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Posts posted by av8tir

  1. Their gas is barged along the Mississippi. What suggestions do you have about getting it from there to here?


    GET A BIGGER BARGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :lol: Why..... is the gas line going to Georgia and the rest of the Southeast plugged up..... geez ...... or is disel so high it can't be trucked in ... ? Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina all have ports last I checked .. need a better answer me thinks >>>>>>>

  2. Plenty of gas in Arkansas ...$3.39 / gal and falling ...... where are all those financial wizards who keep ranting about supply and demand and simple economics 101 ..they are hilarious .... thinking like that is why we are in the shape we are !

  3. The whole situation sucks.


    Part of the problem we have encountered, along with Nashville, Chattanooga, and Charolotte is the EPA requirements that we burn a lower sulfter gas because of our summertime smog problems. This edict expires Wednesday, October 1, as does our prohibition on outdoor burning.


    Our State government made application to the Feds after Gustav hit, to allow us to relax the ban on higher sulfer gas a couple of weeks early [than the October 1 mandate]. As usual, we got stuck with beurachratic snafus for another 2-3 weeks, and in that time frame Ike hit the gulf as well.


    Hence, the lower sulfur fuel we have to use from April 1 to October 1 was still in short supply. Sonny and company finally got this regulation relaxed last week, but it will take another week or more for the pipelines that supply North Georgia to get the gas here. It is all governmental bs, but we have been caught in the middle and it will take some more time to remedy the problem.


    Now the big question here is how many people are now prepared to change their lifestyles to accommodate what is going to be an ongoing problem in the future? We have to cut back out consumption.


    Mass transit.


    Cutting our frivolous rides in the car for what are essentially non-essential reasons [i hit my son up with this when he was here for a short time over the summer......driving to the store at midnight for a pack of smokes....more money to drive there than the cost of the smokes which he does not HAVE to have anyway].


    Time will tell if we learn anything from this experience, but I am will to bet we will not learn anything at all.


    The federal government, Bush and company, 'ordered' the relax of EPA regs right after IKE ...so there is no good excuse...


  4. SO..easy solution ... you take the surplus mid-grade and funnel it to the Southeast ......... why is the Southeast the only area hit ? One would think that the whole country would be affected ...... again , no logical sense.....another hijack...... Did you hear about the $24 BILLION dollar bailout for the U.S, automakers ..... why ..to help them retool to make energy efficient autos ... and we buy this crap as it flows from their mouths ...to retool .... this is something they do yearly when new models come out and if anyone running their auto business had any concern for the American public they would have not wasted money retooling for a friggin' Hummvee .... why do we need those ...? And Cadillac Escapades .. why .because they are cool and people are wasteful ! It's all about attitude !



    The influx of people was worse during Katrina and everyone had gas ....besides , back then , I think every crook and hoodlum that left those areas came here to the Atlanta area.....crime rate and scams were certainly higher.

  5. No problem in Arkansas...... price per gallon is $3.47 average...some places are selling mid-grade less than regular .......the whole gas situations is like everything else in this country......there is NO good reason for this .... the hurricane was a good excuse ..and now the financial situation .... takes your mind off gas ..... maybe what is needed is another 'wakeup' call to pull this country together .....because the path it has taken is not the straight and narrow. There is way too much bullcrap, lying, stealing,etc. in the government and corporate world .Everyone has that Me,MYSELF and I attitude and the hell with everyone else. Here's another piece of news, not to hijack, the CEO of WAMU ,only onthe 'job' for 3 months will wlk away with $13 MILLION dollars ...... why ..... are we , the American people, that stupid ? Doesn't anyone get angry about this stuff , or is it easier to stick the head in the sand or turn a blind eye because everyone is afraid to get involved ? Elections are closing in folks. Pull your heads out of the sand and take a damn interest in YOUR country and take back control instead of leaving it in the hands of the incompetent people we have currently running this country. I wonder , if someone took a poll , how many people are happy and comfortable about the state of this once great nation. It should piss you off .... <_<

  6. This should be a wake up call to America as well as recent events. Not since John Kennedy have we done , or have been challenged , to do something stunningly remarkable.



