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Posts posted by jdcutshall

  1. I'm always amazed that people will put off calling a doctor and ask what to do on a message board. Hello McFly? You stuck your son with a needle and he couldn't feel it. If he slept on it funny, the feeling would have been back within minutes. You need to be on the phone or en route to the doctor's office like 10 minutes ago.


    Some people clearly shouldn't be parents. :rolleyes:



    Well said Thank you!!!!

  2. I have lived here for a year and have a child in Elementary and one in Middle School. Every state "teaches for a test" nowadays. We came from Tn and to tell you the truth I like it here better. My kids were going to a K-8 there and there was no extra's except for basketball and cheerleading after school. Here my kids have the opportunity to join clubs and do sports. I'm a firm believer that if you bring your kids up right it doesn't matter if there are gangs in the school they know whats important and where they want to be in later in life. But be it gangs or clicks they are everywhere even in private schools. JMO

  3. To Adam Cole,


    From someone who has served and from her husband that served 20 years. Thank you for your service if it weren't for you and all the other young men and women who go overseas to fight for this country where would we all be.

  4. I hear ya. Its just about as bad in Murfreesboro, Tn. In a 4 mile stretch one road has 4 names. Here i've figured out the route numbers but if someone says Dallas-Acworth hwy I'm like :huh: It took me several years to figure out Murfreesboro it will take me several years here to. Btw I've only lived here for a year.

  5. If you move to Florida be careful with buying. We have friends who live there and retired there. They had to wait 5 years before they could sale their house because of the homestead exemption. Not sure how it works but you might want to look into that before you decide to buy there.

  6. Also if you have a Paypal account there is a free monitoring service for members where Equifax will monitor your accounts for a year free of charge. They actually look at "the big three" not just Equifax. Each time someone checks your credit, or looks at your account they will send you an email alert letting you know. We just bought our house in Feb, so I got several of these emails.


    The best thing you can do is be alert with your accounts.




    I didn't know that Paypal did that I will have to check into that Thanks!

  7. Just last Tuesday night, a credit card company called me to verify some charges on a recently opened account. Well, it turns out that someone opened a credit card in my name with them. The kicker is that I already have a card with them that's been open for a long time. Chase approved this new account and sent cards to these people with my name on them even though they were given the incorrect birthdate and mother's maiden name. You'd think that using the same social security number with a different birthdate would have raised a flag. Well, over $4500.00 of charges in one day caused them to call me to verify the charges. Now that account has been closed, I had to place a fraud alert on my credit which has already paid off. Just a couple of days later, another bank called me to approve a request for another credit card!! It's such a hassle and makes me so mad!! Just in case you don't know, you can opt out of those pre-approved credit cards that come in the mail. Needless to say, that's been done for both my husband and myself since it looks like these applications were mailed in.


    Now I am super-sensitive about everything I get in the mail. I think I will need to buy an industrial-sized shredder, soon! <_<



    Go up to Equfax web site look for fraud alert. Put a fraud alert on your account it will go to all of the credit reporting agencies. It lock down your credit for 90 days. In other words no one will be allow to open an account without you knowing about it. We had this problem last year when someone stole my hubby's credit card number. My credit card was also part of credit card information that was stolen. My bank has been watching my account for close to 3 years now. They just decided the other day that they were going to give me a new number probably because they new this was coming out.

  8. I have the same problem and I live off of Hiram-Sudie. Called the power company. They came out checked the house, checked the power box said all was fine. I have an UPS and we had a brown out that was so quick it took out one of my computers :angry: !! They told me its probably a tree somewhere that is brushing up against the line and they couldn't do nothing til it decides to break. :wacko:

  9. I'm sorry to hear your having so much trouble selling your home. The only suggestion I might have for you is to see about a good rental company that does credit checks and rent it out for a while til the market comes back up. I'm not a realtor and some people don't like to do this but it might be the best thing for your family at this time. Just a suggestion.

  10. My mom and dad are retired and are receiving a military retirement and they received theirs. She had to fill out some paperwork and send it back and they got a paper check. I would call and ask again you get someone different everytime.

  11. If I remember correctly you go to the county clerk. We filed ours in Tx they copied it and wrote the registration number on your original and hand it back to you. Its a just in case it gets lost or you have a fire and lose it you can still get a copy.

  12. Here is the number to get one. 770-370-2273...I'm going with them to get my tickets. They are even cheaper than the Navy Base...And I can print them out at home.. :D Cant beat that.


    Your right on that I called them the other day and they were more.

  13. just an fyi my mom tried the bitter apple on her jack russell mix it worked for a little while then she thought it was added flavoring to what she was chewing. :rolleyes: My mom went back to hot sauce and she won't touch it at all

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