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Posts posted by Mektige

  1. if you'd check your attitude at the door, you'd find her one of the most helpful folks on p.com.


    The pile of PMs in my inbox say a little different, but I'll take your word for it. Seems to me, and quite a few others, that she's nothing more than a drama-seeker, and it shines ever so brightly with every post she makes. Glad to have something to keep me giggling on such a rainy day.

  2. So, you're saying you're a liar. Good to know...hope that helps sales. :)


    I guess you ran out of retorts or simply came to your senses and realized you're wasting time on a 21 year old who gets kicks out of nosey, abrasive people. Either way, maybe you'll keep twisting my story and coming off like a disgruntled fast-food employee, or you'll hop down off that pedestal long enough to pump up your ego balloon and float on to another pointless discussion.


    It was nice of you to put in your two cents though. It's unfortunate you couldn't afford more. We're so broke, we could've used another few bucks....TODAY!

  3. If I remember correctly, you had a post earlier today about one of the kittens being sick. So that blows your "perfectly healthy" theory. You didn't want to pay for a check up then either.


    I called the vet to make an appointment for him and they told me he was fine and to simply watch him in the event he got any worse. They claimed it was a mild cold and would most likely pass. Overall, they are fully healthy.


    When you get a cold, it doesn't make you "unhealthy"; it makes you sick for 7-10 days, correct? Correct.

  4. Considering EVERY freakin post you make "has to be sold today," I seriously doubt I'm the one looking ignorant. :rolleyes: You need to look at this from the vet's perspective. He gives little Fuzball his rabies shot w/out checking him out first. Fuzball isn't 100% healthy and has a bad reaction. Hopefully you're smart enough to see where this is going, but somehow I'm questioning that at this point. Simply put, you got the cats b/c your wife wanted them--it was an emotional decision made by someone who was reacting from a less than mature perspective. I think if you couldn't even afford to pay the adoption fees, that would have sent a red flag about some of the other issues down the road--obviously it didn't. :mellow: I really hope it works out for you and the kittens. I really do.


    Again, you make assumptions. Here's three things you overlooked and assumed:


    #1 - The purchase WAS made for my wife, but it was thought-out and budgeted beforehand. My mother felt my wife would benefit from the company of a pet (since the first cat was essentially mine), so she offered to get her one or two if she wanted them. We budgeted for it, my mother purchased them, and we've been fine ever since. We have the money to support the cats just fine.


    #2 - We will be taking the cats to get their rabies shots in less than a week or two. They just had a checkup from when we got them. There's a low chance, considering their health was tip-top, that there's any outstanding problems a mere 2 weeks later. I've never had any family pet sit through a checkup before a rabies shot, and they've all been fine. You're thinking worst case scenario - most people are thinking a little more reasonably.


    #3 - Saying "must be sold today!" didn't make any difference. It's a way to get people interested. I had my CDs up (and still do) for a week, claiming they needed to be sold fast. In the meantime, we did just fine. So, instead of assuming that "must be sold today" was indirectly implying that we are some kind of poor hillbillies who can't support ourselves, maybe you should just remember the economy sucks and we can ALL use the extra money - as quick as possible. It doesn't keep most of us from surviving fine on what we've got.


    But keep up the cute attacks on my past and my ability to support my family and pets. It doesn't phase me; I'm bored today and can always benefit from a good laugh. :D

  5. The cost of owning three cats isn't hurting us at all. My first cat is a year old and has had ONE vet visit (when we first got her), excluding her spay. They're inside cats, they're healthy (our little Indie has a slight cold, but he's doing better today), and their food/litter is about a once a month expense when we buy in bulk. Initial vet prices like the rabies shots are often over-the-top. It doesn't play into our financial bind at all. Our budget INCLUDES our cats. What it DOESN'T include is ridiculously overpriced vet bills, which as I've found out, are avoidable.


