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Posts posted by lildees

  1. Some feel the need to come on here to bash and say negative thing's about other people...I have noticed this is going on quite a bit.I alway's thought there was more than one side to every story.But I see sometime's when one say's something negative about another then several start saying negative stuff about it not knowing anything about it or even the truth...


    It's bad when we can't take care of thing's in our on lives without coming on here and bashing other's for what ever reason...There's been a couple of time's I have been unhappy with something but I didn't come on a public message board to try and make the other person look bad to other's that may or may not know them...To me it only make's the one doing all the negative talk look worse and very little credability...


    Just a thought.... <_<

    So true..Very good thought!!!


  2. I asked for a public cremation instead of a private or a burial. I don't think I could handle having his ashes here at home. I had my husband go ahead and gather up all his things and donate them. I would rather have pictures and my memories than his personal belongings with me.


    October 24th was the 4th aniversery of my father's death from cancer. Copper died the very next day. I have to think they are together waiting on the rest of us.

    Im sorry I had already posted before I saw that you were donating his thing's..Pictures and memories are very special to keep him with you..

    That's just what I did to get through the loss...Im so sorry for your loss...


  3. Im so sorry for your loss.I know how you feel I know that doesn't help but my thought's are with your family this is so heart breaking and so hard to go through.But just try to find comfort in knowing that he knew he was very much loved by the family and how much he loved you guy's too..He will alway's be with you in your heart's.When you can do it make a special place for a memorial for him with all the picture's you have his toy's,blanket's he may have slept on and a candle and maybe his food bowl he had it keep's his spirit alive and something the family can visit....I know it helped me when I lost my precious baby (rusty)back in March...


    Again Im so sorry for the family's loss...

    R.I.P Copper

  4. I got it!!!! THANKS SO MUCH YALL...i will return the favor and order from yall!!


    Lil Dee...i have been meaning to call you! Are you gonna go Sat? I will call you tomorrow and get things in order!

    Im sooo glad you did it thats GREAT!!!


    Im going to try my best to go Im very excited about it :D :D Give me a call, or pm me if I miss your call talk to you later:):)


  5. You go girl I know you will reach your goal:):):)


    As you know Im in the same boat with you so Im sending you good vibes...

    I think this is great everyone is pulling together to help you reach your goal we all have to stick together to help one another:):)


    I need to talk to you but I know your busy right now so I'll wait...I do have a couple of things going on thought you might be happy about that.Now if I could just get the other ones out of the way that would be awesome!!!But I am having fun I really enjoy it.



  6. We just came by QT at 61 and there were 6 police cars in parking lot-

    No gas available and we were wondering what was going on.

    About that time a tanker of gas pulled in-

    Were they thinking they might get robbed or something?

    Geeesh! It's getting crazy! :D :lol:

    It may have something to do with last night.They had people sitting at the pumps for hours waiting on the gas truck to arrive we talk to a couple people that was waiting and they had been there since before 9 p.m. and I came back by that way a little after 1 a.m. and the truck still had not got there yet and the line by then was over into the Kroger lot...crazy


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