    Chinese mission touches down after first spacewalk

    Published: 9/28/08, 7:25 AM EDT


    BEIJING (AP) - Chinese astronauts returned to earth and emerged triumphant from their capsule Sunday after successfully completing the country's first-ever spacewalk mission.


    State broadcaster CCTV showed their Shenzhou 7 spaceship landing under clear skies in the grasslands of China's northern Inner Mongolia region at 5:37 p.m. local time. Premier Wen Jiabao applauded at mission control in Beijing.


    "The astronauts feel very good," mission commander Zhai Zhigang said as the vessel floated down to earth on a red and white striped giant parachute.


    After landing, the three astronauts were seen sipping bottled water as they were given medical examinations inside the module. They stayed inside for about 45 minutes to adapt to the Earth's gravity before slowly crawling out of the narrow circular entrance of the capsule.



    CCTV showed the astronauts each waving as they emerged and sat on blue fold-out chairs outside the capsule. They were each presented with a bouquet of flowers.


    "It was a glorious mission, full of challenges with a successful end," Zhai said. "We feel proud of the motherland."


    Saturday's space walk, which was broadcast live and watched by crowds gathered around outdoor television screens, further stoked national pride one month after the close of the Beijing Olympics.


    The spacewalk was mainly aimed at testing China's mastery of the technology involved. Zhai's sole task was to retrieve a rack attached to the outside of the orbital module containing an experiment involving solid lubricants.


    Tethered to handles attached to the Shenzhou 7 ship's orbital module, Zhai remained outside for about 13 minutes before climbing back inside.


    A successful spacewalk paves the way for assembling a space station from two Shenzhou orbital modules, the next major goal of China's manned spaceflight program.


    China is also pursuing lunar exploration and may attempt to land a man on the moon in the next decade - possibly ahead of NASA's 2020 target date for returning to the moon.

  7. Does every American taxpayer get a new car now ? I hope so... :angry:

    Our country is certainly f'ed up ... Ya Think !


    WASHINGTON - Automakers gained $25 billion in taxpayer-subsidized loans and oil companies won elimination of a long-standing ban on drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts as the Senate passed a sprawling spending bill Saturday.


    The 78-12 vote sent the $634 billion measure to President Bush, who was expected to sign it even though it spends more money and contains more pet projects than he would have liked.


    The measure is needed to keep the government operating beyond the current budget year, which ends Tuesday. As a result, the legislation is one of the few bills this election year that simply must pass. Bush's signature would mean Congress could avoid a lame-duck session after the Nov. 4 election.


    White House spokesman Tony Fratto said the bill "stands as a reminder of the failure of the Democratic Congress to fund the government in regular order." But, he said, it "puts the United States one step closer to ending our dependence on foreign sources of energy" by lifting the offshore drilling ban and opening up huge reserves of oil shale in the West.


    The Pentagon is in line for a record budget. In addition to $70 billion approved this summer for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Defense Department would receive $488 billion, a 6 percent increase. The spending bill also offers aid to victims of flooding in the Midwest and recent hurricanes across the Gulf Coast.


    Such a huge bill usually would dominate the end-of-session agenda on Capitol Hill. But it went below the radar screen because attention focused on the congressional bailout of Wall Street.


    The measure settles dozens of battles that have brewed for months between the Democrats who run Congress and the White House and its GOP allies.


    The administration won approval of the defense budget. Democrats wrested concessions from the White House on $23 billion for disaster-ravaged states, a doubling of low-income heating subsidies, and smaller spending items such as $24 million more for food shipments to the elderly.


    The loan package for automakers would reward them with $25 billion in below-market loans, costing taxpayers $7.5 billion to subsidize the retooling of plants and development of technologies to help U.S. carmakers to build cleaner, more fuel efficient cars. Companies would not have to begin repaying the loans for five years, drawing objections from Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who predicted they would return for more help when the money is due.

