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Posts posted by Mektige

  1. I live off Ridge Road. I am looking for work in Hiram/Dallas. I have put in applications at basically every retail store in Hiram and the surrounding area. I'm not going to be picky. :) If anyone has ANY type of opportunity available for me, I'm totally game. Please send me a PM.


    Thank you very much.

  2. I have decided to file for divorce and my wife will not contest it. There are no children involved, no property, and basically no possessions to be split (she took all of her things, I kept mine). We're still on good terms and do not plan to hire attorneys as we've only been married about a year and have no property of any kind to split.


    Do I just go to the courthouse and file? What is the fee for a simple divorce such as this? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Odd thread to be posting on P.com, but where else might I find someone? :D


    I'm looking for someone local who has Gears of War for the Xbox 360 and wouldn't mind helping me with a few achievements (specifically doing Insane mode on co-op and finding all the COG tags). Please PM me here or add my gamertag on your Xbox. It's the same as my name here.




    P.S. Sorry again to those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking about! :huh:

  4. I think it was the part where you said in a round about way that we are not right in the head. It is fine that you dont believe but you aint got to make us believers look like we are crazy lunes. Ghost hunting is a hobby not a career. When we get calls from people who have kitchen cabinets opening and slamming shut repeatedly, tv's turning on by themselves, furniture being rearranged, etc...We are called to help these people. I would like to know what you would do if this stuff happened in your house. Would you check you self into a mental hospital? Would you investigate it to find out why? Would you try to fix the problem? We are here to help people that need us since we have gifts that aid us.

    Yep. I'd call the damn police and then they'd call me crazy. Either way, yes, I would be absolutely crazy.


    Looks like everyone's on the defensive side now, so I'll back on out so no one gets too jacked up on looney juice. Take care, all, and good luck finding Elvis.

  5. What? You can state your opinion and do so "the most blunt way possible", absolutely belittling everyone else who has a different view on this topic as you do so, but I can't tell you that I think you're an ass for your delivery?


    Well, tough nuggie-pies. :D I'm *not* the only one who has thought it, I can assure you. I'm just the one who finally got tired of your egocentric drivel and decided to tell you so.

    Sure you can. There's just no reason to. :) I'm not exactly worried about what a bunch of 40-something housewives are spewing about paranormal "evidence" during Montel Williams commercial breaks. I just find it funny that I'm called an ass for being opinionated. So sensitive, you people are! :rolleyes:

  6. Mektige -- You know, I like differing opinions. I really do. I enjoy hearing what people believe and why they believe it, even a skeptic like yourself. What you call "the most blunt way possible" I call being an ass, plain and simple. There's ya blunt for ya! There are ways of communicating what you believe, and what you're opinion are, that don't involved lofty ego stroking meant to be condescending. Gosh, you remind me of several other posters we've had around Pcom over the years. What a trip.


    You don't believe? Great! Fine by me. But if you truly believe that your opinion, and your very limited life experience, is the begin and end all in "ALL" that there is, then I think you're the one with the larger problems than me, who believes in lots of that spiritual "hogwash" you so egocentrically frown upon. :)


    Now, back to topic. Enough with the hijack. Why not start your own "Hey, for those who don't believe ghosts, let's talk about why in here" thread.

    What a sensitive nation of people we have. If I was being an ass by being overly opinionated then it's news to me. Go hunt a flying sheet and let opinions be opinions. No need to call me an ass for having a little common sense. :)

  7. I can tell you that you are very wrong. Psychologists do not prescribe medicine at all. LOL!


    As for 9.9/10 stuff. You are SO wrong there. Do you know any real psychologists? The majority of the ones I have met definitely believe in something beyond this realm. They know the mind is capable of so many things beyond the norm. And they accept that energy from the mind is much more powerful than the human body. So, if you randomly pick the first 10 psychologists you meet, you will find out they believe in a lot more things than you do.


    This I know for a fact. Talk to tons of people in this field on a daily basis.


    As for paranormal being spread by one person making a comment. When on an investigation, we are told to not discuss what we have heard or seen in any detail until we get to a 3rd party who was not there. That is how we make sure we are not contaminating what each other reports. And if it can be backed up with EVP or photographic evidence, then it is considered to be more credible. Not just, "OOH! I feel like something weird is out there!" A real investigation takes a lot more than that.


