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Posts posted by EagleWings

  1. You missed my point about the K9's by about a country mile.


    Your right you don't know me - and that is a bet you would most likely lose, it has nothing to do with my career either. I don't get paid to show compassion - I do it because I want to. As for the rest, its a nice text book answer - life isn't black and white. No matter if it is my human or animal family you can bet your ass the speed limit is the last thing I am worried about if it means saving their life. If that makes me a bad person in some peoples eyes so be it.




    Please don't take 61 or Hiram Sudie if you have to go. :lol:

  2. Diane Schroeder used to be Dave Schroeder. Retired 25 years Special Forces. Qualifications are the best. Expert in counter terrorism.


    After he retired from the military, he was the top candidate for a job at the Library of Congress. Got hired. Best candidate.


    As Dave, there was a meeting arranged with the new boss before start date. In the meeting he explained that he was going to be transgendered & would start to work as Diane to avoid any confusion. Already had the facial surgery lined up & even a counselor ready to talk to any coworkers that had questions.


    And then the new boss decided that maybe Diane was not the "best candidate." Diane is not hired.




    Diane believes the gov't may not make employment decisions based on sexual identity but on the ability to do the job --- that is discrimination. The gov't says the law allows it to make employment decisions based on the transgender status.


    Lawsuit is going on now. Should be interesting.


    Here's the link.



    Seems like there might be some confusion there already. :D


  3. Nah. It's business as usual, except that we have an Hawaii-born, "African-American" to maybe vote for this time.


    A true Africa-born, African-American is ineligible for POTUS.




    Why can't he be called just an American? Thanks to the democrats, we are all classified into some sort of group. Sneaky political tactics.

  4. That will be decided at the polls, where I will be working, in November, smitty.


    Is that not a frightening situation? :unsure:




    Not really. No damage can be done working at the polls, at least you won't be out on the streets campaigning. ^_^ Thanks for your service. ;)

  5. Your use of the word ALWAYS, says a lot about your demeanor, TBIR!


    You probaly, anso, use the word NEVER a lot. :)



    :lol: ?????????? :lol:


    Typical response. Focus on one tree in the forest. Don't distract from the topic.

  6. You can guarantee one thing about all of WT's topics, IT IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSES FAULT. Never is there any responsibility. Oh, sometimes he will post a little sliver like he agrees with taking responsibility, but as the thread continues to develope you can see his true feelings. If someone "looses' their house, it's because of predatory lending measures. If they loose their job it's because of the government officials. It's always the faults of the banks, the government (primarily the republicans), the mortgage companies, big oil, the drug companies, etc. Hey WT, where is your thread about the democrats in Congress and how bad they are representing the common Americans? How is your sister Nancy doing according you as the Speaker? Where's the change they promised to get elected? How about the "CHANGE" that you are being fooled by with your buddy Obama? When someone confronts or brings common sense into the topic you back behind the excuse of "poor pitaful me" to make people back off. PSD has it right. Success and the right to succeed is the only reason you can turn your lights on, type on your computer, drive in your car, walk in your yard, go to the store, or anything else here in America.


    And more directly to your topic, I love the fact that John McCain owns several houses. It shows success. Apparently you are telling all of America that success makes someone less aware of the common man. Wrong again. It makes him more eqipped to lead. You want an unsuccessful person leading the troops? I don't think so.


    I'm sure you will come back with a post saying I don't understand or I'm an old "southern democrat" or I'm not a common man, well to you I say------I have 2 cars, one paid for, a house with a mortgage, a business that I work 80 8O hours a week, and a family that demands my time. Common man, oh yes, and no matter how successful I become, I will never be anything else. If I loose my car it's because of me. If I loose my house, it's because I gambled on making the same or more money over the next 30 years. I won't blame Chrysler or Countrywide. They took a chance on me not the other way around. I could have waited til I saved the money for my car and house but I chose to risk it. I did and nobody else. People should feel good that other people are willing to take a chance on them and loan money. Don't let them down. Be successful and share the experiece.


    Or maybe it will continue to be WHINE TIME (WT)

  7. I don't know the other human, I know my dogs. Animals don't kill other animals for pleasure, humans kill other humans for pleasure, animals don't hate, aren't racist, don't feel spite, don't kill each other out of religion, jealousy, greed or any other of a hndred reasons. When they kill, it's for survival. Any animal would make a better human than most humans can ever be.




    then wouldn't the "animal" be subject to the same human emotions you described earlier? You can say that all death by humans is for survival too. Survival of what "they" believe. I don't know why I am even entertaining a comment like this anyway. All human life is worth more than any animal. Placing more value on animals than humans is very disturbing and shows some severe human relationship issues.

  8. A damned dog....? I can tell you with all sincerity, and from my heart, I can think of very few people whose life I would choose over my dog's life.



    Clearly shows the state of our society and how others view the value of human life.



  9. From the article:


    Police chief Howard Williams called the incident a “rookie mistake,” and said that Stephens’ behavior was less than stellar.



