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Posts posted by staceyjohnston

  1. The girl that came up missing last fall and the girl that was almost abducted in Kroger's parking lot, does anyone recasll what type of vehicle it was?



    I don't know anything about the Kroger incident. Which Kroger? That is scary too that there are SO MANY things going on we really only hear a fraction of it. Oh boy, well I'm glad this has been posted and everyone has their detective eyes on! Stacey

  2. I am off Holland Road.. East Paulding



    Scary, glad your daughter is OK. I live at the end of Holland Road on Mt Tabor. Eyes open here. Always! I took my boys to the park Sun and I was having trouble keeping track of them so finally I made them stay together! Anyhow, this lady was like "oh mom, just let them play. There's only one way in and one way out of this park". I know she didn't mean any harm, but I told her I wasn't afraid of them LEAVING, I was afraid of getting distracted and some freak trying to take one of them! I'll let my whole neighborhood know.



  3. Aww, but think of it this way, he still has those same CHEEKS :) We cut my 2 year olds hair back in the fall. They were so beautiful, and yes I still have them. But his cheeks are still those wonderful, kissable, fluffy baby cheeks. Oh, I think I've got baby fever again, gotta go!! :lol:



  4. My son LOVED LOVED LOVED a Day out with Thomas. We went when he was almost 3. We ended up making a weekend out of it in Chattanooga. If possible, I would recommend going earlier in the day and on Friday...if they still do a Friday date. Friday's are still kinda crowded, but not as bad as the actual weekend.


    You will love it!


    During Christmas, many of the train depots in NC and TN also do the "Polar Express." Santa comes on the train and they serve hot chocolate and sing songs. Lots of fun! We did this in Bryson City, NC. It was awesome!




    Friday sounds like it would work out a little easier. I don't mind a crowd, but less of one would be better!

  5. GeeTee: go to the Thomas site, there is a Day out with Thomas at various train depots around the country, you pay like $18 per person, it is only certain weekends once or twice a year. Thomas will also be in B'ham in a few months.

    MM: It is precious when he does stuff like that! He did it with Cars too, he'd hollar "car car". That boy has a one track mind!! I remember now that the one in April is on my mom's b'day weekend. I am gonna buy tickets when we get paid! I can't wait, thank you so much for posting and reminding me!!



    My two year old is into Cars right now too. He loves to run thru the house yelling "MACK!" then he'll ask me where did Mack go? hehe so funny.

  6. I cant read and drive....sorry. I tried, but does anyone know when and what it says. They are at intersection of East Paulding and Dallas Acworth and i dont see well enough plus kinda busy intersection so paying attention to other drivers. Thanks



    There was an ad in the paper yesterday, but I threw it out already. I think it is tomorrow at the school?

  7. Enjoy these days ladies...soon the kids will be big and they will not want to go out and play and then they will be gone. :( I miss being able to fuss about the running in and out.



    Believe it or not, I think about it every day :( I always appreciate a reminder though :)


    I remember hearing "close the door, we can't afford to cool (or heat) all of Minford" (hometown) My dad is so silly.



  8. Ok, I'm having issues with my crackberry, I looked a few months ago on the site and don't remember the date, and I can't look now b/c my bb won't click on the freakin link!! What date is it?? My 3 year old lives and breathes Thomas, he wakes up in the middle of the night saying choo choo!!





    that is so sweet, choo choo! :) the Chattanooga dates are April 24-26 and May 2-3rd.

  9. go for it - you only live once and they have a short time with you before they don't like you much



    OH MAN!! :lol: :lol: Well I do appreciate your honesty. I'm not looking forward to my kids not liking me, but I can't freeze them either.


  10. WOW, all positive replies. Well I think that settles it!! And like aw2008 said, they are at the perfect ages. I think I'm gonna suck it up ang go. I think the looks on their faces will be priceless. Thanks everyone! :)

  11. Please be brutally honest with me. I have a 5 1/2 year old and a 2 year old. But I'm curious if this would be a waste of money, time, OR my patience? We're talking Chattanooga, so what like 2 hours away. Should we go? Thanks for any advice/help :)



  12. As long as Sanjia doen't show back up,I'm good!



    Now that is EXACTLY why I think they are doing it, for the Sanjias of the show! :lol: You have these radio shows that encourage everybody to vote for the worst one on the show. Who was the redheaded kid a couple years back? He wasn't all that good, but........my opinion. I don't think that Anoop guy is a very good singer either, for the record. If you happen to be keeping a record of what I say :p

  13. Yea, just let it go..


    I was like the Perfect mother with the 1st one, and almost drove us both insane, but got him potty trained by age 2.


    The last one, I told him he couldn't try out for pee wee football until he quit crapping his pants.. (4 years old.. Yea, I am totally raising SlingBlade.) He stopped immediately.


    Anyway, kids will potty train when they are ready.. Don't stress about it.



    OMG :lol: :lol:

  14. Yes my youngest daughter will be selling at Sams Club in Hiram Saturday with the troop at 10 am -12, and my other daughter is selling them at Johnnys pizza in new hope at 4-7 pm on Saturday, with the troop.


    If you would like us to bring you some we can as well.



    That's very nice of you :) I live close to the old dragstrip and we will be going by Johnny's tomorrow, so maybe I'll see you!!

  15. yep....I rank her right up there with Norman Gentle/Nick or whatever it is his "other" personality is named! :blink:



    No kidding! Norman Gentles :lol: At least he didn't cry CONSTANTLY! :lol: Funny stuff.


    Scott is the blind guy, if I'm not mistaken. I'm anxious to hear him on the piano.

  16. Sad situation...


    what's even sadder than the fact that she has to live with what happened, is the fact that everyone is judging her. -_- I'm sure this could have happened to any of us, hind site is always 20/20.


    Maybe the dog wasn't in the room and the bathroom was right around the corner? Everyone is so fast to judge :mellow:


    I agree, who the hell are we to judge? It's a tragedy. I certainly remember with my second son just being happy to go to the bathroom for 30 seconds!

  17. According to http://www.keeppauldingbeautiful.com you have to go to the landfill to drop off plastics.


    (But they make no mention of the ability to drop off some recycle stuff at the fire station by Kroger at 61/278.)



    Oh, OK. Thanks. I'll check that out. I know I need to do my part, BUT it takes time that I don't have much of to deliver my plastics! haha thanks.



  18. 36 months is the average age to potty train. If he's not showing any interest or having lots of accidents, back off for awhile. He'll eventually get it :)



    That's exactly what I did. When my son really "wasn't getting it" I backed off and tried again in a month. He was potty trained 2 months before turning 3. And that is just going during the day on his own. As far as the night time stuff, well that can go on for years! haha Good Luck!



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