    My bad. Psychiatrists. I mix and match those because of the field they work in. Confusion always sets in with the names. :lol:


    You're SEARCHING for ghosts. Of course you're going to believe you're finding one. If you believe in hogwash, your mind is going to trick you into believing you can hear, see, or feel it. We're really not dealing with anything more than the same concept of me having an anxiety disorder. My mind loves to trick my body into believing that I have something to fear, when in reality, I'm perfectly fine. But because my mind is tricking me, I am prone to believe, at that very moment, that I am basically about to kill over.


    There will always be believers and non-believers in every walk of life. I've felt presences in my room at night like basically everyone else. I've spoken to preachers, psychiatrists, psychologists and not a single one has given me a reason to believe it was an actual conscious being of any sort. Most of them told me it was merely the human mind. Why? Because it is. Different beliefs stem from different minds, and it will always work that way. I don't look down on you for your beliefs, and if my words have come across that way (I'm sure they have) then I apologize. I'm simply going to state my mind in the most blunt way possible as I don't believe in beating around the bush with opinions. So, paint me ignorant if you wish, but my study of the paranormal has shown no conclusive evidence to support the theory of energy existing after death and there's really no plausible evidence out there. If you and your ghost-hunting buddies think you hear, feel, or see things then that is for you to believe in personally. However, until it's universally evident with some type of solid proof, you have no relevant case. Claims do not equal evidence.

  8. What part of you will be going to heaven... or hell? Your body, your mind, your soul? If you believe it's possible to go to heaven or hell, why do you believe it's not possible to get caught in limbo... get sidetracked, lost or on some mission on earth to comfort a loved one you left behind... or to torment someone who brought much pain to your life?


    And where is this heaven? Can you see it? Can you prove it's there?


    What about God? Have you seen Him? Have you felt Him?

    If yes, what do you say to all the people that haven't? If you can feel or see God, but He has no physical presence... then how can you say that it is not possible to feel or see someone else that is no longer in this physical world?

    If no, why do you believe in Him, even though you can't see or feel Him and there is no logical explanation for Him?


    You believe that Someone/thing created the entire universe and everyone in it. But, you don't believe that ghosts could be real because it's just not logical? :rolleyes:


    I just find it odd that you discount ghosts, based on logic, yet the core of your belief system is not "logical" at all.

    You're looking at a well-established religion compared to a niche belief. I believe in creation because evolution is entirely not plausible, and there's enough scientific and historical accuracy within the Bible to make it valid evidence. Have I seen God? No, of course I haven't. However, there is logical evidence presented in historical and scientific manners to prove the Bible itself, as well as archelogical finds dating back to those times that can sustain at least SOME type of argument, as opposed to these alleged "ghost hunters" and "ghost-seers" that can only make claims and have very, very little to back them up.


    So, while the basic concept may be similar, the fact that there is even a speckle of evidence to support the belief of God, there's nothing universally accepted as proof of ghosts.


    As for limbo, you're opening a new can of worms when you put it together with religion. Doing so would not make the implication that we would have the ability to see these people in limbo.


    Regardless, this isn't a religious debate. I mentioned my religious beliefs solely to clarify something, not to turn the tides of a debate. Relgion is broad and much more in-depth; comparing it to a small portion of the world that believes that "ghosts" (in the form we're discussing, at least) exist is not exactly relevant. I do see where you were going with it and I can understand you feeling the need to question it, but we'd be moving along to a religious discussion if I started digging up the vast array of historical and scientific accuracy contained within ancient texts.



    Mektige, what would you think if more than one person heard or saw something at the same time? I realize that people can plant ideas into the heads of others, but supposing it was not discussed or suggested beforehand and it just happened. Could two people be delusional at the same time in the same circumstance? I am not arguing and I don't think anyone else means to, and anyone is welcome to answer this or share their idea because I really want to know how that could happen. What would you guys say?

