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Posts posted by EagleWings

  1. Corporations move overseas because we've removed the tarrif restrictions to sell their products back here in the US, like it use to be. Wouldn't you move your factory to China if you only had to pay your workers 40 cents an hour over there? The Chinese Government provides medical and basic shelter for it's workers in China, it's a hellva good deal. But in India, it's workers no matter what education level take far far less pay because of competition of the populas. Everybody takes the lower pay, or they don't eat. But prices don't reflect the cheaper production cost, they just equal higher profits for the bussiness owners. With no Unions to stop the abuse, and the government ready to crack down on any orginized strikes that might threaten national economics, the poor suffer even more. Slaves of the old south were be better cared and fed than these people, atleast they had value. The poor of these nations are nothing more than disposeable napkins, and worth far less...


    Are you implying we should do the same? Does the word COMMUNISTS ring a bell? Are you ok with gov't slavery? Sounds like a good platform for the Democratic Party. Seems like a lot of things sound democrat/communists. I can't tell them apart.

  2. Terri got all "hand-sy" with TBIR. Does he have "blue eyes and blue jeans"?




    Yes we did go out.................many times..........................but I got tired of all those "blind dates". Another thing, you sure know alot of lyrics. Have you got the Gibb Greatest Hits?

  3. If someone gets hit by a car or has a wreck, do you think they can file a lawsuit against the mini flea market? If retail business are responsible for the saftey of their customers, could the "junkyard" have some liability in this case?

  4. Dh said to NEVER USE WATER



    During proper cleanings, the system is designed to extract the water before soaking the back. It will not present a problem what so ever. Remember, the only purpose of cleaning the carpet is to clean to carpet not the back. The fibers are wet with extremely hot water and concentrated chemicals and extracted immediately. Should be fine.

  5. Also Choose a company that ONLY uses CHEMICALS and not a lot of WATER. Water can mess the backing up on the back of the carpet.



    Actually, quite the opposite. Very little concentrated chemicals and very hot water. The truck extractor will pull the water out before it has a chance to soak the back of the carpet. The back of carpet is plastic with latex and marble dust used to attatch the threads to the back. It takes water a long time to break down the latex and marble dust. Any good carpet cleaning company who uses very hot water with a truck mount extractor should be sufficient. B)


    Call Supreme Carpet Care at 770-942-5911 and ask for Neal.

  6. Do you have some weird thing for country songs about the :diablo: ?

    Apparently my parents did. Sometimes I think I was raised by the Devil. :lol: I was wondering where this arrow pointed tail came from. MOM! Where were you on the night......................well, nine months before the night after christmas in 1969?

  7. I was 7 when my parents drug me to the Six Flags Theatre to hear the one and only. It was our second trip that year. The first was Charlie Daniels Band. Totally different. No rebel flags flying at the Gibb concert.





    [/color]Terri Gibbs says you look HOT!






    Are you sure she didn't say I "felt" HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? :lol:

  8. My name actually fooled someone last week. They called me TBAR! Just playin' around "TBAR" no offense. Just having a little late summer fun. :lol: Well, the gig is up. I have one more shot at a name for the next 6 months. Hey, maybe the name can be.............................Sum body's Knockin'! B)

  9. Oh my goodness. Sunday..............we passed by the mother of all "yard sales" on Hwy 92 north of Hwy 120. They say it is a moving sale. Give me a break. Aren't there county codes or something that should protect drivers and people from getting hurt or even killed? Just wondering.

  10. This is getting ridiculous...C. Harris did not come on here to get bashed. He was simply trying to help people by making them aware of whats going on. Just let it go people..jeeze. -_-



    We are all R a c i s t !!!!!!!!!!! Let it go people. :D

  11. I find it incredibly disturbing that the original message of this thread has been lost at this point, which (if I understood it correctly) was to be more aware of your surroundings and belongings b/c there are those who seek to do you harm.



    This happens on every level. Most people who don't want to address the real subject find tangents to go off on so they can be the center of discussion or seem to be the elite one in the group. Watch fox news or CNN any given night. If you can't stick to the main topic then go out and create your own thread.

  12. Most people today are quick to throw around the term "racist" and they really don't know what it means. Stereotyping someone is not racist. (Heck, our gov't can't profile for certain crimes like terrorism, remember) I'm not defending either side but make sure you understand what the term racist means before you go off on someone else. A lot of people use terms like this to create a stir and lead the bandwagon. Be careful. ;) ;)

  13. It is a shame how PETA will rant and rave about a stupid pig that tastes great. I'll bet the majority of those members wouldn't say a thing about the "unethical" treatment of babies being aborted every year. Be consistent even when you are an idiot. Shut up PETA.

  14. From the picture, the bite looks exactly like mine. However, I don't think it is a BR. Mine never itched but it does have a "blister" looking top to it. I got mine 4 days ago picking blackberries. Today I feel like crud but can't be sure the two are related. I've been bitten by fire ants that have left very similiar markings. I believe that's what mine is and I feel like crap because of long days and short nights. Let me know what the doc says. ;)

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