    I hear what you're saying. But that wasn't the situation here. It was real. I hear ya. I understand. I know. Got it. But still ... this was not good. I'm not saying 100 mph is in any way responsible behavior, but the situation was not handled properly. Of course, I don't know what the proper thing would have been, to be honest.



    How can you say his actions weren't handled properly? You just said you don't know what the proper thing would have, so how can you say it wasn't the proper thing? Traveling 100 mph for a dog...............no way. The officer did what he had to do. Apparently police chief Williams is looking toward a political career with a comment like that. Just because someone didn't act the way he would have acted doesn't make it a "rookie mistake". Sounds to me that the officer was protecting the general public first and the dog second. Congrats. ;)

  10. And they should make the news more than the rest. Anyone that is sorry enough to hide behind religion in order to gain access to a child should be exposed.


    There seems to be a higher than average ratio of child molesters among church related organizations.[/quote]



    I'm sure it's only because it is a "church" thing. The world likes nothing better than to bring "Christian" things down.

  11. The top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not even exist in 2004. We have the ability to start preparing ourselves for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that have not been invented in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.


    40 exabytes (that’s 4.0 x 1019) of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year. That is more than in the previous 5,000 years.


    The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years. By 2010 it will double every 72 hours.


    Third generation fiber optics have been separately tested by NEC and Alcatel that pushes 10 trillion bits per second down one strand of fiber. That’s 1900 cd’s or 150 million simultaneous phone calls every second. It’s currently tripling about every 6 months.


    By 2013, a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computation capability of the human brain. By 2023, a $1000 computer will do the same thing. By 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the human race.



    Thank God He will end it all before we destroy ourselves. A few months ago I was listening to a program on tv that was stating the same thing. Very scary!

  12. I would like to see "those responsible" explain to me when rising oil hits a certain price per barrel the price of gas isn't the same for an equivalent falling barrel of oil. The price of oil closed around $111.00 per barrel and gas is about $3.60 gallon. Wasn't gas around $2.90 when oil was going past $111.00 per barrel? Doesn't drop as fast as it goes up. I heard refineries were cutting production so they could keep the price up and not loose as much money on the gas already on the market. If they can "control" the falling price through production management then they should be able to do the same when it is rising? I know it is more complicated but this basic concept doesn't make sense either.

  13. This is what I found


    Before the creation of Social Security, some Americans had private or state pensions, but most supported themselves into old age by working. The 1930 census, for example, found 58 percent of men over 65 still in the workforce; in contrast, by 2002, the figure was 18 percent.


    The elderly also relied heavily on their families. "Children, friends and relatives have borne and still carry the major cost of supporting the aged," the Committee on Economic Security, the Roosevelt administration panel that developed Social Security, reported in 1935. "Several of the state surveys have disclosed that from 30 to 50 percent of the people over 65 years of age were being supported in this way."







    WIC is not Welfare B)



    Really? :o Don't get me wrong, in general, the programs are meant for good but people's abuse give it a black eye. It suplimented my income (wic) for a few months in my early twenties. The embarrassment made me work harder. So, to me, it did it purpose. It is still a form of welfare. ;)


  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOOOOOOOOO Way you really think it is talking about food stamps, wic, or even ss when the forfathers spoke of our "WELFARE"!!!!!!!! That was talking about our general safety, ability to come and go, and to worship. Our rights being protected aka. our welfare.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Amen top gun. Democrats want people like that. They see something that isn't even there. The general welfare is our society functioning as a whole. Definitely not wic or food stamps. I guess these smart "southern republicans" can understand words and their meanings.

  15. I totally agree that no one should have the attitude that the government should provide for them but what if the government has allowed for insurance companies to decide that there are certain folks, the disabled, to not be alloted coverage?


    So could you tell me, in your opinion, is it "welfare mentality" when someone is physically disabled yet mentally normal needs to work at home due to business only providing the minimal of handicap accessibility in their businesses so this person takes Social Security Income to have the benefit of INSURANCE because insurance companies won't provided insurance coverage to a person with cerebral palsy??? So is applying for benefits to have insurance because Insurance companies can exclude folks who have never been alloted to PAY for coverage??



    Man, I would help you with your question but I couldn't understand it. From Champs perspective, I agree. He was talking about people who look upon government as their big daddy. The gov't will provide everything. That is a welfare mentality. We all can think of individual cases that break the norm but as a whole, the gov't needs to get out of peoples lives and let us run it.

  16. Great.....Now here we are with 140 acres. Sounds like another crappy subdivision with houses that no body will buy. I was really hoping the Wellstar deal would come through. This county needs jobs and business taxes. Until then, property owners will feel the pain.



    I wish everybody north on cedarcrest thought about this before they turned out in massive numbers to push the school tax through last year.

  17. This is just the kind of thing that makes our county look trashy. We need to all call our commissioners and leave messages and call the zoning office and complain. This brings down our property values and image.


    Thank you for reading through all the junk ( no pun intended ) and bringing life back to this thread. And yes it does make our county look like trash.

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