    Republicans made ending the coastal drilling ban a central campaign issue this summer as $4-plus per gallon gasoline stoked voter anger and turned public opinion in favor of more exploration.


    The action does not mean drilling is imminent and still leaves the oil-rich eastern Gulf of Mexico off limits. But it could set the stage for the government to offer leases in some Atlantic federal waters as early as 2011.


    Also in the bill is money to avert a shortfall in Pell college aid grants and solve problems in the Women, Infants and Children program delivering healthy foods to the poor.


    In addition to the Pentagon's budget, there is $40 billion for the Homeland Security Department and $73 billion for veterans' programs and military base construction projects. Combined with the Defense Department's spending, that amounts to about 60 percent of the budget work Congress must pass each year.


    Democrats came under criticism from the GOP for short-circuiting the normal process for a spending bill after it became clear that Republicans would force difficult votes on the drilling ban.


    Democrats also wanted to avoid an election-year clash with Bush that would have played in his favor. They are willing to take their chances that Democrat Barack Obama will be elected president in November and permit increases for scores of programs squeezed by Bush each year.


    Bush had threatened to veto bills that did not cut the number and cost of pet projects in half or cause agency operating budgets to exceed his request. Democrats ignored the edict as they drafted the plan and the White House has apparently backed down.


    Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group, discovered 2,322 pet projects totaling $6.6 billion. That included 2,025 in the defense portion alone that cost a total of $4.9 billion. Critics of such "earmarks" promise to scrutinize them in coming weeks and months for links to lobbyists and campaign contributions.



  8. Mcain said he would be doing no more campaigning and he will be going back to DC to do his job and help fix things and not go to the debate. After this Obama said he would be at the debate. I've heard that Obama was then called by Bush and "invited" to attend the meeting with all the other congressmen that are paid, as is he, to do a job. This true?


    Fact 1 : McCain has not been to a roll since April 08 ., Fact 2: Obama's last roll was July 08 .. So ..ummm ..who is doing THERE job .. or lack of doing there job ............ talk is cheap from any politician, of any party ... show me the money honey !

  9. The fact there are people that actually think one party is to blame over another for this mess says a lot about their intelligence.


    The fact that someone let all these people get away with this for such a long time says alot about intelligence , or lack thereof, both in our government and leadership. ;)

  10. Get your beer, then think about this...


    Instability in the US financial market has global implications. If our system suffers devastation, markets all over the world are impacted.


    That's not ethnocentrism. It's a simple FACT.

    Got my beer ... think about this ..everyone depends on the U.S. ???? They better look elsewhere ..beer tastes better now...


    Yep, you heard correctly! McCain went back to help do his part and today after Obama finished a 60 TV add, went back as well. What was he to do? he had no choice but to return since McCain did. And McCain commented he still thought there would be time for the debate and he could fly to Miss. if the deal was done early enough.


    You just knew the liberals would try and spin this into McCain does want to debate, funny thing is, he has asked Obama SEVERAL times to debate him in a town hall forum. -_-


    And McCain did ..... ???? What ??? ...can't hear you ............ he did what ?

  11. This meltdown has been coming for a long time.


    You can't have a bunch of greedy self-serving lawmakers who make the taxpayers foot the bill and a bunch of greedy, self-serving Corporate executives w/multi-million dollar packages and not have a meltdown.


    And to top it off, the Middle East is laughing their asses off at us.


    Man .. I just love your avatar ...oh.... anyway . they get real neat retirement packages .... and yes the sheiks and GW are laughing their asses off ........ they have been for the last 7 + years ....

  12. With New Zealand declaring that they are in a recession and trouble brewing with Hong Kong and possibly Japan .... I hope they don't expect the U.S. to bail them out ....and the automobile manufactures want to get on this bail out gift .... what is this country and world coming too ... maybe the end is nearer than we think ... :o Think I'll go and grab a beer, or two,or three ....

