what a true American hero is ! GREAT POST b the way ...

  9. Jason Turner in hiram, behind the old western sizzler. He is so wonderful and so are all the staff there.


    PM for contact info.


    Ditto ... GREAT doctor...Great Staff ...........

  10. Does it mean the bare bones of our economy are in good condition?


    Does it mean the nuts and bolts of our economy are all attached where they should be?


    Does it mean the nitti-gritty, associated with our economy, is like it ought to be?


    Does it mean the brass tacks are all in place?


    Please, tell me how the fundimentals of our economy are OK!


    In a nutshell it means that we , as a notion, lack fundamentals , ethics, and sense of responsibility. Thanks yo thr truly unethical and irresponsible leadership of this country, who lie , cheat and steal .... a typical politician!

  11. Thank God our government will take care of the filthy rich and F*&K the little guy ..Maybe they should do the same for the banking industry ...and the mortgage industry ....... and wait ...do we have any left for "No Child Left Behind" ...hell , why worry about it ... maybe China will take care of them .... Bush, Oil and Banking .....what a friggin' joke to this country for the last 8 years and an embarrassment to this lovel country...just ain't what it used to be .....

  12. OK, no one is going to believe this, but it happened. My SIL called tonite aout 8:30 in a panic saying that their 'new' car was being reposessed for non payment. The car still had the dealer plate and wasn't supposed to be tagged until Thursday. Daughter made the first payment on Saturday. So I tried to calm him and told him to call the sheriffs office. In the meantime man tries to hook up a big chan to the car, SIL gets the chain and throws it at the guy.. Guy says I've called 911 and your ass is going to jail. SIL panics, car is being taken by a man with alcohol on his breath thinking the police are coming etc., daughter crying knowing payment wsa made. Guy says he's from the marshalls office. Won't show any papers, doesn't know their name, so SIL says get the hell out of here and guy pulls a gun and says, I'm taking this car, give me the keys. Daughter calls dealership while this is going on and they have no clue what is going on. SIL gives the guy the keys and he drives off with his wife behind him in newer Dodge Ram. Sheriffs office called and no repo warrent issued and SIL was told to call 911 immediately. They came and filed a report. Told SIL he should have called sooner and he should have, but the guy pulled a gun!!! I guess this is a vent and a warning. I'm thankful no one was hurt and they have ins. But WTF?!?!?!? They feel really stupid, but what do you do? The kicker is...I hate beer...I hate beer in bottles even more...Guess what I just finished? I'm off to bed now. This is just unbefreakinbelievable...


    It's truly sad, BUT , welcome to our society of thieves and crooks !

  13. What I hate most is how the media exploits the gas / oil crisis. Wow...big storm coming...gas prices will skyrocket...WTF... I didn't realize the Gulf of Mexico supplied the vast majority of the world's oil enough to cause gas prices to rise..are WE really that gullible or just plain stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. A woman walked into the kitchen to find her

    husband stalking around with a fly swatter


    'What are you doing?'

    She asked.


    'Hunting Flies'

    He responded.


    'Oh ! Killing any?'

    She asked.


    'Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,' he replied.


    Intrigued, she asked.

    'How can you tell them apart?'


    He responded...







    3 were on a beer can,

    2 were on the phone.

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