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Posts posted by lumak

  1. Lumak:


    I got that we didn't have good sound. We'll fix that before we come back. I just got the software to do this and I'm really excited about it.


    What we plan to do is start doing the news live on Friday afternoon. I've not set a specific time but I do expect to do it sometime between 4 but before 5 p.m on Friday.


    We'll record it as well as producing it live and will post the recorded version to our server on blip.tv.


    I'm producing some of the news pieces as we speak.



    That would be great! I look forward to seeing and hearing you guys!! :D

  2. My dad lives in Michigan but is in town for my daughters graduation.

    Those of you that know me, know how stressful an Al visit can be. :p


    Here's a prime example:

    He's only been here 18 hours and has already murdered my mailbox.


    That in it's self not that big a deal. Accidents happen....BUT


    He killed it while driving a 2010 Cadillac DTS with 65 miles on it. *Rental Car*

    And the flipping thing has "radar" I know this because he told me 4 times last night.

    It was also beeping at him when he backed up and killed the mailbox.

    Please note his was the only car in my 2 car wide driveway.


    And did I mention he wears horrible baseball caps and carries a man bag/duffle with him

    everywhere he goes? Not to mention the CAMERA.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: RIP mailbox.....

  3. You will find your way. And the story about the farmer is similar to my own philosophy on life. Change is neither good or bad, it just is. Hang in there kiddo. Your path will be revealed.

    :wub: :wub: :wub:

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