  13. And we paid BILLIONS to Pakistan for this kind of treatment..




    KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani troops fired at American reconnaissance helicopters near the Afghan-Pakistan border Thursday, and ground troops then exchanged fire, the U.S. military said.





    No injuries were reported, but the incident heightened tensions as the U.S. steps up cross-border operations in a volatile region known as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants.


    Two American OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters, known as Kiowas, were on a routine afternoon patrol in the eastern province of Khost when they received small-arms fire from a Pakistani border post, said Tech Sgt. Kevin Wallace, a U.S. military spokesman. There was no damage to aircraft or crew, officials said.


    U.S. Central Command spokesman Rear Adm. Greg Smith said Pakistan and American ground troops exchanged fire after Pakistani forces shot at the helicopters.


    He said a joint patrol of Americans and Afghan border police was moving about a mile and a half inside Afghanistan with the helicopters above them. The ground troops reported that Pakistani forces fired toward the helicopters and when they saw that happen, they fired off suppression rounds toward the hilltop.


    They did so, Smith said from Centcom headquarters in Tampa, Fla., "to make certain that they (the Pakistanis) realized they should stop shooting."


    The Pakistani border patrol forces then shot back down on the joint location of the U.S.-Afghan patrol. "The whole thing lasted five minutes," Smith said.


    The Pakistani military, however, said its troops fired warning shots after the helicopters crossed "well within" Pakistani territory.


    "On this, the helicopters returned fire and flew back," the Pakistani military said in an English-language statement.


    And in New York, Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, said his military fired only "flares" at foreign helicopters that he claimed strayed across the border from Afghanistan.


    Zardari said his forces fired only as a way "to make sure that they know that they crossed the border line."


    "Sometimes the border is so mixed that they don't realize they have crossed the border," he told reporters before he began a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.


    The Pakistani military said the matter was "being resolved" in consultations between the army and the NATO force in Afghanistan. A NATO statement said the militaries were "working together to resolve the matter."


    The U.S. has stepped up attacks on suspected militants in the frontier area, mostly by missiles fired from unmanned drones operating from Afghanistan. The incursions — especially a ground raid into South Waziristan by American commandos Sept. 3 — have angered many Pakistanis.


    Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said last week that Pakistani field commanders have previously tolerated international forces crossing a short way into Pakistan because of the ill-defined and contested nature of the mountainous frontier.


    "But after the (Sept. 3) incident, the orders are clear," Abbas said. "In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire."


    On Wednesday, Pakistan's army said it had found the wreckage of a suspected surveillance drone in South Waziristan, but denied claims by Pakistani intelligence officials that troops and local people shot down the aircraft.


    In Washington, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the coalition immediately requested an explanation from Pakistan for what he described as a "troubling" incident.


    "It would be fairly hard to mistake a helicopter flying in that region as anything but ISAF or U.S.," Whitman said.


    He said militants have always tried to exploit the border region.


    "It's a challenge along the border and that's why we continue to look for ways to improve our coordination," Whitman said.


    Asked how Pakistani forces could mistake U.S. helicopters for enemy forces — especially since Taliban and al-Qaida forces don't have aircraft — Whitman said: "Only Pakistan can articulate their intent."


    Pakistani civilian leaders have condemned the cross-border operations by U.S. forces, which have been authorized by President Bush, while the army has vowed to defend Pakistan's territory "at all cost."


    "We will not tolerate any act against our sovereignty and integrity in the name of the war against terrorism," Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told journalists Wednesday. "We are fighting extremism and terror not for any another country, but our own country. This is our own war."


    Pakistan's tribal areas have become a breeding ground for Taliban and al-Qaida militants, who are launching attacks inside Pakistan but also across the border into Afghanistan, where the levels of violence have reached record heights since the ouster of the Taliban from power in the U.S.-led invasion in 2001.


