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Posts posted by EagleWings

  1. I hope you give an extra large tip to the person making that bologna sandwich. :lol:


    Oh, and please tell me why I was singing B O L O G N A while typing that! :rofl:


    I usually get tipped. :lol:


    You were singing it for the same reason I was singing it. It's in our blood from childhood. :rofl: :rofl:


  2. The "tip" I got over the week was this.


    1. I can't go out to eat anymore unless I tip 18%.

    2. I can't go into a restaurant during the last open hour and expect the same meal and service.

    3. I have to clean my own table to prevent being labled.

    4. I must now make a list of needed items between each waitress stop.

    5. I can't change my mind on my order.

    6. I MUST be in my seat, place my order, eat my food, pay my bill, and leave the premises in 1 hour.


    We're having bologna sandwiches tonight.

  3. Let me ask you this, if an officer had stopped and offered you a ride and told you that you would need to empty your pockets prior to entering the patrol car per departmental policy that all persons transported in a department vehicle be searched prior to entering said vehicle, would you still have accepted the ride?


    <raising hand excitingly> I know the answer. Pick me, pick me. The answer is no.

  4. The thing that bothers me is that when he went to put him on the car the first time, you could see that the officers intention was not to cuff him and arrest him but rather he threw him against the car as a body 'blow' - the officer actually threw his body into the man ... and then jerked him back and to the ground in what appears to be one complex physical maneuver.


    Notably, I had to review the video a couple of times to make absolutely sure that the guy wasn't actually resisting but you can see clearly in the video that he threw the man against the car slamming his body into his back and using the bounce from that to add momentum to the throwdown. Of course the rest of the beating happened after that but the crime and responsibility is determined with that first interaction.


    Unless you can define what exactly this guy could say that would justify the officer getting out of the car and coming around and assaulting him - I'm really interested what that statement that justifies an ass whooping by an officer because I can't think of any. - this appears to me to be an officer exceeding his authority and committing the crime of assault and battery and possibly assault with a deadly weapon.




    The police threw him up against the car so he could get and keep the upper hand. The "victim" continued to resist arrest and the rest of the video is justified also. No way this cop is in any violation. When folks view the police as their enemy, then everything the cops do is wrong. If there was a wrongdoing, I would be the first to say throw the book at him. The only proceedure violation I see is the woman cop not helping her partner. She was the disgrace.


  5. The other day, my roomate and I were nearly arrested for "tresspassing" on property that was part of the paulding forest just weeks ago, with no signs indicating it had been bought out or anything. (It was bought by a land developer) The other guy with us ditched us on the spot and we walked nearly 30 miles home in the hot ass sun down 278; while we watched countless officers pass us up without so much of a "Hey, you guys alright"? We were pretty muddy after an afternoon of hiking and were dehydrated without water, which was in the afformentioned "friends" car.


    I stopped counting at 18. These 2 douchers that nearly arrested us were trying to scare us as much as they could and they sure were quick to jump on the oppurtunity to harass people who were enjoying a beautiful day out in nature, but out of 18 cruisers ranging from PC sherriffs, to dallas, to hiram and GSP, not ONE seemed concerned enough about the safety of 2 citizens who were walking nearly 30 miles to stop and perhaps let us use a cell phone to call my roomates GF, give us a ride to somewhere where we COULD call someone, or anything else that would have been greatly appreciated by 2 taxpaying, voting citizens.


    I guess we should have just been thankful to not be threatened or demeaned by any other officers on our trek home, and the acceptance of that very philosophy is the reason why people tend to have such a mistrust for the police in general.


    I dont know the circumstances of this video and niether does anyone else here, but this beating went above and beyong any neccesary force to subdue a POSSIBLE suspect and there is no excuse for it, because the bottom line is that when you sign up to police the streets, you are held to a higher standard than the rest of the population. If you dont like it, dont be a cop.


    On the other hand, a couple of weeks ago, my dog got out of the fence and one of Hiram's own officers saw her on 278, someone pointed to him which house she came from and he helped me catch her so I could take her back home. I didnt catch this officers' name, but he was a younger fellow with dark hair, clean shaven and if any of Hiram PD is reading this and recognizes this, please give this fine gentleman a pat on the back because he was polite, understanding, and helpful and things like that go a long way with a society who is already edgy due to a crappy political climate and social insecurity.


