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Posts posted by lildees

  1. Pics please :p I am a visual person. FYI I will be on vacation next week :yahoo:


    Check out prohaircuts.com! :D

    I will check this out.


    But no pics of me(here)I'll spare everyone lol :D :D


  2. Well great news about this Angel!!!

    Lil Dees sent me a p.m. and she is really interested in Angel I know Angel really took to her. :wub:

    Ash will be home tonight so we can plan a time for Angel and Tundra to meet soon. Lets hope they hit it off well. It sounds

    like Angel will have a wounderful forever home. Thank you Lil Dee we will talk to you soon I sent you a p.m. with my cell #.

    Thank you!!I look forward to Angel and Tundra meeting as well.I really think she is a lovely dog and will enjoy being apart of our family :D :D

    talk to you soon:):):):)


  3. O.K. let's do It Im ready for a ''NEW DO'' let's see what you got lol :D :D I want a completely new look:):):)


    I know your ready for your cleaning soon!!!! :p :p





    P.S.Be creative and I have thick hair and alot of body (curly/wavy)kinda long also :D :D :D





    put your thinking cap on lol :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



    Anyone that knows me I would love suggestions......


  4. We eat there atleast 2 times a week sometimes 3 and Im always pleased yum!!And I have got to know the owners and they are really nice people:):):)


    Matter of fact were going tonight I need some good veggies:):):)

  5. You will just see -2, -3, -4, -5 etc... not sure what to do with them all, mine are collecting dust, lol I don't think they expire, or 'go bad' :lol:
    Oh O.K. thank you :D :D :D


  6. Congratulations!! I saw the post, you rescued Mr Cole from certain doom in downtown Dallas at midnight :lol:


    I have a few mayberries, I am still thinking about how I should 'spend them' :ph34r:

    Thank you!!


    Yea it was pretty quite in that area that time of night.My dog decided she wanted to go for a walk so I took her up there where it was lit up to walk with her.


    how do the mayberries work when they accumulate??




  7. How did you get it? does it show up on your info? I was always confused by this Mayberry stuff....
    If you look through the threads from this morning it will have my name on it(the post)...go check it out if you get a chance:):)

    Basically it was from a act of kindness/helping someone in the community.



  8. okay, I've heard (seen talk of it) but WHAT exactly is a mayberry?
    There given when you have done something good or from a act of kindness towards others.

    It's a GOOD thing!!!


  9. Your welcome Im so glad that we could help you out so you could get home safely.It was very nice to meet you too I enjoyed talking with you.


    And your right p.com folks are great people and always willing to lend a hand.


    Im so glad you got home ok.


    P.S. Thanks for the compliment!!!


    Have a great day:):):)


    Lil Dee

  10. We also have a commerce membership so you can click on the banner below :D




    Yay! Thanks :)


    The buttons are looking great! I am going to finish them up this weekend. Can't wait to show you :)



    They do awesome work this where I got my first tat and I have another I want but just have not had the time b/c the next one will take alot of time...

    I hope I can do it soon:):)


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