    Our personal financial issues are not so bad that we would be up sheeze creek without a paddle if we didn't sell the things we sold. We sold them to keep us from running a little behind. Find one post in this thread where I said we simply could not afford the $60. I didn't. I simply said it's ridiculous, and yes, it'd probably set us back a bit. Don't read too much into other people's personal issues without the previous knowledge of the situation and you'll make sure to look a little less ignorant.

  6. Glad no one else saw fit to chime in with a rant like Bwitchy. Perhaps, Bwitchy, you overlooked the entire concept of my post. It's not that I simply CAN'T afford it if I have to, but it's that if there is a more affordable way, I plan to take that route. Also, I didn't purchase the kittens myself; they were paid for for us. Thanks for the input, but put that W back in between your name.

  7. Dont the cats have to be fixed also? You can get a deal if you do the spay/neuter and rabies at the same time.


    They're already neutered, so that's a load off. All that's left is their rabies shots.


    As for the "pet ownership" remarks, I understand pet ownership is expensive. Keeping enough food and litter for three cats proves that point well. Outrageous and unfair vet costs are a different story; one that I will avoid at all costs, as I'm sure I can manage to find a cheaper alternative that is just as efficient and safe for our babies.

  8. Paulding Humane Society/Paulding Animal Control do Rabies Shot Clinics a few times a year for $5 an animal!


    That's where we got the kittens, and that's why we're having to do the shots to begin with. It annoys me that I paid the humane society $70 for them to tell me I have to give my FULLY INDOOR cats rabies shots within an alotted timeframe. I understand the logic; it's just a little bothersome to be bossed around.


    Any idea when they do these? They have to be done by August 23rd.

  9. The only shots our two new kittens need is their rabies shot when they hit 12 weeks. The issue? Our vet just told me it would be $12 for each cat. No problem, right? Wrong. On top of the rabies SHOT, they are required to go through a checkup (which they just had), costing another $24 for each cat. I don't remember this ever being an issue at all with my first cat, and it just angers me because we have the money to care for our kittens as far as food, litter, and a comfortable environment, but dishing out over $60 for them to just get a basic shot seems ridiculous!


    Does anyone know of a way to have their rabies shots done cheaper? $12 is reasonable for the shots, but I almost refuse to pay the vet for an office visit just to stick them with a needle (which they did NOT charge for with our first cat).

  10. Our new kitten, Indie, has been acting strange for the last few days. He plays fine and eats like a piggy, but we've noticed he sneezes constantly, has had a few incidents where we find clear fluid has leaked out of his eye, and his meow sounds a bit hoarse. We don't really have the money for a vet visit unless it's very serious. I've done some research and it seems that it could just be a cold, sinuses, or allergies - but there's also talk of it potentially being upper respiritory issues.


    Anyone else's cats ever have this issue? I really need some advice! :(

  11. I've had my female cat, Sweetie, for about a year. Today my wife and I rescued two new miracles to the family: Charlie and Indie. They're both beautiful male kittens, both 10 weeks old. Charlie is a solid gray fluffball, and Indie is a beautiful white and orange calico. We're so ecstatic!


    I look forward to posting pictures soon, so check back!


    Also, does anyone have any suggestions for multiple cats and one litter box/food dish? Especially since one of the cats (Sweetie) is a year old and totally unacquainted with any other animals.





    P.S. Are there any places to get very cheap cat food and litter? We couldn't help but rescue these guys, because their owner was getting ready to ship them off to the pound, but we really didn't quite have the money for the extra responsibility! I'm sure we can swing a little bit more litter and food, but it doesn't hurt to ask if there's a cheaper way. :)

  12. Many of you may already know that my wife and I have recently been selling off tons of CDs, movies, games, and other things to take care of our new house expenses. I start school this next semester at Chatt Tech, and with just fending off my anxiety disorder, I don't think it's a good idea for me to take on a job AND full-time school. So, in order to ensure some type of extra income (we're doing alright, but could be better), I'd be thankful if any of you have some odds-and-ends jobs around your house you might need done.


    Want me to rake a yard? Teach your kid to play guitar? Dig a ditch? You name it. As long it doesn't involve direct contact with spiders. ^_^

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