    More than 4,600 people — mostly militants — have died this year in insurgency-related violence in Afghanistan, and the levels of violence in the eastern Afghanistan are 30 percent higher compared to the same period last year, officials say.




    Associated Press reporter Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report from Washington.



  14. WHAT????? A call for nothing? I think not!! You know when you get more than 10 people in a room discussing the same thing, there are always a few who disagree. Gosh, isn't that why you come on P.Com???? To disagree and raise cane about things that are going to affect us?


    I'll be away for a little while. Gotta get a 5-year old in bed. I'll be back when my blood pressure goes down :)


    Yes ,you are right .. but it's the best solution I could come up with in short notice ..... :p it solves everyones problems :lol:


    I seen pictures of both of them there.. McCain had 5 poiints to offer, and Obama had 4 they where the same points..

    and your point ? I am sure Georgie added his 2 cents ... or I guess now it is sbout 1 1/2 cents worth ... :huh:

  15. It was a call for nothing ... another Bush f*%K up ..... nothing got accomplished .. except a photo session. ... I don't think the Republicans take this seriously ..it's a game ...As for Obama .. not a huge supporter , but I would have taken a message from the white house also...... Bush should do the honorable thing for this country ...borrow a service revolver from the Secret Service, go to the Oval office and do what he needs to do ...then Cheney ,,, where is he by the way ..??, will have a freakin' heart attack , Ms. Pelosi will take over and the problem will be over by morning ...just my thought....this is becoming a real joke .. not to mention New Zealand and Hong Kong are in real trouble with Japan following suite. ;)

  16. OK ..before you read this ..remember about 3 years ago? We had 3 or 4 Major Hurricanes strike the Gulf Coast and it did not impact gas supplies like these teo smaller storms. And , why is htis only in the SouthEast? Prices are dropping in the MidWest and no lines or shortages .... WAKE UP PEOPLE .......you need to pull your heads out of the sand .. ;)





    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - since 1967 after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike shut Gulf Coast oil refineries, but the Bush administration said there is still no need to ask for emergency fuel supplies from European allies.




    The drop in fuel stocks has caused long lines at service stations in southern cities. Retail outlets, including those in Atlanta and Memphis and as far away as Ohio, have run out of fuel.


    Nonetheless, U.S. Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said on Wednesday the Bush administration would not reconsider making a request to the International Energy Agency for emergency gasoline supplies. Bodman said last week the Energy Department was "reasonably satisfied" with the recovery of the U.S. oil sector after the hurricanes.


    The Paris-based IEA was created by the United States and other industrial nations in the mid-1970s, after the Arab oil embargo, to coordinate energy policy and the release of petroleum stocks when needed.


    Five U.S. oil refineries with a total production capacity of 1.231 million barrels a day have remained shut since Ike idled 14 plants, or a quarter of the nation's refined fuel production, nearly two weeks ago, according to the department.


    The closed refineries have caused a drawdown in existing fuel inventories to help meet demand.


    U.S. gasoline stocks fell 5.9 million barrels last week to just under 179 million barrels, down almost 19 million barrels from a year ago, according department's Energy Information Administration.


    That leaves the United States with the lowest fuel stocks since 1967, when America's gasoline demand was just 5 million barrels a day, almost half its current daily consumption of 9 million, the EIA said


    Since Gustav struck at the beginning of the month, 52 million barrels of petroleum products have been lost at Gulf Coast refineries, according to Reuters data.


    "Continuing reports of spot shortages of gasoline at some retail outlets where supplies have been most disrupted can be expected over the next several weeks," the EIA said in its weekly review of the oil market.


    To help ensure adequate supplies and ease pump prices, the Environmental Protection Agency late on Tuesday waived federal clean air requirements for gasoline sold in Atlanta and surrounding counties in Georgia.


    Gasoline prices nationwide have dropped as more refineries resumed operations. The EIA said retail gasoline costs may fall to $3.50 per gallon, "if not lower," by the end of the year, as long as there are no further supply disruptions.


    (Editing by Walter Bagley)



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