    Depends on the situation. The human mind has a very real tendency to create what we're wishing to see. Two people searching for ghosts are going to take what they can get. If you're implying a random encounter seen by more than one person, let's just revert back to the second sentence: We see what our minds trick us to see. I've seen "figures" in the dark too. The human mind is extraordinarily expansive and expressive.

  9. My mind is fine. I understand there are a lot of things in the universe that cannot be proven, yet they are. My beliefs come from personal experiences, mine and reports from others, as well as from research I have done on the subject. Starting from high school where I studied life after death as a concept for a college credit class. I have experienced a near death experience. I have heard and seen things you probably can't imagine.


    I deal with people who have hallucinations and delusions on a daily basis. There is a great difference between a belief and a delusion. Not just me saying that. It is part of the training for professionals in this field. You have to be aware of the person's beliefs before determining what is delusional thinking or not. Someone says they have seen and heard their dead grandma, I don't write down hallucination unless they tell me she was dancing naked on the roof next door. Then, unless their grandma did that on a regular basis while living, I might consider some delusional thinking.


    Culture and beliefs do not determine insanity. They are the norm from where you begin to assess. Some religions believe in spirits and demons, some do not. Some people who grew up in other countries, or, heck, even New Orleans, will have a very different belief system than someone who grew up in Dallas, GA. My open mind is an asset. I am not afraid of losing it. I open it to take things in, not let things out. I want to know and learn from the beliefs of others. And by being open to their beliefs, I am a much better therapist.


    Sorry you are missing out on so many possibilities in the world. Your choice though. More power to you. I am not going to change your beliefs. And I can promise you that you will not change mine. I accept your right to believe as you choose, without criticism. Can you do the same?

    My original intent wasn't to criticize, but it certainly came out that way. I simply think you're walking a thin line. 9.9/10 psychologists are going to prescribe you medicine if you say you see dead people. It's simply not logical thinking and that's why a larger portion of human beings believe ghosts do not exist, which explains why it's such a niche belief to begin with. It's not that people's minds are closed; it's that more people have common sense than we give credit for. Believing in something like ghosts doesn't make you stupid, nor did I necessarily intend to claim it does, but it certainly doesn't do much for making a person seem sane and down-to-earth. Beliefs are beliefs - we all have to have them or it'd be a boring world. I'm opinionated (let's blame my age, hehe), so I often come across pretty harsh. Live and let live works for me, as long as you leave out the part about me being close-minded simply because my research on the subject has brought me to the conclusion that the concept is entirely illogical.





    I believe that we were created. My personal belief lies in the Christian God, but I do not discount other possibilities even though most of them are not logical explanations for our existence. As corrupted as religion may be, the most logical conclusion for our existence via creation lies in the Christian belief system, so I naturally believe that when I die I will be sitting on a cloud in heaven or chilling with Obama in hell. Personally, I'm pretty confident in the former. :rolleyes:


  10. I have never seen a million dollars, but I believe somewhere there is a million dollars. I have never seen the wind, but I have felt it and seen the effects of it. I have never seen love, but I have felt it and been moved by it. If you only believe in things you can see, you will miss out on a lot of wonderful things in life.

    A million dollars can be proven physically. The wind can be felt by every single person. Love is a universal feeling that all people can relate to.


    Ghosts are a very niche belief, however. Those were terrible comparisons. I can't see you either, but I believe you're still there. We're talking about two totally different concepts.


    Science can't disprove the existence of ghosts. I know some people think everything is faked. I know it isn't. I have seen pictures that were taken when events were going on. I have heard EVPs where questions were answered. I chose to believe that I have a lot more to do with my life than to just die and go into the ground. I don't think all spirits are 'stuck' here. I believe some chose to come visit. Those visitors are often connected to those they visit. Some are connected to a location. And, sadly, some are stuck.

    What happened to the energy argument? Now "ghosts" are just "stuck"? How? What is your basis for this belief? What evidence supports it scientifically, physically, and spritually? "Because I saw/heard it" does not count as a valid response to the masses. A lot of people claim they see squids crawling on their walls too and they're in a psych ward.


    Believe as you chose. But keep your mind open. A closed mind never learns anything new.

    Just remember "all things in moderation". If you open your mind too much you can reach an unhealthy point of conflict within the brain. Don't fall victim.

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