    I wish more of the police were like this man and not so much like the 2 assholes mentioned at the start of my post, because I honestly think that it would change the world if it was that way.


    How many contradictions can you have in one post? Seems to me that you think the police can't do anything right. Sounds like a personal issue rather than the police's issue. Where in the world can you walk in Paulding in one direction and cover 30 miles? I need a map.


    One more thing, "I didn't know" isn't an excuse to breaking the law. If you don't own the land, then you are tresspassing. Plain and simple.

  6. Exactly what I am saying. This is your average resisting arrest case.


    And I'm sure this "victim" doesn't have a previous record either. Not that it matters from the cops side, but it seems like the "victim" has had experience in this arena before.


    This just hit me, as I type, I am trying to remember the last time a cop came up to me and just started beating me for no reason. It's gotta be in my memory somewhere. I am going to keep searching until I find it.

  7. Joe cop says jump and Joe civ. does not see why he should. Do you blame Joe C. for not snapping to Joe cops responce? I don't, I think Joe cop thinks this is the law and he can do as he wishes.


    The problem for Joe Cop is that the camera is around... Now Joe C. has to have a better lawyer then the city... 9 out of 10 times Joe C. loses even with a camera watching the whole thing


    Joe Cop is going to take a lot one day.... Due to Joe C. getting tired of the Joe Cop power trips.


    It is coming one day...


    Sad but very true.


    Are you promoting the death of a cop?

  8. Well....I found the full video. Link.


    The man pulled away when the officer guided him to the car. He was taken to the ground and he rolled back over onto his back into a defensive posture. He never once put his hands behind his back during the entire incident.


    Don't you just love how they speed up the tape to make it appear more aggressive than is normally would? I'm sorry, I just don't see the "beatdown" on an innocent victim. He was always putting himself in a threatening position to the officer. What other recourse did the officer have? He held him at bay until further officers arrived on the scene. I don't know, maybe I just see things different. I guess it is called reality.

  9. what was the original offence .. failure to zip your jacket in a public place..

    just because the officer tells you to do something does NOT make it a lawful command.



    Don't know what the original offense was or even if there was one. That's what I am saying. If he is wrong, then the court will find him guilty. But you can count on CNN to sway to evidence. No agenda there, right?






  10. Yep, don't slow the tape CNN. I never advocate violence from the police but there are always two sides. The video doesn't have the audio. How do we know the "victim" wasn't verbally threatening the officer? If you notice real close, you can see the "victim" hasn't submitted to the police. In fact, he rolls over on his rear end and is engaging the officer. If you combined that with the audio, do you think maybe the situation was a little different that the way it was proposed by the "outstanding and morally ethical" CNN? No adgenda there right? Give me a break people. Wait and see what led up to this situation. Why were the cops there anyway? Are we sure there wasn't a previous or ongoing situation that brought this out? Why don't you all wait for ALL the facts before you rush to judgment?

  11. What about those sea creatures I saw at the aquarium that start life as one sex and end life as the other. I guess transexuality isn't all that uncommon either.


    You wouldn't consider a single case (or maybe a couple) in a world of hundreds of thousands of different life forms uncommon? Seems like that would be a clear definition. ;)


  12. I don't think there is any danger of that happening in our society! Did you read about that guy that has 20 plus kids with 11 mothers? :o He didn't stick around to take care of any of them! There is definitely something to be said for those great Penguin fathers! Hey, I don't think you have anything to worry about!! :lol:


    Yeah, his name is Evander Holyfield. :lol:


  13. The males normally care for the egg no matter where they are living. The female is out fishing in their natural habitat! That is the way their society evolved! The female lays the egg and the male takes care of it! Does not make the males GAY!! It makes them normal penguin fathers!! :rolleyes:

    If you don't mind NJ, please don't let this kind of lifestyle get out into our own society. I don't think I could stay at home and sit on an egg for months at a time only eating what my wife decides is good for me. :rofl: :rofl:

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