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Posts posted by lildees



    My DH and his family all went to school there. My son will were jersey's and hat's, he has an Auburn comforter.

    He wanted a back bag but couldn't find one.


    My in-laws have season tickets, my dh and son will get to go to some of the games!

    That is so cool!!We have tried to get tickets for yrs.and still have not been lucky enough to get them.


  2. My middle child is a HUGE AU fan.. She hopes to get a gymnastics scholarship there... We painted her room Orange and Blue last July. We had to move her to a new room because of the baby and she doesn't want everything AU...Now what do I do with all this AU stuff??
    Well if you decide to get rid of anything let me know we might be interested that is if my son dont already have it lol.He has alot of AU stuff:):)


  3. Yes I am and my youngest son is a HUGE Auburn fan no matter what he loves Auburn his entire room is nothing but Auburn stuff and I do mean everything.And he's always buying me stuff during football season to wear or put on the car etc.

    Thats where he plans on going to college:):):):)

  4. My hubby works out of town also he's home maybe 1 1/2 to 2 days a week but Im used to it I like sleeping by myself.And of course I do have to share the bed sometimes with my big cat he's my baby and my dog too they sleep with me when ever they want.Other than my youngest son which he's not to young he's a teen already Im usually here by myself anyway.I enjoy the peace and quite you do get used to it I know I did Im not sure if I could go back to a normal way of everyone being home again...


    I enjoy doing what I want after working all day and best of all not worrying about supper thats a big plus lol:):):):)


    Good luck to you:):):)

  5. I like that guy already.





    Gotcha. I agree. 100%.


    That's like when someone spouts out the goofy mantra: "They're more scared of you than you are of them."




    I assure you: I'm a heck of lot more afraid of them than they are of me.

    Totally agree...If they are scared of us like we are of them snakes wouldn't find thier way on your porches....


    I know Im not going to stand out by a snake hole!!


  6. Won't =hurt= anyone?


    Oh sure!


    It's just gonna stay out there in the flower beds until we least expect it . . . then fangs a'flyin'!


    "Sure, honey! It'll be fine. All you gotta do is dig around in the leaves & brush & wood pile until you find the eggs the mama copperhead laid. It'll be fine, honey!"



    Yea that is kinda how he thinks he always says if you leave them alone they will leave you alone YEA RIGHT!


    Oh I forgot the other one THIER NOT HERE TO HURT YOU....ok whatever if I fall off the deck trying to get away from one and get hurt It's totally my fault not

    b/c the SNAKE scared the crap out of me...The snake had nothing to do with that well alrighty :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


  7. Hubby said it was a King Snake it want hurt anyone....I dont know about him we DO NOT AGREE on that one lol....


    Usually when there is some cats around snakes stay away.I have cats and when we moved from our other house I had not brought them over yet b/c

    we was still moving.And quess what I saw in the back yard yea a SNAKE about 4 1/2 foot long they said it was a copperhead I don't know.

    I do know I went right then to bring my Kittys to there new home with me hadn't seen a snake lately:):):)


  8. I've had the itch to organize for weeks, but I never have any time. I work all day, come home exhausted and craft. My weekends wind up filled up with laundry, basic cleaning, and 'other' plans...like my birthday lunch today. :rolleyes:
    I can help you out on your organizing :D :D much easier when you have someone to help you that's not attached to the stuff :D :D


  9. Do you feel this toward other peoples places? I really need someone that is ruthless to come push me toward my garage. It's just overwhelming at this point. Problem is I was that way when the kids were home. Now I just hide stuff in their old rooms.




    ,,,,,,,,,,, :ninja: I could so be on Clean House, and be very embarrassed!

    I would be glad to push you toward your garage :D :D and get it organized for you..

    It is alot easier when you have someone that is not attached to help you out..

    I enjoy doing this kind of stuff :):):):)


  10. "Reporting" From Old Acworth Rd. in between the court house and the library, I had been busy grooming the messy mutt when Mom called from Rockmart telling me about the 12:00 news bulletin on the escapee. I did not realize and had the back door open (to the woods off 381) for the cat, my 9yr old still asleep in the bed and me in the bathroom w/ the dog in the tub and the door shut! Needless to say I am a little nervous but do not want to scare the kid! I stopped the sheriffs car when I realized how much they are driving up and down my street while the helicopter is overhead and had to pry the info from him <_< . When I asked if there was still an escaped prisoner in the area he replied "NO" so I told him I saw it on the news and he said "Well we are looking for someone!" Hello, this is info I believe I have a right to know without prying it out of someone in a sheriff's outfit and cruiser!


    This should shed a whole new angle on the overcrowded Sheriff's race now shouldn"t it! I realize things happen but to tell me "NO" Would love to know where he got his orders from.......

    :o :o I totally agree!!!


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